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Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (Sport Marketing and Management)
Bachelor of International Studies - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Unlock global opportunities. Build practical training. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Arts
Become a critical thinker. Develop analytical and communications skills. Join a global dialogue on human culture.
Bachelor of Arts (Community, Culture and Environment)
Bachelor of Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (English Literatures)
Bachelor of Arts (Geography)
Bachelor of Arts (Global Communications)
Bachelor of Arts (History)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Become a critical thinker. Develop analytical and communications skills. Join a global dialogue on human culture.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (English Literatures)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (History)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Politics)
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts (Legal Studies)
Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Arts (Politics)
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology)
Learn the science behind human behaviour. Understand sensory and cognitive processes. Apply psychological principles to solve practical problems.
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - Bachelor of Business
Broaden your career options. Build strategic and critical thinking skills. Learn the science behind human behaviour.
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - Bachelor of Laws
Gain practical legal training. Understand human behaviour. Advocate for social justice.
Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Gain practical legal training. Understand human behaviour. Advocate for social justice.
Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts (Theatre Studies)
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Business
Learn to communicate effectively. Master the art of negotiation and critical thinking. Make strong professional connections.
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Communication and Media
Hone your skills of analysis. Synthesize complex ideas. Become an effective global communicator.
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of International Studies
Stand out from the crowd. Understand the forces that shape our world. Unlock global career opportunities.
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Laws
Gain practical legal training. Sharpen your critical thinking skills. Advocate for social justice.
Bachelor of Arts - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Become a critical thinker. Gain practical legal training. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation
Broaden your global perspective. Become a socially responsible leader. Engage with influential works.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Double Majors) (Liberal Arts)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (English Literatures)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Global Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (History)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours)
Broaden your global perspective. Become a socially responsible leader. Engage with influential works.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (English Literatures)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Global Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (History)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Politics)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Honours) (Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (International History)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (International Relations)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Politics)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation (Sociology)
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation - Bachelor of Creative Arts
Develop your creativity. Broaden your global perspective. Engage with influential works.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation - Bachelor of International Studies
Understand todays global issues. Become a free thinker. Develop international language skills.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation - Bachelor of Laws
Gain real-world experience. Become a socially responsible leader. Broaden your perspective of our world.
Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation - Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Become a free thinker. Unlock a global career. Build your leadership skills.
Bachelor of Business
Launch your career in business. Grow your knowledge. Build strong networks.
Bachelor of Business (Accountancy)
Bachelor of Business (Business Analytics)
Bachelor of Business (Economics)
Bachelor of Business (Finance)
Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Business (International Business)
Bachelor of Business (Legal Studies)
Bachelor of Business (Management)
Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Business (Sport Marketing and Management)
Bachelor of Business (Supply Chain Management)
Bachelor of Business (Sustainable Business)
Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Laws
Gain practical legal training. Launch your career in business. Build strong networks.
Bachelor of Business - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Gain practical legal training. Launch your career in business. Build strong networks.
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management
Become a forward planner. Grow your career prospects. Join a dynamic industry.
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management (Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Event Management (Sport Marketing and Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Develop global career prospects. Understand how business operates. Build your management skills.
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management (Sport Marketing and Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management
Connect global communities. Become strategic decision maker. Gain real world experience in the business of adventure.
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (Management)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (Marketing)
Bachelor of Business - TAFE Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (Public Relations)
Bachelor of Business Analytics
Develop skills in business and computer science. Provide data to support vital organisational decisions. Drive strategic business solutions.
Bachelor of Business Information Systems
Sharpen your technical skills. Solve big business problems. Learn to optimise system efficiencies.
Bachelor of Communication and Media
Build a global career. Develop in-demand skills. Broaden your communication skillset.
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Digital and Social Media)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Honours)
Build a global career. Develop in-demand skills. Broaden your communication skillset.
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Journalism)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Marketing Communication and Advertising)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Screen Media Production)
Bachelor of Communication and Media (Visual Communication Design)
Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of Business
Build strong networks. Develop in-demand skills. Broaden your communication skillset.
Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of International Studies
Become a global communicator. Build your creative and critical thinking skills. Understand global issues.
Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of Laws
Broaden your communication skills. Understand law and media. Refine your research skills.
Bachelor of Communication and Media - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Build a global career. Advocate for social justice. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Computer Science
Stretch your programming skills. Expand your design abilities across industries. Solve complex problems of the future.
Bachelor of Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Cyber Security)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar)
Stretch your programming skills. Expand your design abilities across industries. Solve complex problems of the future.
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) (Artificial Intelligence and Big Data)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) (Cyber Security)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) (Digital Systems Security)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) (Game and Mobile Development)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Dean's Scholar) (Software Engineering)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Digital Systems Security)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Game and Mobile Development)
Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours)
Expand your research skills. Solve complex problems. Develop critical knowledge.
Bachelor of Computer Science (Software Engineering)
Bachelor of Computer Science - Bachelor of Laws
Stretch your programming skills. Expand your design abilities across industries. Gain practical legal training.
Bachelor of Computer Science - Bachelor of Science
Stretch your programming skills. Expand your design abilities across industries. Understand the natural world.
Bachelor of Creative Arts
Sharpen your critical thinking skills. Develop innovative and original creative work. Help drive the digital economy.
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours)
Expand your creative skills. Explore interdisciplinary communication potential. Develop research knowledge.
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Creative Writing)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Music)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Arts and Design)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Honours) (Visual Arts)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Music)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts and Design)
Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts)
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Arts
Sharpen your critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Develop innovative and original creative work. Help drive the digital economy.
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Business
Strengthen your creative thinking and problem-solving skills. Develop competitive skills for a global workplace. Help drive the digital economy.
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Communication and Media
Gain flexible and transferrable skills. Strengthen your creative thinking. Engage with the changing world of global media culture.
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Laws
Expand your creative understanding. Gain practical legal training. Defend free press and artistic expression.
Bachelor of Creative Arts - Bachelor of Science
Expand your creative skills. Explore interdisciplinary communication potential. Understand the natural world.
Bachelor of Criminology
Advocate for victims. Prevent and interpret crime. Make an impact in your community.
Bachelor of Criminology (Environment and Society)
Bachelor of Criminology (Human Services)
Bachelor of Criminology (Legal Studies)
Bachelor of Criminology - Bachelor of Laws
Advocate for victims. Make an impact in your community. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Data Science and Analytics
Develop technical and professional skills. Learn to communicate effectively. Understand complex data.
Bachelor of Economics and Finance
Launch your career in finance. Grow your knowledge. Expand your analysis toolkit.
Bachelor of Economics and Finance - Bachelor of Laws
Launch your career in finance. Expand your analysis toolkit. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Economics and Finance - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Explore the complexities of financial systems. Gain practical legal training. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Education - The Early Years
Advance Early Learning with Industry-Driven Knowledge and Support
Bachelor of Education - The Early Years (Honours)
Shape the minds of tomorrow. Make a positive impact on your students lives. Form strong connections with the community.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors)
Solve the worlds big challenges. Support communities to thrive. Build strong networks.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Civil Engineering and Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Electrical & Electronics Eng' & Computer & Autonomous Systems Eng')
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Mechanical Engineering and Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Mining Engineering and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Double Majors) (Mining Engineering and Materials Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major)
Solve the worlds big challenges. Build strong networks. Become a critical thinker.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major) (Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major) (Civil Engineering and Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major) (Electrical & Electronics Eng' & Computer & Autonomous Systems Eng')
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major) (Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Double Major) (Mining Engineering and Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major)
Designed to provide an enriched educational experience, encouraging high achievers to continue further studies and research.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Biomedical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Materials Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Mechatronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Scholar) (Single Major) (Telecommunications Engineering and Internet of Things)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major)
Solve the worlds big challenges. Support communities to thrive. Build strong networks.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Biomedical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Civil Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Computer and Autonomous Systems Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Environmental Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Materials Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Mechanical Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Mechatronic Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Mining Engineering)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Single Major) (Telecommunications Engineering and Internet of Things)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Arts
Solve the worlds big challenges. Become a critical thinker. Develop analytical and communications skills.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Business
Understand how things work. Commercialise your innovations. Solve the world’s biggest problems.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Computer Science
Understand how things work. Stretch your programming skills. Solve the worlds big challenges.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Laws
Understand how things work. Build practical skills in a legal context. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Solve the worlds big challenges. Become a critical thinker. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Mathematics
Understand how things work. Solve complex problems. Sharpen your advanced mathematical skills.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Science
Understand how things work. Explore our natural world. Investigate global issues.
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Understand how things work. Solve complex problems. Sharpen your research skills.
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours)
Develop real-world practical skills and contemporary knowledge. Conduct cutting-edge research. Support sustainable communities to thrive.
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (Climate and Sustainability)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (Land Resources)
Bachelor of Environmental Science (Honours) (Wildlife and Conservation)
Bachelor of Exercise Science
Build real-world, practical skills and contemporary knowledge. Prevent chronic disease. Improve overall health.
Bachelor of Exercise Science and Rehabilitation
Build real-world, practical skills and contemporary knowledge. Heal people with chronic disease. Improve overall quality of life.
Bachelor of Information Technology
Connect your strengths. Create digital architecture. Build your network.
Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean's Scholar)
Excel in your studies. Unlock career pathways. Build your network.
Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean's Scholar) (Network Design and Management)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Dean's Scholar) (Web Design and Development)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Network Design and Management)
Bachelor of Information Technology (Web Design and Development)
Bachelor of Information Technology - Bachelor of Laws
Connect your strengths. Unlock career pathways. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of International Studies
Unlock global opportunities. Broaden your cultural understanding. Develop new skills.
Bachelor of International Studies (Global Sustainable Development)
Bachelor of International Studies (Honours)
Develop key research skills. Become an expert. Investigate complex ideas.
Bachelor of International Studies (International History)
Bachelor of International Studies (International Relations)
Bachelor of International Studies - Bachelor of Business
Unlock global opportunities. Broaden your cultural understanding. Sharpen your analytical skills.
Bachelor of International Studies - Bachelor of Laws
Unlock global opportunities. Build your cultural understanding. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Laws (Direct Entry)
Build practical training. Advocate for social justice. Build specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Laws (Graduate Entry)
Build practical training. Advocate for social justice. Build specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (Direct Entry)
Build practical training. Advocate for social justice. Develop specialised knowledge.
Bachelor of Marine Science
Marine science is the study of oceanographic processes, marine life and governance in the ocean.
Bachelor of Mathematics
Develop quantitative skills. Sharpen your critical and analytical thinking. Solve complex problems.
Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
Bachelor of Mathematics (Applied Statistics)
Bachelor of Mathematics (Computer Science)
Bachelor of Mathematics (Honours)
Refine your research skills. Become a skilled problem-solver. Expand your career options.
Bachelor of Mathematics (Pure Mathematics)
Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Computer Science
Stretch your programming skills. Sharpen your critical and analytical thinking. Solve complex problems.
Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Laws
Sharpen your critical and analytical thinking. Solve complex problems. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Mathematics - Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Sharpen your critical and analytical thinking. Solve complex problems. Understand our universe.
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced
This elite degree offers an accelerated program of studies to high-achieving students with a passion for mathematics.
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Applied Mathematics)
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Applied Statistics)
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Computer Science)
Bachelor of Mathematics Advanced (Pure Mathematics)
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences
Understand the human body. Conduct ground-breaking research. Support health professionals.
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours)
Understand the human body. Conduct ground-breaking research. Support health professionals.
Bachelor of Medical and Health Sciences (Honours) (Dean's Scholar)
Understand the human body. Conduct ground-breaking research. Support health professionals.
Bachelor of Medical Biotechnology (Honours)
Utilise innovative techniques. Develop life-changing technology. Support health professionals.
Bachelor of Medicinal Chemistry (Honours)
Understand what causes diseases. Develop life-changing medicines. Learn to protect your discoveries.
Bachelor of Nursing
Play an essential role in healthcare. Support patients in their most vulnerable state. Expand your career.
Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)
Lead the way in health. Advance your research skills. Become an expert.
Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Honours)
Build critical thinking and research skills. Manage, prevent and optimise the health of individuals, communities and populations using diet.
Bachelor of Nutrition Science
Build critical thinking and research skills. Manage, prevent and optimise the health of individuals, communities and populations using diet.
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics
Understand a broader social context. Develop skills in critical thinking and logical analysis. Advocate for human rights.
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Economics)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours)
Become an expert. Investigate complex ideas. Develop key research skills.
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (Economics)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Honours) (Politics)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics (Politics)
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics - Bachelor of Laws
Understand a broader social context. Develop skills in critical thinking and logical analysis. Build a solid legal education.
Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy and Economics - Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Gain a comprehensive legal education. Develop critical skills. Interpret complex ideas.
Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health
Strengthen your academic literacy. Develop critical thinking skills. Become a successful health practitioner.
Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health (Biomolecular Medicine)
Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health (Medical Physiology)
Bachelor of Primary Education
Promote lifelong learning. Contribute to your communities. Help shape students lives.
Bachelor of Professional Accounting
Lead organisations to financial success. Launch your career in accounting.
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Understand human behaviour. Solve practical problems. Improve wellbeing and psychological health.
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Criminology)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)
Understand human behaviour. Identify social issues. Develop strategies to solve complex problems.
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Human Resource Management)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Indigenous Studies)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Management)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Marketing)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Philosophy)
Bachelor of Psychological Science (Sociology)
Bachelor of Psychological Science - Bachelor of Business
Understand human behaviour. Solve practical problems. Develop in-demand skills.
Bachelor of Psychological Science - Bachelor of Laws
Understand human behaviour. Solve practical problems. Develop a comprehensive legal education.
Bachelor of Psychological Science - Bachelor of Social Science
Understand human behaviour. Identify social issues. Develop strategies to solve complex problems.
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
Understand human behaviour. Solve practical problems. Improve wellbeing and psychological health.
Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) - Bachelor of Business
Understand human behaviour. Solve practical problems. Develop in-demand skills.
Bachelor of Public Health (Honours)
Develop your knowledge. Become an expert in your field. Expand your research skills
Bachelor of Research - Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Launch your research career. Join a passionate community of world-leading researchers. Pursue new knowledge.