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Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation - Bachelor of Laws

Gain real-world experience. Become a socially responsible leader. Broaden your perspective of our world.

For personalised assistance with UOW courses, please reach out to our Future Students Team:

Our team is available during Australian business hours, 9 am to 5 pm.

For other UOW contact details, click here.

For personalised assistance with UOW courses, please reach out to our Future Students Team:

Our team is available during Australian business hours, 9 am to 5 pm.

For other UOW contact details, click here.

The Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation requires a written application. Applications can be submitted via the application portal during the designated period, usually June - August each year.

You must upload an essay response with your application for it to be considered complete. Once assessed, eligible applicants will be invited to take part in a telephone interview with UOW. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation’s Course & Scholarships page for further instructions including application essay topics, submission deadlines and more information.

If you’re planning to study at UOW immediately after finishing your HSC, International Baccalaureate (IB), or an interstate equivalent, you can apply for Early Admission to this course. Applications can be submitted via the UOW Early Admission website during the designated period, usually June – August each year.

Connect with a UOW representative to explore your course options, confirm eligibility, navigate the application process, and get answers to your questions.

If you’re applying from outside Australia, contact a UOW international representative or agent, as you may not be able to apply directly. Refer to our International Students page for more information and to find the agent closest to you.

The Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation requires a written application. Applications can be submitted via the application portal during the designated period, usually June - August each year.

You must upload an essay response with your application for it to be considered complete. Once assessed, eligible applicants will be invited to take part in a telephone interview with UOW. Please refer to the Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation’s Course & Scholarships page for further instructions including application essay topics, submission deadlines and more information.

Need help?

Contact the UOW Future Students Team:

For more details about this course

Australia: 1300 367 869. International: +61 2 4221 3218

Student ?
Delivery ?
On Campus
5 years full-time, or part-time equivalent
  • Autumn 2025
  • Autumn 2026
CRICOS: 099637M
UOW: 3023


The Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation combined with the Bachelor of Laws is an exciting and unique double degree combination. It will take you on a unique philosophical adventure through which you will engage with a carefully curated selection of some of the greatest intellectual and artistic masterpieces ever produced. It will also equip you with a comprehensive legal education.

Your UOW Law degree will provide a thorough grounding in Australian law, with a real-world focus on the essential practical skills and the social and ethical context in which the law operates.

This degree also offers thirty generous scholarship opportunities valued at up to $ 32,000 per annum across the full course of study, as well as an opportunity to engage in a bespoke scholarly experience.

What you will study

You will philosophically reflect on questions about art, literature, science and religion while also investigating such topics as the nature of selfhood, truth, reason and wisdom. You will discover how great ideas and art can shape us - our understanding of ourselves and the world - and how ideas can make a difference for good or ill. By undertaking this double degree you will also master the prescribed areas of knowledge needed for future admission to the legal profession. It will equip you with skills in legal research, interviewing, legal drafting, advocacy and negotiation.

See the course handbook for more information.

You will develop informed and reasoned views about significant contemporary concerns, such as the value of democracy, benefiting from your acquired knowledge of the history of ideas. You will become acquainted with diverging perspectives from within various Western traditions of thought and art as well as under-represented voices and perspectives from outside of those traditions.

All students undertaking a Law degree are required to undertake a compulsory internship as part of their studies, so students can apply their legal knowledge to real-life situations. UOW is the only university in NSW to provide this experience to all its students.

See more


  • Barrister
  • Commercial Lawyer
  • Criminal Defence Lawyer
  • Diplomat
  • Government Policy Advisor
  • In-House Legal Adviser
  • Intellectual Property Lawyer
  • Legal Consultant
  • Magistrate
  • Media Lawyer
  • Politician
  • Prosecutor
  • Research Officer
  • Solicitor in Private Practice or Community Legal Centre
See more

Accreditation & professional recognition

By undertaking your law degree at UOW, you are completing an academic qualification that is recognised for admission as a lawyer in Australia, subject to completing state-approved Practical Legal Training (PLT). Further details for NSW students can be found at the Legal Profession Admission Board website.

Admissions information

A range of admission options are available for future students. The procedures governing admission are defined in UOW's Admissions Procedures, and the UOW College Admissions Policy.

For specific advice or to ask any questions regarding an application, please contact the UOW Future Students Team.

Applicants must achieve the required score in a previous qualification, equivalent to completing at least 13 years of schooling in Australia.

  • Academic Entry Requirements

    To succeed in your chosen course, you should have completed relevant subjects in senior high school or other qualifications. For more information, refer to UOW's Entry Requirements page.

  • English Language Requirements

    The following level of English is required to gain admission to this program:


    English Test

    Overall Score





    IELTS Academic






    TOEFL (Internet-based)







    UOW College: English for Tertiary Studies: Distinction (weighted average mark of 75 overall and minimum 75 in Academic Reading and Writing)
    Other qualifications may also be considered. Full details can be found on our English Language Requirements website.

  • Workload

    Full-Time Study Load

    As a full-time student, you can expect to commit around 48 hours of study per week. This includes class time and independent study. You may need to factor more time for examination study and practical work & placements.

    For more details on course workloads, please refer to the UOW Handbook.

  • Record Check

    Questions relating to personal record checks for this degree should be referred to the School of Law.

  • Credit for Prior Learning

    If you have completed prior studies or relevant professional experience, you can request course credit or subject exemptions to reduce the duration and cost of your program.

    Credit for prior learning evaluates your previous study or work experience related to your chosen subjects.

    UOW values lifelong learning and recognizes various types of prior learning, regardless of how or where it was obtained. For more information, refer to UOW's Credit for Prior Learning page.

More detail

International Course fees table
Campus Delivery method Session fee* Course fee*
WollongongOn Campus$21432 (2025)$214320 (2025)
WollongongOn Campus$21432 (2026)$214320 (2026)

* Session fees are for one session for the year shown. Total course tuition fees shown are indicative, and are based on normal course length and progression. These fees are subject to change from year to year. However, if you receive an offer to study at UOW, your fees will be fully confirmed at the time of your offer.

Tuition fees are reviewing annually: fees payable are dependent on the year of commencement and are subject to increase during the period of study

Additional Fees

In addition to tuition, there are other fees and costs you will need to consider, including but not limited to:

  • Autumn, 2025 at Wollongong

    Orientation: 24 - 27 February 2025
    Session: 03 March - 27 June 2025

    Applications to the Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation are open between June and August.


    Indicative enrolment

    The number of students in 2023 for the Bachelor of Arts in Western Civilisation and its double degrees with Creative Arts, International Studies, Laws, and Politics, Philosophy and Economics was 39. This indicates the likely size of this group of students (in these similar courses) in 2024.

    Student profile

    This table shows the breakdown of the applicant background of the student group at UOW for this course. It provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study and continued study beyond the census date at UOW in 2023.

    Student profile table
    Applicant background 2023 intake 2023 intake (%)
    Higher education study N/P N/P
    Vocational education & training study 0 0%
    Work & life experience <5 N/P
    Recent secondary education
    ATAR Only N/A N/A
    ATAR plus additional criteria N/A N/A
    Other criteria only (non-ATAR) 28 72%
    International students 0 0%
    All students 39 100%

    < 5: Number of students is less than 5
    N/A: Data not available for this item
    N/P: Not published (hidden to prevent calculation of other numbers less than 5)

    ATAR profile

    This table relates to all students selected on the basis of ATAR alone or ATAR in combination with adjustment factors. For more information on adjustment factors commonly available to applicants, see ATAR-based admission.

    ATAR profile table
    ATAR profile of ATAR-based offers in 2023 ATAR Selection Rank
    Highest rank to receive an offer N/A N/A
    Median rank to receive an offer N/A N/A
    Lowest rank to receive an offer N/A N/A

    < 5: Less than 5 ATAR-based offers made
    N/A: Data not available for this item
    N/P: Not published (less than 5 ATAR-based offers made)

    More information

    For more information about UOW admission pathways, see UOW Admission Information.