Information for casual staff

Casual staff play an important role at UOW by providing specialist skills and expertise, along with a level of flexibility that helps us reach our full potential.

Upcoming casual staff

You must …

  • make sure you have a signed employment contract with UOW
  • have ready documents providing your identity, working rights, bank, tax and superannuation information.

Once you have a signed employment contract, and any other relevant documentation have been processed, you will be issued with an employee number, job number and User Guide for Web Kiosk.

All casual staff pay details and payslips are available via the Web Kiosk. Payment summaries are available through your MyGov account.

To demonstrate eligibility to undertake paid employment, casual staff are required to provide a certified copy of their identification and work rights -- see Requirements section below.

The University may subsequently check the work rights with the Australian Department of Home Affairs by completing a Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) check.

In most cases, casual staff holding student visas with work rights can work a maximum of 20 hours per week during session. It is the responsibility of both the supervisor and the casual staff member to ensure the maximum hours are not exceeded. The maximum hours are calculated with reference to all jobs a casual may hold, not just one that a particular supervisor oversees.

Not all student visas automatically come with work rights, but they can be applied for separately. Contact the Australian Department of Home Affairs for more information.

UOW People & Culture cannot process casual authorities submitted with incomplete visa/passport documentation until all the requirements outlined above have been satisfied. This may result in non-payment of salaries to the casual staff member. 


  • Australian citizens
    • Certified copies of the relevant ID must be provided of a current passport; OR driver's licence AND birth certificate or citizenship certificate or Medicare card.
    • The certified copy must include the statement "I certify that this is a true copy of the original document". The certifier must also include their full name, signature, date, registration number (if any) and qualification or occupation which makes them eligible to certify documents, on each of the photocopied identification documents.
  • All others
    • Visa Holder Work Entitlement Form (PDF) AND current passport AND a copy of work entitlements from VEVO or COE.
    • ID may be certified by any approved witness under the Statutory Declarations Regulations 1993. VEVO checks do not have to be certified but will be independently verified by UOW P&C.

Current casual staff

Academic casuals

Academic casual staff will not be employed beyond one teaching session without attending the University’s Casual Academic Induction.

Payment for attendance at induction will be paid for two hours at the ancillary hourly rate. Your supervisor will arrange access to the on-line induction for Sessional Staff in Moodle.

Professional Services casuals

Professional casual staff undertake local induction provided by their supervisor.


Pay rates for casual academic teaching staff

The following hourly rates are applicable from the following dates. These rates include a 25% casual loading and assumed hours of preparatory work.

It is necessary to ensure casual employees understand the nature of their duties and that the rate of pay agreed covers all incidents of employment necessary for the teaching and marking of the subject.

Additional work should be paid at the ancillary teaching duties rate. The ancillary rate is to be used for attendance at the casual employee induction training.

It is necessary that the supervisors of casual staff understand that casual staff cannot be expected or required to perform teaching or ancillary teaching duties beyond those expressly approved by the Head of Unit and paid for at the appropriate rate.

Note: Hourly rates on your payslip may vary slightly as the rates above are rounded according to normal rounding rules.

Related: Casual Academic Pay Rates Guide (PDF)

Effective Date   8-Jul- 22 23-Jun-23 24-Nov-23 1-Jun- 24 22-Nov-24 1-Jun- 25 21-Nov-25 1-Jun- 26
EA Increase     2.00% 3.00% 1.75% 2.50% 1.75% 2.50% 2.00%
Activity Paycode                
Tutorial   Standard rate paid assuming one hour of each of preparation, class contact and administration/student consultation/contemporaneous marking.
T3* 147.60 150.55 155.07 157.78 161.72 164.55 168.66 172.03
T1^ 176.12 179.64 185.03 188.27 192.98 196.36 201.27 201.27
Repeat Tutorial   This rate is paid for a repeat tutorial. A repeat tutorial is defined as a tutorial repeated within seven (7) days of the first presentation of the same topic and assumes one (1) hour of associated working time for administration/student consultation/contemporaneous marking.
T4* 98.40 100.37 103.38 105.19 107.82 109.71 112.45 114.70
T2^ 117.41 119.76 123.35 125.51 128.65 130.90 134.17 136.85
Marking   The standard rate for each hour of non-contemporaneous marking.
M3* 49.20 50.19 51.70 52.60 53.92 54.86 56.23 57.35
M3* 58.71 59.88 61.68 62.76 64.33 65.46 67.10 68.44
Significant Marking   Paid for marking requiring a significant exercise of academic judgement, usually as a supervising examiner.
M1~ 68.70 70.07 72.17 73.43 75.27 76.59 78.50 80.07
Demonstration   The standard rate for a one (1) hour demonstration.
D2* 49.20 50.19 51.70 52.60 53.92 54.86 56.23 57.35
D1^ 58.71 59.88 61.68 62.76 64.33 65.46 67.10 68.44
Ancillary Duties   The standard rate for one (1) hour of other duties.
A2* 49.20 50.19 51.70 52.60 53.92 54.86 56.23 57.35
A1^ 58.71 59.88 61.68 62.76 64.33 65.46 67.10 68.44
Standard Lecture   This is the standard rate for a lecture and assumes one (1) hour of delivery and two
(2) hours of associated working time which includes any preparation, administration, student consultation and contemporaneous marking.
L3~ 206.11 210.23 216.54 220.33 225.84 229.79 235.53 240.24
Repeat Lecture   This rate is paid for a repeat lecture, such as a lecture covering the subject matter of a lecture given not long before to another group of students and assumes one (1) hour of delivery and one (1) hour of associated working time which includes any preparation, administration, student consultation and contemporaneous marking.
L4~ 137.41 140.16 144.36 146.89 150.56 153.19 157.02 160.16
Special Lecture   Paid where the lecturer assumes significant responsibility for planning and developing a unit or a large part of a unit, as well as lecturing or where a lecture or small group of lectures call for special expertise and assumes one (1) hour of delivery, and three (3) hours of associated working time which includes any preparation, administration, student consultation and contemporaneous marking.
L2~ 274.81 280.31 288.72 293.77 301.11 306.38 314.04 320.32
Distinguished Lecture   Paid to a distinguished person who gives a single lecture or a small group of lectures and assumes one (1) hour of delivery and four (4) hours of associated working time which includes any preparation, administration, student consultation and contemporaneous marking.
L1~ 343.52 350.39 360.90 367.22 376.40 382.99 392.56 400.41

Note: Hourly rates on your payslip may vary slightly as the rates above are rounded according to normal rounding rules

*Paid to a casual staff member who does not hold a relevant doctoral qualification.
^ Paid to a casual staff member who holds a relevant doctoral qualification.
~ Paid to a distinguished person who gives a single lecture or a small group of lectures and assumes 1 hour of delivery and 4 hours of associated working time which includes any preparation, administration, student consultation and contemporaneous marking.

ADDITIONAL NOTES as per Clause 66.5 & 66.6

66.5    Additional work should be paid at the ancillary teaching duties rate above. The ancillary rate is to be used for attendance at the casual staff member induction training.

66.6    It is necessary that the supervisors of casual staff understand that casual staff cannot be expected or required to perform teaching or ancillary teaching duties beyond those expressly approved by the Head of Unit and paid for at the appropriate rate.

Pay rates for casual Professional Services staff

The following hourly rates are applicable from the following dates. (These rates include a 25% casual loading).

Effective Date*     10-Nov-23 24-Nov-23 21-Jun-24 22-Nov-24 20-Jun-25 21-Nov-25 19-Jun-26
EA Increase     2.00% 3.00% 1.75% 2.50% 1.75% 2.50% 2.00%
Casual Rate Grade Classification Step Base Rate Loaded Rate~ Base Rate Base Rate Base Rate Loaded Rate~ Base Rate Loaded Rate~ Base Rate Loaded Rate~ Base Rate Loaded Rate~ Base Rate Loaded Rate~
Casual Rate 1 Level 1-2 01 28.42 35.53 29.27 36.59 29.78 37.23 30.52 38.15 31.05 38.81 31.83 39.79 32.47 40.59
  Competancy bar
Casual Rate 2 04 30.63 38.29 31.55 39.44 32.10 40.13 32.90 41.13 33.48 41.85 34.32 42.90 35.01 43.76
Casual Rate 3 Level 3-4 01 32.21 40.26 33.18 41.48 33.76 42.20 34.60 43.25 35.21 44.01 36.09 45.11 36.81 46.01
  Competancy bar
Casual Rate 4 05 38.53 48.16 39.69 49.61 40.38 50.48 41.39 51.74 42.11 52.64 43.16 53.95 44.02 55.03
Casual Rate 5 Level 5 01 41.06 51.33 51.33 52.86 43.03 53.79 44.11 55.14 44.88 56.10 46.00 57.50 46.92 58.65
Casual Rate 6 Level 6-7 01 46.43 58.04 47.82 59.78 48.66 60.83 49.88 62.35 50.75 63.44 52.02 65.03 53.06 66.33
  Competancy bar
Casual Rate 7 05 52.75 65.94 54.33 67.91 55.28 69.10 56.66 70.83 57.65 72.06 59.09 73.86 60.27 75.34
Casual Rate 8 Level 8-9 01 59.07 73.84 60.84 76.05 61.90 77.38 63.45 79.31 64.56 80.70 66.17 82.71 67.49 67.49
Casual Rate 9 06 66.97 83.71 68.98 86.23 70.19 87.74 71.94 89.93 73.20 91.50 75.03 93.79 76.53 95.66


Task Description
Rate 1 - Perform straight forward, basic manual tasks
eg. photocopying, shelving books, filing, cleaning duties, moving furniture etc.
Rate 2 - Perform straightforward tasks with clearly defined procedures. Relatively simple problem solving involved.
Samples include word processing, office and laboratory assistance, mail opening, trade labourers, maintenance assistants, gatekeeper, bus driver, stores and patrol officer etc.
Rate 3 - Perform tasks which have some complexity and require more experience. Relevant qualification is typically required. Exercise of judgement is within standard practices and procedures. May supervise others.
Samples include administrative assistants, technical assistants in a laboratory, computer operators and library assistants/technicians, tradespersons.
Rate 4 - Perform tasks which have limited creative planning/design functions. A post trades qualification or associate diploma is a requirement. Proficiency is required in rules, regulations, processes and procedures. May supervise or coordinate others.
Samples include leading hands and advanced tradespersons, junior computer operators, technical officers and more experienced administrative/library assistants.

Rate 5 - Perform tasks which require broad technical knowledge and experience at a more advanced level, including the development of areas of specialist expertise. A degree or equivalent is a requirement. In professional positions, apply theoretical knowledge in a straightforward way. In administrative positions, provide interpretation, advice and decisions on rules and entitlements.

Samples include very experienced administrative/research/technical assistants, technical and professional officers, programmers and recently qualified librarians.

Rate 6 - Perform tasks guided by policy, professional standards and expertise. A degree plus relevant experience is a requirement. Discretion to design, develop and test complex equipment, systems and procedures; undertake planning; exercise high level diagnostic skills, analysis and reporting.

Samples include administrative/professional/senior technical officers, analyst/programmers, experienced research assistants and librarians.

Rate 7 - With broad direction independently relate existing policy to work assignments or rethink the way a specific body of knowledge is applied in order to solve problems. May manage other administrative, technical and/or professional employees. Acknowledged expertise in specialised area.

e.g. Training and supervision of other professional employees, policy development, management of teaching and research facilities etc.

Rate 8 - The employee would be expected to make policy recommendations to others and to implement programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution’s operations.

e.g. Management of a large functional unit, manage a small and specialised unit where significant innovation, initiative and/or judgment are require, provide senior administrative support to schools and faculties of medium complexity etc.

Rate 9 - Extensive experience and management expertise. Judgment, independence and problem solving and an ability to achieve objectives operating within complex organisational structures. Implement complex programs involving major change which may impact on other areas of the institution’s operations.

e.g. Program development and implementation, management of a large functional unit, provide senior administrative support to schools and faculties of high complexity.

Academic staff must hold the appropriate qualification or have an approved equivalence.

The Teaching and Assessment Code of Practice outlines the requirements for equivalence. You must supply a certified copy of your qualifications if requested. 

Casual staff will ONLY be paid doctoral rates if they hold a relevant PhD or have a relevant APPROVED equivalence. While a small number of staff may, under special circumstances, have an approved exception to teach outside of the requirements of the Teaching and Assessment Code of practice, they will not receive PhD rates.



Web Kiosk

  • Web Kiosk is the system you use to enter timesheets.
  • To access, you’ll need your employee number.
  • More information about Web Kiosk can be found using the Web Kiosk User Guide.


  • Unified is the system that stores your employee details.
  • You can access your payslips, update bank details, submit requests for P&C support, and search and apply for jobs.
  • To access, you'll need your employee number and UOW staff email address.

Don't have employment number or UOW staff email account?

  • Contact your Department’s or Unit’s administration team.



Casual staff timesheets are submitted via Web Kiosk. For further information on Web Kiosk see the log into Web Kiosk User Guide

Always submit your timesheet with adequate time for your supervisor to check and approve prior to the relevant pay close.

Important dates

Timesheet amendments

When do my timesheets need to be submitted?

Fortnightly and the deadline for submitting timesheets is midday Thursday prior to each scheduled pay date unless otherwise notified. Time sheets received after this deadline will not be processed until the following fortnights' cycle.

What hours can I claim in my timesheet?

  • You can only claim actual hours worked.
  • You are not authorised to work any hours that have not been communicated with you (by the department/unit/school).
  • Any scheduled hours may be subject to change, and you will be advised in advance. 


Q: Can I get a parking permit?
A: Yes.

UOW has replaced sticker and paper parking permits with virtual permits for both Innovation campus and Wollongong campus effective from 2023.

For further information please visit the UOW parking webpage.

Q: How do I get a staff card?
A: Once you get your employee number, visit Student Central (Building 17, Wollongong campus) to have your photograph taken and a staff card made.

Lost or damaged staff card?

Visit Student Central (Building 17 Wollongong campus) to request a replacement card.

Q: How do I get a building security pass?
A: If you have access to the intranet, you can request a security pass online from Facilities Management Division. If not, ask your supervisor to request the pass on your behalf. 

Q: What is superannuation stapling?
A: From 1 November 2021 all new employees’ superannuation must go to their "stapled" superannuation fund and cannot be provided by the UOW default superannuation fund. As a new employee, you must provide UOW with your superannuation fund details on the Superannuation choice form.

For more information, visit the Australian Taxation Office.

Q: Who do I contact if I have a safety incident?
A: See Work Health and Safety for contacts and ways to report hazards, risks and incidents.

Q: Does UOW support employee Wellbeing?
A: Yes, see Well at Work wellbeing program.

Q: Does UOW have an App for security on campus?
A: Yes.

UOW Security is available 24/7 to provide assistance, first aid and security escorts. You can call or request their services via the SafeZone app or by phone on (02) 4221 4900.

Q: Does UOW have a moble App for campus maps, contacts, news and events?
Yes - see MyUOW app

Q: Will I be provided a staff email account?
Yes, A UOW staff email account will be automatically generated for you as part of the on-boarding process. You will receive an email to the personal email account that you provided on the casual work authority form with the details.

Your staff email is then used to access other UOW systems including the intranet and Unified.

Q: Where can I provide feedback to UOW?
A: Contact your supervisor or UOW P&C.

Submit feedback online

Q: Who do I contact if I need more information?
Pay, Web Kiosk, or Unified 

  • Raise a Help Desk request through Unified
  • Call (02) 4221 5902
  • Refer to the Casual Pay page on the intranet for more information
  • Search the P&C Helpdesk My Knowledge articles if you have Unified access


All other questions

  • Please contact your local administration team

Amendments to the Fair Work Act made under the Fair Work Legislation (Closing Loopholes No 2) Act 2024 (Cth) include a new definition of a “casual employee” and other provisions relating to casual conversion.

The Fair Work Casual Employment Information Statement (PDF) provides information about:

  • the definition of a casual employee
  • when an employee must be offered permanent employment, known as casual conversion
  • when a casual employee may request conversion to permanent employment
  • the role of the Fair Work Commission to deal with disputes about casual conversion.

Have questions?