Parking spaces on the Wollongong Campus are limited and fill quickly. Reduce traffic congestion and consider other sustainable transport options. Free shuttle buses, walking, or cycling are easy ways to travel to UOW.
Parking fees increased from 1 January 2025 across the Wollongong and Innovation campuses.
Fees have increased by approximately 5% in 2025, followed by an annual increase thereafter in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). The increase applies for all parking types including permits, pay and display tickets and CellOPark app payments.
This is the first time parking fees have increased since 2017. The increase is in line with market rates for parking in Wollongong and at comparable universities.
Parking income for the University helps to support:
- Continued free transportation on shuttle buses including the free Wollongong ‘Gong’ shuttle and North Gong Shuttle.
- Provision of end of trip cycling facilities.
- Improvements to short term parking station access.
- Continued maintenance and security of all carparks across campus.
- UOW’s sustainability goals, by encouraging active and public transport.
Why are the parking rates increasing?
Parking fees have not increased since 2017 and were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to 2017 parking fees were also increased annually.
The fee increases will ensure UOW can continue to offer safe, well-maintained carparks, and support responsible car use.
The parking rate increases supports UOW’s commitment to sustainability goals, including reducing commuter vehicle emissions and encouraging commuters to use alternative transport modes such as public transport, walking or cycling. UOW uses the income from parking to provide free shuttle bus services. UOW will continue to look at potential technology solutions to enable and encourage carpooling.
When will the parking rate increase be implemented?
These increases were introduced from 1 January 2025.
For staff, the increase equates to approximately $19 for an annual staff permit, which is an increase of $0.73 per fortnightly deduction.
For permits paid via salary sacrifice, the fee increase will apply from the first pay in 2025 (2 January 2025). If you do not want to keep your salary sacrificed permit at the increased rate, please ensure you cancel the permit prior to 18 December 2025. Refunds will not be provided.
For permits paid via credit card, the increase will apply to new permit purchases from 1 January 2025. If you have a current permit, the increased rate will only apply to new purchases made after this date.
Will the increased fees guarantee a parking space on campus?
Only reserved or student resident permits guarantee a space on campus. Other parking permits do not guarantee parking spaces, instead the permit is permission to park. As a result of the increased parking rates, we are forecasting an initial reduction in parking demand.
Parking options
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Find out how to get to other UOW campuses from home, or from the Wollongong Campus.
Contact us
Email us with your enquiries about parking on campus