Supplementary and deferred exams

Deferred exam

A deferred exam is for students who have been given permission to undertake a deferred end-of-session exam as a result of an approved academic consideration application.

Supplementary exam

A supplementary exam is for students who failed a subject but were close to passing, and have been given the opportunity to undertake an additional exam to pass the subject.

You cannot ask for or apply for a supplementary assessment. You must wait to see if you are offered a supplementary assessment by the faculty.

If you have been offered a Supplementary assessment, you will be sent SOLSmail notification when final subject results are released. You are not required to respond to this notification; completion of the supplementary assessment is considered to be your acceptance of this offer.

Note: If you successfully complete the supplementary assessment, you will be awarded a mark of 50% for the subject (and no more than 50%) and a grade of Pass Supplementary (PS).

Supplementary and deferred exam timetable

Supplementary and deferred exam timetables are published in SOLS three (3) working days before the exam period.

If your supplementary or deferred exam does not appear on the timetable, you should contact the Exam Office immediately. You will NOT be able to sit an exam for which you are not correctly registered.

Unable to sit your exam?

If you can’t sit your Supplementary or Deferred exam because of illness or other circumstances beyond your control, you can apply for Academic Consideration.


Withheld grade

Once you are offered a Supplementary or Deferred exam your grade for the subject will be withheld until the final results for the subject are released.

  • If you have been approved to sit a deferred exam your grade will be WD.
  • If you have been offered to sit a supplementary exam your grade will be WS.

There is no official release date for supplementary and deferred results.

Results will be withheld until the subject coordinator has marked the supplementary assessment and applied the new grade. Once completed the new mark and grade will be available in SOLS.

If you are concerned that there has been a delay in releasing your results you should contact your subject coordinator in the first instance.