
Is my calculator eligible for exams?

If you require a calculator in your exam, this will be included in your exam timetable on SOLS. To maintain a level of academic integrity throughout the university, only some calculator models are permitted to be used during an exam. These calculators require a UOW Approved Calculator sticker to be attached to your calculator before your exam.

If you are unsure whether your calculator meets the UOW standards, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Checking the Approved Calculator List

The exams team maintain a register of calculator models that have previously been approved. Please check your calculator against the list of approved calculator models in the link below before proceeding.

List of approved calculator models

If your calculator model is listed in the above list, your calculator is deemed eligible and you can skip to step 4.

Step 2: Checking the Ineligible Calculator List

In addition to a register of approved models, the exams team also maintain a register of models that have been previously assessed and deemed ineligible due to the functions they possess.

Before proceeding further, please check to see if your calculator is on the list of ineligible calculator models in the link below.


If your calculator model is already listed on the list of ineligible calculator models, it will not be permitted within an exam setting.

If this is the case, please ensure that you have found an eligible calculator model that can be approved before your next exam. The UniShop on campus has a good range of inexpensive calculators that meet the eligibility criteria.

Step 3: Submitting an application for a calculator assessment

If you have checked both lists and your calculator is not on either, please complete the online application form at the bottom of the page.

Please submit as much information as possible when completing the form to assist in the assessment process. Once the assessment is completed, you will receive an email informing you if your calculator has met the criteria set by the calculator eligibility guideline, and if it has been approved for use.

Note: It can take up to 3 business days for calculators to be assessed. Please do not wait until the day before your exam to submit an application.

Step 4: Acquiring a ‘UOW Approved Calculator’ sticker

If you have confirmed that your calculator is indeed eligible for use within exams, please ensure you have the UOW Approved Calculator sticker attached to it so that exam supervisors can confirm yours is a valid model. 

You can get the calculator sticker from the following locations;

  • Student Central (Wollongong campus)
  • UniShop - if you purchase your calculator there (Wollongong campus)
  • Campus administration (metro and regional campuses)

Staff at these locations have access to list of approved calculator models that is linked in Step 1 and will be able to identify your calculator on-site if it is already listed here.

If your calculator was not listed and you needed to submit an application for a calculator assessment, please show staff the email you receive in response informing you of your calculator approval. This will assist them in confirming that your calculator is eligible for a sticker.

Calculator assessment form

Exams quick links