Master of Teaching application process

Applications for the Master of Teaching in 2025 have now closed.

Eligibility Assessments for the 2026 intake will open in May 2025.

The Master of Teaching (Primary) and Master of Teaching (Secondary) courses will qualify you to work as a teacher in primary schools (K–6) or high schools (Years 7–12) respectively. Both are 2-year graduate entry programs.

The Master of Teaching (Primary) and Master of Teaching (Secondary) has additional requirements and requires extra documentation to be submitted as part of the application process. Students who wish to apply must follow the steps below:

  1. Complete and submit an Eligibility Assessment and Teaching Questionnaire section for assessment by the School of Education
  2. Receive an outcome from your Eligibility Assessment and Teaching Questionnaire (this will be emailed to you). If you receive a successful outcome, you can submit an application. Should you receive an unsuccessful outcome, contact the School of Education to discuss your options. 

Master of Teaching courses: Primary and Secondary

The Master of Teaching (Primary) is a 2-year graduate entry program which will qualify you to work as a Primary school teacher (K–6). The course incorporates a combination of curriculum and professional studies subjects as well as professional experience placements.

Primary school teachers will teach all Key Learning Areas (KLA):

  • English
  • mathematics
  • science and technology
  • human society and its environment
  • creative and practical arts
  • personal development/health/physical education.

Each of the Key Learning Areas form core subject units, which are completed as part of the program.

To assist you in meeting the requirements set by the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for Primary School Teaching; you must first complete a bachelor degree. You are required to have completed a minimum of 8 subjects in your undergraduate degree relevant to one or more Key Learning Areas as outlined above for primary school teaching. Primary teachers will teach across many different topics, but they don’t need to be experts in all areas. Primary school teachers spend a lot of their day teaching literacy and numeracy, so you need to be comfortable with those areas. If your bachelor’s degree is flexible enough, think about taking an elective in each of those areas.

It is now a requirement that a study of mathematics has been completed or will be completed during the first year of the Master of Teaching (Primary) program. Students who have not completed sufficient Mathematics study at HSC level or in their undergraduate degree will be required to complete a Mathematics subject in the first semester of the Master of Teaching (Primary). For full details of proof required to demonstrate prior eligible Mathematics content, please see the ‘Primary’ section of the Eligibility Assessment webform.


The Master of Teaching (Secondary) is a 2-year graduate entry program, which will qualify you to work as a high school teacher (Years 7-12) in a specialised area. At UOW you will be required to meet the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Requirements and qualify for either ONE teaching area (double method) or TWO single teaching areas (single method). Put simply, double methods are broad study areas that are taught across years 7-12 such as English, Science and Visual Arts. Single methods are narrower fields of study that need to be paired with another discipline such as History and Business Studies.

Methods explained

  • Double Method – You are required to meet the minimum subject requirements for a First Teaching Area.

  • Single Methods – You are required to meet the subject content requirements for a First Teaching Area and a Second Teaching Area. If you choose any single method, you must meet the subject content requirements for TWO teaching areas. If you do not meet the requirements for two teaching areas, you will be ineligible for entry into the course.

Upon successful completion of the Master of Teaching you will be qualified to apply for accreditation, through NESA, to teach only the method(s) you were eligible for when you applied.

Please see the list below which outlines the methods offered through UOW and the NESA subject content criteria your undergraduate subjects will be assessed against. The Master of Teaching is also offered at UOW’s campuses at Southern Highlands, Shoalhaven, Eurobodalla and Bega Valley. Additional methods may be available at those regional campuses. Please contact the relevant campus for further information.

First Teaching Area

As part of their undergraduate degree, applicants for Master of Teaching should have successfully undertaken three quarters of a year (or part-time equivalent) of discipline study. This usually comprises sequential discipline study taken over three years. In most programs, this equates to a maximum of two units at first-year level, and a minimum of two units at third-year level. This is also applicable for Double Methods.

Second Teaching Area

Applicants applying for a second method (I.e. students studying two single methods) are required to have successfully undertaken the equivalent of a half a year (0.5 EFTSL) of discipline study, with no more than two units at first year level.

Please Note: If you choose a Double Method, you will not be able to study any other double or single method during the course at UOW.

Double Methods

You will qualify to teach in one of the following areas only.

Teaching area Minimum discipline study for admission can include areas

A major in English with at least three units of a strong core of textual studies including literature. Other units may include studies in communications, creative writing, linguistics, media studies, film studies, drama/performance arts studies.

Visual Arts

A major in visual arts including all of the following: practical studies in 2 dimensional art forms such as drawing, printmaking, photography, visual design, graphics and multimedia; practical studies in 3 dimensional art forms such as ceramics, sculpture, installation and site specific works and/or 4 dimensional art forms such as animation, filmmaking, web-based art, game design, time-based works, graphics and multimedia; and art theory/history (a minimum of one year), and studio art making practice (a minimum of one year).

The study of visual arts must be developed as a discrete discipline. Vocationally oriented courses are not recognised as equivalent.


A major in science including four units in biology including at least two units at 200 level or above.


A major in science including four units in chemistry including at least two units at 200 level or above.

Engineering units may be considered upon review of unit statements for appropriate chemistry content.

Earth and Environ­mental Sciences

A major in science including three units in earth & environmental science, including at least two units at 200 level or above, and one unit in biology.


A major in science including at least four units in physics including at least two units at 200 level or above.

Engineering units may be considered upon review of unit statements for appropriate physics content.


A major in pure or applied mathematics that must include algebra and calculus. One unit only of statistics may be counted provided it is studied as a stand-alone unit. 
Engineering units may be considered upon review of unit statements for appropriate mathematical content. 

Single Methods

If you are considering applying for the Master of Teaching with single methods, you will be required to have ancient or modern history as one of your teaching areas, PLUS one other single teaching area from the single methods offered at UOW.

Unlike other single method teaching areas, history is taught across years 7-12 and may give you broader employment opportunities when paired with your other teaching area of choice.

Teaching area Minimum discipline study for admission can include areas
Modern History *

A major in history drawn from areas such as Australian history, contact and Aboriginal history, early modern history, historiography and modern history. One unit in ancient or medieval history must be included.

Ancient History *

A major in history drawn from areas such as ancient history, archaeology and historiography. One unit in medieval or modern history must be included.

Business Studies *

A major in business related studies, including at least one unit of finance or accounting and one unit of business management, with the remaining studies drawn from: business law (Australian/ English), economics, human resource management, industrial relations, marketing, finance, accounting and business management.

Eco­nomics *

A major in economics.


A major in geography that includes units in both physical and human geography. Units in earth & environmental science may be considered upon review of units for appropriate discipline knowledge.

Legal Studies

A major in law or legal studies including the Australian legal system.

Society & Culture *

A major in social sciences including at least one unit of sociology and the remaining units drawn from areas such as Aboriginal studies, anthropology, archaeology, Asian or Pacific studies, civics, cultural studies, government, history, philosophy, politics, religion studies, social communication and sociology. 

Aboriginal Studies *

A major in Aboriginal studies, drawn from areas such as Aboriginal Peoples’ relationship to Country; contact, colonization and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures; government policies affecting Aboriginal Peoples including Segregation, Assimilation and Aboriginal Self-Determination; the Land Rights movement and the recognition of native title; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literature and oral expression; Aboriginal languages and cultures.

* Note: At UOW, ancient and modern history are taught in parallel. Ancient or modern history methods must be paired with a non-history teaching area.

How is the Master of Teaching taught?
Our blended delivery model includes face-to-face lecture, tutorial and workshop classes, and flexible online learning. Classes may be scheduled weekly or as block intensives. You will also have practical classroom experience in schools.

I am in my final year but haven’t finished my degree. Can I still apply?
Yes! If you are granted an offer, it will be conditional upon successful completion of your Bachelor degree.

Is the Master of Teaching offered online?
The Master of Teaching course is currently only offered via on-campus delivery at Wollongong and the regional campuses. Cross-institutional online study may be required for method subjects if you are studying at any of the regional campuses.

Can I commence the Master of Teaching mid-year?
Subjects and practical experience placements are taught sequentially, meaning that a mid-year intake is not possible. The course commences at the start of Autumn session each year.

Can I study part time?
Part-time study is offered by approval of the Academic Program Director. Please make an appointment to discuss the option of a reduced study load with the Academic Program Director for the Master of Teaching.

How often will I need to be on campus?
Though your timetable will vary every year, you will have up to three contact (on-campus) hours per week for each subject. You will need to be on campus for lectures and tutorials for each subject. Classes are scheduled between 8:30am and 8:30pm Monday to Friday. In many cases classes are scheduled after school hours. 

This degree, especially during practical placements, requires a significant time commitment. Part-time study is recommended for students who are required to work full-time to support themselves and/or family.

What practical experiences will I have in the Master of Teaching?
The Master of Teaching includes a minimum of 60 days professional experience in schools, including a 6-week internship in your final session.

Information about the other Professional Experiences (PEX), including a PEX Yearly Planner, is available on the Professional experience page.

Students also have the opportunity to go on an International Teaching Experience.

Do you offer the program at campuses other than Wollongong?
Yes, the Master of Teaching is also offered at our regional campuses. You can study full time or part time (by approval) at any of these campuses.

I am enrolled in a Pathway to Primary Teaching minor. How will I activate my Master of Teaching offer?
If you meet the minimum WAM requirement of 65 in your Bachelor degree, you will receive an email from UOW in November of the year you will be eligible to graduate from your degree asking if you would like to submit a Teaching Questionnaire for preferential consideration to entry to the Master of Teaching (Primary). If your Teaching Questionnaire is accepted, you will be made an offer for the Master of Teaching (Primary), including the 18 credit points of Credit for Prior Learning for which you are eligible.

What will I study in the Master of Teaching?
The Master of Teaching will give you the fundamental teaching skills, but will also focus on making you a positive, capable, caring professional.

You will study:

  • the psychology of children,
  • how to create and manage a positive classroom,
  • how to teach students with special needs,
  • how to have a positive impact on indigenous children and communities,
  • how to communicate well with children, parents and other teachers,
  • how to deal with behavioural issues and prevent bullying,
  • the importance of education to students, families and the community and
  • how to use modern technology in classrooms.

I don’t think my grades are high enough to get in-to the Master of Teaching! What do I do?
We are looking for people with a solid overall average, and high credits in individual subjects, particularly in your final year of study. You will  submit a personal statement with your application, which will provide you the opportunity to detail why you would like to be a teacher and will be the right fit for this profession.

I am a mature age person/looking for a career change/haven’t studied in a while. Can I still apply for the Master of Teaching?
Yes, people who bring knowledge and experience from previous occupations often make good teachers. If you have completed a bachelor's degree in a relevant area, you are welcome to apply for the program.

Can I defer my Master of Teaching offer?
Domestic Students can defer their Master of Teaching offer for one year, subject to NESA Requirements remaining unchanged in this time. Deferring students will need to re-submit eligibility assessment prior to course commencement.

International Students - Master of Teaching offers cannot be deferred for international applicants. A new application should be submitted for the next intake

Where can I find more information about teaching in NSW?

How to apply

Before you apply for future intakes: Be sure to read through the Primary Teaching or Secondary Teaching sections above. 

Prior to applying for the course, all applicants must complete an eligibility assessment to determine if you meet the NESA subject content requirements. The assessment is only a recommendation and does NOT constitute as an offer for the course.

Eligibility assessments are intended for students in their penultimate or final year of studies. Eligibility Assessments will not be processed for students in their first year of study. If you have previously been assessed, you are encouraged to re-apply for an eligibility assessment the year before you intend to commence the Master of Teaching, to ensure you still meet the requirements and there have been no changes which may affect entry into the course.

We will assess your prior studies and issue you with a Letter of Assessment within 20 working days via email.


All applicants are required to submit a Teaching Questionnaire. Students must meet non-academic, as well as academic entry requirements, before they are eligible to enrol.

Students should download and complete the Teaching Questionnaire (PDF: 107KB) and upload with their eligibility assessment.

To apply for entry to the Master of Teaching you must hold a completed Bachelor degree, or be in the last year of study of a bachelor’s degree. The degree must meet the requirements of the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for teaching in primary or secondary schools. Students are to apply online directly to the University of Wollongong after completing an eligibility assessment.

International students must apply directly to University of Wollongong for entry into the Master of Teaching Primary or Secondary using UOW’s online application form*. Your undergraduate degree must meet the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) requirements and be deemed equivalent to an Australian Bachelor Degree.

In your application, you must include the following documents:

  • Certified copies of your undergraduate transcript (transcript must be in English)
  • A copy of your Eligibility Assessment letter
  • Teaching questionnaire meeting the non-academic selection criteria.
  • Any other relevant documents to support your application

Please Note: You may be asked to provide further information about subjects you have studied in your undergraduate degree such as subject descriptions.

For further information on applying to the Master of Teaching, please see our guide on How to apply - International students. Fees, key dates and English language requirements can be found in the Course Finder page for your chosen course.


Master of Teaching Application and Course Enquiries
Email: Phone: 1300 367 869

Master of Teaching Eligibility Assessment Enquiries

Academic Program Director, Master of Teaching (Primary and Secondary)
Dr Kellie Buckley-Walker