
UOW strongly encourages you to consider leaving your car at home and instead take advantage of the variety of ways to get to the Wollongong Campus. Find out about free shuttle buses, local buses, carpooling, cycling and walking, the train, as well as available parking options if you do decide to bring a car.

Parking and Cycling


If you would like to park a motor vehicle at your UOW Student Residence, you will need to purchase a permit. Please refer to the Schedule of Fees for information on permits. Parking permits will be available for purchase via a ballot. You will need to register your interest when you accept your offer of accommodation. Please note, permits are limited.

Vehicles of any kind may not be driven or ridden on pathways or grassed areas. For more information please refer to Parking at UOW.


Please check with your UOW Student Residence administration for the location of the nearest bicycle shed to your unit. You should ensure your bicycle is secured to the bike rack by an approved locking device and the door of the shed is locked when you leave. If not, your bicycle will not be covered by insurance. Bicycles should not be chained to:

  • lamp posts or other fixtures
  • left in stairwells or
  • stored in rooms or units

Bicycles that are found in such inappropriate places or obstructing fire exits will be removed by staff. In such cases no reimbursements will be made for cut chains and the owner will be charged to retrieve the bicycle from the maintenance supervisor.

Travel advice

Bus interchange at Northfields Avenue Best ways to get to campus
Queue for your bus
Adult and Consession Opal card Get your Opal Card

Transport options