
The University of Wollongong's Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) Unit aims to provide the campus community with a framework to enable the health, safety and welfare of all at the campus. The Unit facilitates, guides and encourages management, employees and students to strive to achieve a work environment that minimises risk and has safety as a core value. Further information on WHS topics are outlined on the  web page.

Work integrated learning (professional experience)

‘Work integrated learning’, also known as WIL, provides students with the opportunity to enhance their employability by applying and testing their knowledge and skills acquired in their tertiary studies in professional work settings. The university has developed WHS Procedures for Work Integrated Learning (Professional Experience) to provide guidance to Faculties and Professional Units on student health and safety considerations which need to be managed as part of holistic approval and support processes.

Careers & Employability (formerly Careers Central) provides more information and guidance on Work Integrated Learning.

Higher degree research (HDR) students

As a HDR student completing your project, there are a number of important work health and safety (WHS) factors to consider:


All HDR students MUST receive an induction into the area they are working in and information such as emergency procedures, potential hazards and how to report incidents must be provided.

Risk assessment

Before starting your project you should determine if you need to complete a risk assessment to identify any hazards that may be associated with the activities being undertaken. Go to our risk management page for further information.

Safe work procedures

Following the completion of your project risk assessment you may need to complete a safe work procedure to outline how to undertake the tasks involved safely. Go to our safe work procedures page for further information.


As part of your project you may need to undertake WHS training, such as risk management, hazard and incident reporting or biosafety. Go to our training courses web page for further information.

Hazard and incident reporting

report it to your supervisor. The University utilises an online system called SafetyNet to record hazards/incidents, safe work procedures and risk assessments. Access from the report an incident web page.

If you are injured at the University contact your nearest first aid officer or call UOW Security on 4900.

Manual handling

Most activities or tasks at the University involve some form of manual handling. Here are some fundamental tips to ensure you don’t put yourself at risk:

  • hold loads close to the body;
  • store loads close to where they will be used and try to store heavy items near waist height;
  • don’t lift, push or pull anything too heavy – break the load down into smaller lots;
  • use mechanical aids such as a trolley or get help when lifting heavy loads;
  • don’t lift heavy items while you're sitting down.

Visit the materials handling web page for more information.

Workstation ergonomics

Repetitive and prolonged use of a computer keyboard and/or mouse can lead to muscle aches and discomfort. Having incorrect posture from a badly designed workstation can be often the cause of such injuries.

Visit the ergonomic workstation set up web page for some tips.


The University has developed Fieldwork documents to assist in minimising the risks associated with the hazards involved in undertaking fieldwork. Supervisors, staff and students are required to meet obligations for occupational health and safety during fieldwork planning and participation. Prior to taking students on a trip outside the University, fieldwork guidelines and documents are to be read, completed and filed where appropriate. Click here for further information in relation to fieldwork safety.

Smoke-free University

In July 2016, The University of Wollongong implemented a Smoke-Free University Policy to model positive health choices, raise awareness about the harmful effects of smoking, and remove the exposure of second-hand smoke for our staff, students and visitors.

Want to know more? See the smoke-free web page.

More information

Contact the WHS Unit on or 4221 3931 for more information.