
What are course subjects?

When you enrol in your course you will also need to also enrol in subjects before each session. Your UOW course is made up of a combination of subjects and each is worth a certain number of credit points. You need to complete a total number of credit points to qualify for your qualification, including core subjects and/or a major (if applicable). For example, a student studying a Bachelor of Mathematics will need to complete 144 credit points (including core subjects) in order to graduate.

All information relating to your course requirements can be found in the Course Handbook. It's important that when you refer to the course handbook throughout your degree, you must always refer to the handbook for the year that you commenced your studies. For example, a student who commenced their course in 2022, will always refer to the 2022 Course Handbook throughout their degree.

Different levels of subjects

100, 200, 300 and 400 level subjects refer to first, second, third and fourth-year subjects respectively. For example: ACCY111 refers to the subject ‘Accounting Fundamentals in Society’ which is a first-year subject. Postgraduate subjects will have higher numbers like 800 and 900 level subjects e.g. MARK935 refers to ‘Marketing Strategy’.

Provided the subjects form part of your course structure, you can undertake subjects at any level, in any particular year, providing you have met the prerequisites for that subject. For example, in your third year of study you may be taking 100-level and 200-level subjects as well as 300-level subjects. Normally, in your first year at University you would enrol in 100-level subjects.

Subject outlines

Your subject outline is a key resource to help you navigate your subject. It contains everything you need to know about your subject including a description, attendance requirements, assessment information and consultation times for your teachers. Subject outlines should be available from within Moodle once you have enrolled in that subject and the session has commenced.

If you have any questions about subject outlines, please contact the AskUOW team.

Majors and specialisations

A major in a bachelor degree is the main focus of study that gives you an area of specialisation within your degree. You will need to complete an approved combination of subjects, that make up at least one third of your total degree, to meet the requirements of your chosen major. For some courses the degree major is explicit in the course title, for example Bachelor of Nursing, while in other courses you will need to select a major study from those available within the degree. In many courses, it is possible to do more than one major. You do not have to nominate a major when you first enrol in your course, however we strongly recommend you declare your major or double major by the end of your first year of study. You can also discuss your enrolment pattern with the AskUOW team, or with an academic adviser throughout your studies, to ensure that you have selected the correct subjects for your intended major.

Majors for each course are listed in the Course Handbook. In most cases, majors can be declared or changed via SOLS. Simply select 'Major Maintenance' from the left-hand menu and follow the prompts. 

A specialisation in a postgraduate degree is an approved combination of subjects, that make up a minimum value of 24 credit points of your total degree, to achieve focus in that specific area. For some courses, the degree specialisation is explicit in the course title, for example Master of Teaching Primary, while in other courses you may need to select a specialisation from those available within the degree. Generally speaking, you should select your specialisation (if applicable) when applying or prior to enrolling. At the very latest, you can also declare or change your specialisation at the end of your first year of study. We encourage you to do this as early as possible, as the specialisation you choose will generally determine the subjects you will need to select when enrolling. You can discuss your enrolment pattern with the AskUOW team, or with an academic advisor throughout your studies to ensure that you are completing the right subjects for your preferred specialisation.

You can view the specialisations available in your course in UOW’s Course Handbook. In most cases, specialisations can be declared or changed via SOLS. Simply select 'Major Maintenance' from the left-hand menu and follow the prompts. 


For undergraduate students, a minor is a secondary focus of study. A minor has a minimum value of 24 credit points, with at least 12 of these made up of level 200 subjects. Typically, a minor cannot be completed within the same discipline as a major. For example, you may study a Bachelor of Social Science with a major in Human Geography and a minor in Social Policy. Minors will not appear on your testamur, but will be recorded on your academic transcript.

You can view the minors available in your course, or refer to the General of Schedule of Minors, in the Course Handbook.

Tip: Use the advanced search > areas of study > schedules in the Handbook to see the general schedule of minors.


Declaring or changing a major or minor

Declaring or changing most majors and minors can be done in SOLS. Simply select 'Major Maintenance' from the left-hand menu and follow the prompts.  

Some majors and minors will require Faculty approval. If you cannot select your choice in SOLS, the Declare or Change Major Minor form can be completed for consideration.