Up-front payments
Many of your university payments will need to be made up front. If you are an international student or are not deferring your fees to a HELP loan, you will need to pay your course fees up front. Additionally, other administrative charges, including late charges, graduation fees or replacement charges, also need to be paid up front. Students living in UOW residences should follow payment methods on the paying your account webpage.
Any payments made to tuition fees and other non-tuition charges using a debit or credit card, incur a surcharge fee. The University incurs a Merchant Service Fee on all payments made through NAB merchant facilities.
Payment | What to do | Additional Fees (from June 30) |
Epayment |
Transfer time: 3 working days for payments to appear on your fee statement. |
Surcharge applies Domestic cards: International cards: |
Phone payments |
Call 1300 301 516 to make credit card payments (MasterCard, Visa, or American Express) over the phone. Transfer time: 3 working days for payments to appear on your fee statement. |
Surcharge applies Domestic & International cards: AMEX - 1.00% |
Transfer time: 3 working days for payments to appear on your fee statement. |
No additional fees. |
National Australia Bank |
If you have a printed payment advice, you can pay at any NAB branch. Transfer time: 3 working days for payments to appear on your fee statement. |
No additional fees. |
Flywire |
Transfer time: 2-3 business days for funds to transfer from your overseas bank account to Flywire, then 1 - 2 business days for the funds to reach the University from Flywire. |
Refer to www.flywire.com |
Pay in person |
Pay in person: No cash payments: |
Surcharge may apply Domestic & International cards: AMEX - 1.00% EFTPOS (CHQ or SAV): |