As a university student, you will be required to pay course fees throughout your degree. Your fees will depend on your student type.

As a university student, you will be required to pay course fees throughout your degree. Your fees will depend on your student type.
Australian universities, including UOW, have a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) which is used to enhance the services and amenities for students across UOW. The fee is payable by all students and is used to fund priorities set out by the students as part of a consultative process.
There are alternate ways to study at UOW, including bridging courses to enable further study, cross-institutional study from other Australian universities, and non-award study for those not studying towards a degree. Learn more about the fees and charges for these types of courses.
At UOW, you may need to pay extra administrative charges associated with your degree, such a late charges, graduation fees or replacement charges.
It is important fees are paid on time to avoid late payment penalties.
UOW has a range of University-managed accommodation options at varying price points to suit your needs.
Payment by debit or credit card may have a surcharge rate applied. Please refer to the payment options website for further information.