Working closely with students and University representatives, Library spaces have been reimagined over recent years to provide greater flexibility and choice for study spaces and to showcase collections.
Design inspiring learning spaces
Commencing refresh of Level 1, Wollongong Campus
The objective for re-imagined spaces at Wollongong Campus Library, continues to be the development of student-centric experiences that enable collaboration, problem-solving and co-creation, leading in turn to the development of real-world skills. Over summer, the next phase of transformation at Wollongong Campus Library will take place, using a basis of design principles that draw on recommendations arising from the 2017 McKinnon-Walker Study Tour.
Relocating low-usage physical collections to offsite storage with click and request capabilities will enable us to reduce the height of the shelving and transform Level 1 of the building, opening it up to better natural light and providing an increased mix of seating options that encourage individual study.
Further work on the ground floor will establish lounge and kitchen facilities, providing a space to refresh and rejuvenate and allowing us to offer 24/7 access across all three floors of the Wollongong Campus Library in 2020.
We worked with external designers and sought feedback from students along the way to provide refreshed spaces that offer:
- flexibility and choice
- sense of community
- wellbeing and safety
- equity and inclusivity
- accessibility and intuitiveness.
Our new spaces are due to be delivered in time for the beginning of Autumn session in March 2020.
Our inspiring learning spaces deliver flexibility and study choices whilst showcasing our collections.
UOW Student Makerspace
The UOW Student Makerspace has continued to contribute to the student lifecycle across many facets, including the development of student digital literacy skills and supporting the UOW 2030 and Beyond vision of “T-Shaped” graduate outcomes.
UOW Student Makerspace encourages and supports students to pursue innovation and entrepreneurship, with creative freedom to explore through engagement with a variety of emerging technologies and a newly established collaboration with iAccelerate.
The space also contributes significantly to student wellbeing by providing a supportive community and sense of belonging.

Key deliverables for 2019:
- Purchase of a new laser cutter.
- 3D printing bureau service, allowing selected staff and students to order their requests online, extended to include laser cutting and carving.
- Casual assistants employed to assist the UOW Student Makerspace community with safety inductions, workshops and using equipment.
- A program of workshops, seminars and training sessions to socialise the capabilities, resources and opportunities available.
- Engagement with student clubs and societies to offers tools, equipment and technology that encourages shared learning experiences and collaborative projects.
- Plastic recycling initiative.
- E-nable prosthetic hand.
- 3D printing capability extended to the Shoalhaven Campus.
UOW Student Makerspace feedback
EIS Winter Study Tour: "Students gave very positive feedback on your team and the project (both the experiment and 3D printing). 3D printing project scored 8.7 out of 9 in a Likert-scale survey. 16 out of 31 rated 3D printing as their favourite activities. Thanks again for delivering such a fantastic session to these students."
Sewing workshop: "...these workshops are great for my mental health when I feel so overwhelmed and don't self-care...[they] provide that safe space."
Feedback @ UOW: "The makerspace is really one of the best places on campus! Props to the folks that run it!"
1. Visitors on a tour | 2. Student mentor facilitating a robotics workshop | 3. School students exploring new technology