Membership, governance & outputs

This page contains information pertaining to the four steps to becoming a member of AROC, our governance structure, and our range of outputs.

Steps to becoming a member of AROC

Membership to AROC enables Rehabilitation Units to participate in one or more of AROC’s data collections and benchmark their outcomes, along with many other member benefits (for more information see “What does AROC provide for members?”). Current data collections include paediatric, inreach, inpatient and ambulatory, and a Rehabilitation In The Home (RITH) collection commenced in January 2024. AROC membership involves an annual financial contribution, for further information on this contact AROC. See below steps to become a member.

First step to becoming a member is to complete the AROC Membership form:

Completed forms should be scanned and emailed to AROC. Once accepted by AROC you will receive an acknowledgment email and be redirected back to this page. If you have any questions about AROC or about completing the AROC Membership form, please do not hesitate to contact AROC.

To ensure the quality and consistency of data collected and reported by AROC, AROC provides a range of formal and informal training.

FIM (Inreach, Inpatient, RITH)

The FIM (Functional Independence Measure) is used to measure functional improvement during the rehabilitation episode in the inreach, inpatient and RITH data collections. Before you can start collecting data you will need to ensure the appropriate clinical staff at your facility are FIM trained and credentialed. AROC is the license holder of the FIM in Australia and New Zealand and can organise a FIM Master Trainer to provide a FIM training workshop at your facility if required. Contact the FIM Coordinator to discuss the cost and timing of training for your staff.

WeeFIM (paediatric)

The WeeFIM is a similar tool to the FIM that has been designed to be used with children and is used in the AROC paediatric data collection. Before you can start collecting data you will need to ensure the appropriate clinical staff at your facility are WeeFIM trained and credentialed. AROC is the license holder of the WeeFIM in Australia and New Zealand and can organise a WeeFIM Master Trainer to provide a WeeFIM training workshop at your facility if required. Contact the FIM/WeeFIM Coordinator to discuss the cost and timing of training for your staff.


The FAM, including the extended activities of daily living (EADLs) section, is included in the RITH data collection to enable the measures of high level functional activities that are often the focus of these programs. The FAM does not require credentialing, but AROC has provided some training resources and a manual available in the resources section of the RITH dataset.

Australian Modified Lawton’s IADL Scale (Ambulatory)

The Australian Modified Lawton's is used in AROC’s ambulatory data collection. It is an easy tool to administer and requires minimal training. If you have any questions on administering the Australian Modified Lawton’s please contact AROC.

An AROC Improvement Facilitator will meet with new members to assist them in setting up a sound data collection processes. Prior to this meeting, please review the relevant AROC dataset page including the AROC data collection form/s and AROC Data Dictionaries.

To arrange a meeting with an AROC Improvement Facilitator contact AROC  

Your facility needs to decide which IT system will be used to record and submit your AROC data. Some facilities use their own IT system to collect the AROC data set, then generate an AROC extract data file to upload to AROC. Others use AROC Online Services Data Entry, a web-based data entry system available to all AROC members. Please feel free to contact the AROC team to further discuss which option works best for your facility.

AOS is a secure, web-based service that enables staff of AROC member facilities to manage their facility’s AROC data, their personal details and FIM/WeeFIM credentialing status. AOS is intended for:

  • Staff involved in the data entry or data upload of AROC data
  • Staff responsible for downloading and reviewing AROC benchmarking reports
  • Staff wanting to extract and analyse their facility's data
  • Staff needing to become credentialed/re-credentialed in FIM/WeeFIM
  • Staff planning on sitting the online FIM/WeeFIM refresher course
  • Staff intending on purchasing/managing FIM/WeeFIM keys and resources.

Facilities are responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised staff gains access to AOS. To access AOS users require either an AOS username and password (AOS login) or a FIM ID. FIM and WeeFIM clinicians wishing to purchase an exam key and/or sit an exam (with or without the refresher course) can access this limited functionality of the online FIM system within AOS by logging in with their FIM ID (provided upon training in the FIM). For full online FIM system functionality or access to other AOS functions (such as data entry and data upload) users of AOS require an AOS login – please complete the following for each staff member requiring an AOS login and email AROC (please note AOS account details will be supplied by return email to each individual):

  •  Full name:
  •  Facility role:
  •  Facility name:
  •  Telephone:
  •  Email:
  •  Reason for request:
  •  Data collection (Inpatient and/or Ambulatory):
  •  Authorised by:

The AOS User Manuals are available online and describe all the functionality of the AOS system.


Management Advisory Group (MAG)

The AROC Management Advisory Group (MAG) is responsible for overseeing the executive management of AROC. The MAG membership comprises representatives of key stakeholder organisations from across the rehabilitation sector.

The MAG membership comprises:

  • a nominee of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (Chair)
  • a nominee of the Australian Department of Health and Ageing
  • a nominee of the Australian Department of Veterans’ Affairs
  • nominees from state/territory health departments (Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, WA, Tas)
  • a nominee of state/territory transport accident/ workers compensation authorities (Worksafe)
  • a nominee of motor accident authorities (NSW Lifetime Care & Support)
  • a nominee of the Australian Health Insurance Association (AHIA) & the Health Insurance Restricted Membership Association of Australia (HIRMAA)
  • a nominee of the Australian Healthcare Association
  • a nominee of the Australian Private Hospitals’ Association
  • a nominee representing the New Zealand rehabilitation sector (ACC)
  • a nominee of the National Health Information Standards and Statistics Committee (NHISSC)
  • Director, Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI)
  • Chair of the AROC Scientific and Clinical Advisory Committee


Routine periodic benchmark reports

  • AROC provides analysis of each individual member services data and compares it to analysis of the sector
  • AROC presents five separate types of reports:
    • Dashboard Report: a two page report comprising specific outcome and process indicators (and trend). This report is also incorporated in the all impairment, and impairment specific reports
    • Impairment Specific Reports: Stroke, Orthopaedic Fractures, Orthopaedic Replacements, Reconditioning, Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury. Provide in depth analysis at an impairment level, presenting services data compared to the national data
    • All Impairments Report: standard analysis of all impairments, presenting the facilities data and comparing that to national data
    • Outcome Benchmark Report: a graphical representation of each service against LOS and FIM efficiency benchmarks by impairment, and where in the continuum of achievement across all services the individual service is situated
    • Infographic: a one page poster which outlines high level analysis of the facilities outcomes and benchmarks
  • Versions of reports are available for services that do not have sufficient volume to trigger the generation of their own report.

Annual AROC Report: the state of the rehabilitation nation

Every calendar year AROC generates a national report for both Australia and New Zealand.  This report covers the big picture trends in the inpatient rehabilitation setting throughout each country.  The latest version of these reports can be downloaded from our reports and benchmarks page.

National LOS and FIM Change benchmarks by AN-SNAP class

Each calendar year and financial year, AROC will run analysis to generate a new series of benchmarks for inpatient rehabilitation length of stay and FIM change.  These values are used in our routine benchmarking reports as well as available for download from our reports and benchmarks page.

Jurisdictional benchmarking workshops/quality forums

AROC conducts dozens of benchmarking and quality workshops each year.  These workshops are available to AROC members and present up to date analysis combined with creating an open platform for discussion between services and AROC.  For more information about our workshops/quality forums, please contact AROC.

Data access and analysis available for bona fide research

For more information about the potential of using AROC data for bona fide research, please contact AROC.

Process support and help desk (resources, verbal advice)

AROC provides support to all members, assisting with navigating our online system, interpreting reports and more.  The following links will direct you to many useful resources.

FIM process training

AROC holds the territory license for the use of the FIM (and WeeFIM) instruments in Australia and New Zealand, and is the national certification and training centre for these tools. All clinicians undertaking assessments are trained in the use of the tools, and must sit a credentialing exam every two years.  For more information, view FIM / WeeFIM