
LivingWorks Suicide Prevention Training

UOW is aware of the importance of suicide prevention and has partnered with LivingWorks Suicide Prevention to deliver various courses to better equip staff and students with the skills needed to support their peers.
LivingWorks is an organisation with an industry-leading approach to suicide prevention. These courses include honest, open and direct talk about suicide. Participants will be encouraged to help prepare discussions with persons at risk.
The goal of these courses is to empower everyone to play a role and help keep communities everywhere safe from suicide.

By completing one or more of the LivingWorks courses you will:

  • recognise signs that someone is at risk from suicide and know where to refer the person to support pathways
  • deeply listen and engage
  • engage in problem solving capacity and help the person develop a safety plan
  • ASIST participants will receive a certificate of completion (requirement to attend the full 2 day interactive program)

For more information on the different LivingWorks training courses, please view the UOW LivingWorks Suicide Prevention Postvention Training pack

Registrations are now open for the training.
Session dates and times can be found here: Session information: LivingWorks Suicide Prevention training

There are a number of support services available for staff and students to access if they require further support:
- LivingWorks Training Support Resources - Students
- LivingWorks Training Support Resources - Staff 

Mental health training courses

UOW is continuing the roll out of two face to face Mental Health training courses:

  1. Mental Health Awareness and Intervention
  2. Mental Health Leadership Program

Feedback has been very positive, with staff stating:

  • ‘Great course - Very practical and useful’
  • ‘Created a safe space to discuss and ask questions’

There are also online mental health training programs that can be completed by staff at any time:

  1. Mental Health Awareness - Employees
  2. Mental Health Awareness - Leaders

These training courses align with the UOW workplace mental health strategy, which can be found on the Well@Work Healthy Mind page.

For more information on the above courses and how to enrol, please visit the PODS Staff Development Calendar (Intranet).

Upcoming events

Mental fitness is an intentional practice of creating awareness of how we think, feel and behave. Many know what is good for optimal mental fitness - hydrate, exercise, eat well, sleep well - but very few of us practice good self-care regularly. To be able to support our mental health, we need to be able to turn our intentions into actions and create a self-care plan that works. This session focuses on strategies to maintain mental fitness and offers practical strategies to take care of ourselves in busy and challenging environments

Register now!

Too often left till last, self-care is crucial to how we feel and how we function. Understand the science and learn simple, practical strategies that can make a real difference.

Topic: Science and practise of self-care
Dates: Thursday 12 September 2024
Time: 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM AEST


  • Dr Sadhbh Joyce
    Senior Psychologist, Co-Founder of Mindarma, Meditation Teacher, External Fellow, Black Dog Institute/UNSW Medicine (NSW)

Access is via Zoom or Livestream, whichever works best for you.

Not available at this time? Register, and we'll send you a link to the recording to catch up on at a more convenient time.

Register now

A national day of action reminding people that having meaningful conversations with mates and loved ones could save lives.
Mental health is more important than ever.

R U OK Day

Join the Wellness Walk and raise awareness about mental health.

For the past ten years, the Wellness Walk has offered our communities a fantastic opportunity to get out for a walk and increase physical activity while showing your support for people living with mental illness, their families, and carers. 

Crossing Sydney Harbour Bridge signifies bridging the gap by moving from stigma to understanding. Gathering together demonstrates fellowship, union, and care for the people we support. The act of walking reflects that living with mental illness is a step-by-step, one-step-at-a-time process.

Participants will be able to celebrate their efforts with a vibrant festival full of fun activities on the grounds of Government House. People can either choose to walk 2km around the beautiful Royal Botanic Gardens or 5.9km across the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and back.