University Internationalisation Committee (UIC)


The University Internationalisation Committee is a representative committee of Academic Senate overseeing the activities of its Sub-committees and ensuring appropriate interaction of international issues, as well as the dissemination of information and advice to the Academic Senate. Some members may be co-opted to the Committee in an advisory capacity on the basis of their expertise in particular areas.

Terms of reference

View the University Internationalisation Committee terms of reference (PDF).

Current members

Name Position
Senior Professor Sue Bennett Interim Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) (Chair)
Marisa Mastroianni Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer, Global Enterprises
Professor Simon Moss Dean of Graduate Research
Professor Nina Reynolds Chair of Academic Senate
Professor Christian Ritz Dean Global Academic Affairs, UOW Global Enterprises
 Professor Venkata Yanamandram Chair Transnational Education and Strategic Alliances (TESA) Sub-committee
Dr Kate Bowles & Brooke Dixon Co-Chair Global Student Mobility and Partnerships (GSM&P) Sub-committee
Associate Professor Venkata Yanamandram
Professor Philip Ogunbona
Dr Kate Bowles
Professor Sibylle Schwab
All Associate Deans (International)
Vacant Executive Director (Global)
Kath McCollim Executive Director, Global Student Recruitment
Dominic Riordan Director, Academic Quality & Standards
Theresa Hoynes Director, Student Life
Dr Kellie Ridges Director, Student and Administration Services
Liza Rodger Director, Student Recruitment, Outreach and Future Students
Professor Jun Yan Academic Senate Member (1)
Sunny Skipp Executive Officer


UIC subcommittees

Current members

Name Position
Professor Venkata Yanamandram (Chair) Associate Dean (International & Accreditation), Faculty of Business and Law
Professor Philip O. Ogunbona Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Dr Kate Bowles Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Professor Sibylle Schwab Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
Professor Ann Rogerson Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Business and Law
Associate Professor Montse Ros Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Liza Rodger Executive Director (Global Strategy)
Amanda Hiron Acting Manager, Transnational Education
Professor Christian Ritz Dean Global Academic Affairs, UOW Global Enterprises
Maysie Procianos Associate Director, International Admissions & Compliance
TBA Associate Director, Admissions, Fees & Scholarships
Dominic Riordan Director, Academic Quality & Standards
Luke Schiralli Portfolio Manager (Global Enterprises), Information Management & Technology Services (IMTS)
Lily An Manager, International Engagement and Strategic Partnerships, Global Strategy
Hannah Davies Senior Manager, Course Portfolio Operations, Future Education
Rebecca Wearne Executive Officer

Terms of reference

  1. Develop, monitor and review policies, guidelines and procedures for UOW Transnational Education provision;
  2. Consider market opportunities and challenges specific to regions, countries and individual partners and recommend suitable actions to ensure UOW Strategic goals are achieved;
  3. Provide oversight of matters relating to quality assurance and risk mitigation of academic activities for UOW offshore campuses and teaching partners, in accordance with UOW Policies and Procedures and relevant government requirements (including TEQSA, AQF etc);
  4. Facilitate, encourage, and escalate the exchange and dissemination of information on transnational education activities and issues across the University, ensuring that relevant matters are appropriately escalated to the relevant stakeholders when necessary;
  5. Support the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan, as appropriate;
  6. Report to UIC on progress and challenges.

TES membership

Roles and responsibilities of members

Members are expected to report back on TES business to their constituents (in faculties, business units, other committees), as well as participating in Committee discussions and decision making. The list of members is available

TES shall consist of:

  • Chair appointed by PVC(GS)
  • Associate Dean (International & Accreditation), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
  • Two representative Associate Deans (Education)
  • Executive Director (Global Strategy)
  • Manager, Transnational Education
  • Dean Global Academic Affairs, UOW Global Enterprises
  • Associate Director, Admissions, Fees & Scholarships (Student Administration Services Division)
  • Associate Director, International Admissions & Compliance (Student Administration Services Division)
  • Director, Academic Quality and Standards
  • Portfolio Manager (Global Enterprises), Information Management & Technology Services (IMTS)
  • Manager, International Engagement and Strategic Partnerships, Global Strategy
  • Senior Manager, Course Portfolio Operations, Future Education
  • Executive Officer, Transnational Education

Other regular attendees

  • Julia Payne - Senior Coordinator, Transnational Education
  • Amanda Hiron - Senior Coordinator, Transnational Education
  • Emma Purdy – Senior Manager, Academic Policy and Standards
  • Andrew Wood - Global Academic Quality & Performance Specialist

Some members may be co-opted to the Committee in an advisory capacity on the basis of their expertise in particular areas. TES shall establish working parties for specific projects. Appointees to working parties do not need to be members of TES. These Working Parties shall report to TES.


The Transnational Education Sub-committee will meet at least four times per year.


The Sub-committee shall have a quorum which is equal to one-half or, where one-half is not a whole number, the whole number next higher to one-half of the total number of members for the time being of the Sub-committee.


  • Chair - Professor Venkata Yanamandram
  • Executive Officer - Rebecca Wearne

Current members

Name Title/comment Faculty/Category
Dr Kate Bowles & Brooke Dixon Co-Chair  Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Humanities & Office of Global Student Mobility
Dr Kate Bowles Associate Dean (International) Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Humanities
Associate Professor Sibylle Schwab Associate Dean (International) Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
Associate Professor Venkata Yanamandram Associate Dean (International) Faculty of Business and Law
Associate Professor Philip Ogunbona Associate Dean (International) Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
Joshua Lobb Associate Dean (Education) Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Humanities
Adam Ridgeway Senior Manager, Woolyungah Indigenous Centre

Woolyungah Indigenous Centre

Liza Rodger

Executive Director (Global)

Global Strategy Division

Brooke Dixon

Senior Manager, Student Mobility

Office of Global Student Mobility

Erin Hammond Global Partnership & Funding Coordinator

Office of Global Student Mobility

Tanya Austin Senior Coordinator, Student Mobility

Office of Global Student Mobility

Michaela Morgan  Senior Coordinator, Global Mobility Programs

Office of Global Student Mobility

Regina Daniel International Administrator, and Executive Officer

Office of Global Student Mobility

Terms of reference

The Global Student Mobility sub-committee shall:

  1. Develop, monitor and report on a comprehensive annual Mobility Action Plan (MAP) for UOW that reflects UOW commitments to ethical and sustainable internationalisation, referencing where appropriate the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  2. Develop, monitor and review policies, guidelines and procedures for supporting high quality student mobility experiences (inbound, outbound and virtual, short course, study tour, semester exchange and research). 
  3. Review and recommend annual NCP submission; support procedures for accessing mobility funding opportunities including the New Colombo Plan; and review the outcomes of funded mobility programs 
  4. Report on Faculty initiatives that support Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL)
  5. Monitor and support strategy to increase participation in mobility programs by students from equity backgrounds
  6. Monitor and support RAP strategy to increase Indigenous student participation in mobility programs 
  7. Report on international Work Integrated Learning (iWIL), including internships, volunteering opportunities and virtual iWIL programs 
  8. Facilitate and encourage the exchange and dissemination of information on international student mobility and associated issues across the University. 
  9. Support the implementation of the University’s Strategic Plan, as appropriate.
  10. Report to UIC on progress and challenges.

GSM membership

Roles and responsibilities of members

Members are expected to report back on GSM business to their constituents (in faculties, business units, other committees), as well as participating in Sub-committee discussions and decision making. The list of members is available

GSM shall consist of:

  • Chair appointed by DVC(GS):
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Arts, Social Science and Humanities
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Business and Law
  • Associate Dean (International), Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences
  • Associate Dean (Education) representative
  • Executive Director (Global)
  • Manager, Student Mobility
  • Associate Director, Student Engagement & Employability
  • Work-integrated Learning Advisory Committee Representative
  • Senior Coordinators, Student Mobility
  • Student Mobility Partnerships Coordinator
  • Executive Director (Indigenous Strategy)
  • Pro Vice Chancellor (Global)

Some members may be co-opted to the Sub-committee in an advisory capacity on the basis of their expertise in particular areas.

GSM shall establish working parties for specific projects. Appointees to working parties do not need to be members of GSM. These Working Parties shall report to GSM.


The Global Student Mobility Sub-committee will meet at least three times per year.


The Sub-committee shall have a quorum which is equal to one-half or, where one-half is not a whole number, the whole number next higher to one-half of the total number of members for the time being of the Sub-committee.


  • Co-Chair - Dr Kate Bowles and Brooke Dixon
  • Executive Officer – Regina Daniel


The International Student Compliance Group is an operational group made up of staff engaged in onshore international student compliance from the point of the creation of the UOW Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) and throughout the student life cycle, including students who have held a COE. The group has particular focus on enhancing the University’s compliance with legislation and related standards and codes, along with managing risks associated with international student matters. Relevant obligations include:

  • The Education Services for Overseas Students Act
  • The ESOS National Code
  • The Simplified Student Visa Framework
  • Autonomous Sanctions Regulations
  • The Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
  • Relevant UOW Policy and Procedure

Terms of reference

The International Student Compliance Group shall:

  1. Monitor the University’s compliance with relevant legislative and related obligations over the student lifecycle for international students studying onshore and related risks to the University’s strategic and operational goals and to allocate and oversee actions to ensure compliance issues are resolved or escalated appropriately.
  2. Facilitate the sharing of relevant information on and awareness of compliance matters relating to international students studying onshore beyond the boundaries of the University’s organisational structure to ensure that all elements of international student compliance across the student lifecycle are considered.

  3. Receive, consider and act on periodic reporting and data from SSVS and early outreach and intervention data to support improved decision-making and proactive management of compliance risks in respect of international students studying onshore. 
  4. Escalate and consult with the directors of AQS and SASD.

  5. Report as necessary to relevant University level committees including the University Internationalisation Committee (UIC) and Education Policy and Quality Subcommittee (EPAQ).


The International Student Compliance Group shall consist of:

  • Associate Director, Admissions, Fees and Scholarships as Chair (SASD)
  • ESOS Responsible Officer, AQS
  • Manager Compliance, Fees & Scholarship (SASD)
  • Director, Global Student Recruitment Partnerships
  • Compliance Manager (SASD)
  • Senior Manager, Enrolment & Progression (SASD)
  • Associate Director, Student Equity and Success (or nominee)
  • Manager, Transnational Education (or nominee)
  • Senior Manager, Service Delivery and Innovation (ASK UOW)
  • At least four (4) representatives drawn from the four (4) Faculties of which:
    • at least one (1) per Faculty
    • at least one (1) shall be Heads of Students; and
    • at least one (1) faculty staff member(s) working in International Student management
  • Any additional Heads of Students as endorsed by the ADE
  • One (1) representative from UOW College, nominated by the UOW College General Manager
  • Senior Manager, Mental Health and Wellbeing (or Nominee), Division of Student Life
  • AQS Officer, (as Executive Officer)

Wherever possible, a range of genders should be represented on the Group.

Current membership

Name Position
Maysie Procianos (Chair) Associate Director, Admissions, Fees and Scholarships (SASD)
Graeme Wilson (Deputy Chair) Compliance Manager (SASD)
Alison Blakey  
Brooke Dixon Senior Manager, Student Mobility, Global Strategy Division 
Bariş Satar  Director, Global Student Recruitment 
Duncan Archibald  ESOS Responsible Officer 
Erin Snape  Faculty Representative – BAL (shared) 
Gabriella Holmes  Senior Manager, Student Mental Health and Wellbeing 
Joanna Russell  Head of Students (ASSH) 
Dr Kate Bowles  Faculty Representative - ASSH 
Kate Maguire  Senior Manager, Service Delivery and Innovation (ASK UOW) 
Kathryn Postill  Senior Manager, Enrolment & Progression (SASD) 
Kylie Austin  Associate Director, Student Equity and Success 
Rachel Weine  Faculty Representative - EIS 
Sean Lu  Faculty Representative – BAL (shared) 
Vacant  Faculty Representative - SMAH 


The Chair of the committee will be the Associate Director, Admissions, Fees and Scholarships and the Deputy Chair will be the Manager of Compliance, Fees and Scholarships.


The quorum for a meeting shall be half of the total number of members.

Meeting frequency and conduct

  • The Group will meet at least four (4) times per year, or as required.
  • The minutes of the meetings will be forwarded to UIC for information.
  • The Chair will produce a report after each meeting capturing any issues raised and provide this to EPAQ for information.
  • The AQS representative will present the issues captured by the Chair’s report at EPAQ if required.
  • The Group is committed to review its operations periodically, being mindful of the interchanging space of international student compliance.