University Education Committee (UEC)

Terms of reference

The University Education Committee (UEC) is a formally constituted committee of Academic Senate with particular responsibility for providing leadership in the academic governance of all aspects of the University’s strategic plan relating to Education that include, but are not limited to curriculum development, the UOW student experience, and assurance of academic quality and standards.

The academic governance framework of the University is consistent with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards).

The UEC will support the strategic plan in working toward a position in the top 1% of world universities, by upholding the overall institutional accountability processes for quality assurance of higher education.

The committee shall have oversight of all aspects of the University’s strategic plan that include, but are not limited to:

  • curriculum development;
  • UOW student academic experience;
  • assurance of academic quality and standards;
  • education across all sites (onshore and offshore) and modes of delivery;
  • student diversity;
  • development of educational technology and services;
  • academic policy development and implementation;
  • academic staff development, promotion and recognition of excellence; and
  • student career development and employability.


The UEC shall:

  • oversee academic quality assurance initiatives for all University of Wollongong courses, both onshore and, in conjunction with the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor, offshore, to maintain and strengthen the quality and integrity of all courses;
  • monitor course quality through regular reporting on comparative student outcomes and course performance and make recommendations to Academic Senate to support course improvement and course management initiatives;
  • make recommendations to Academic Senate with regards to promoting Academic Integrity and by monitoring academic misconduct outcomes;
  • receive annual reporting on the review and appeal of academic decisions, mark and grades and make recommendations to inform the management of student academic reviews and appeals at UOW;
  • consider matters and make recommendations to Academic Senate in order to ensure all students in all locations have access to an equivalent learning experience using the highest quality learning facilities, and are supported by skilled and committed academic and professional staff;
  • develop and drive the creation and delivery of innovative, inclusive and challenging curricula;
  • promote high quality teaching, educational innovation, and the reward and recognition of teaching staff;
  • ensure that all UOW graduates develop skills, qualities and knowledge that enable their success in the global workplace;
  • oversee and develop strategies relating to the wider student experience;
  • review and develop pathways to higher education and promote opportunities for lifelong learning, through the support and development of new courses designed to ensure access to higher education is available to all, including groups currently underrepresented in the higher-education sector;
  • drive the realisation of the University of Wollongong as a digital university for learners and teachers;
  • make recommendations to Academic Senate on proposals for new or amended, University-wide policies relating to education, the student experience and the administration of courses.
  • provide advice to the Academic Senate and other University bodies on all matters relating to learning and teaching, and student experience; and
  • receive the minutes of subcommittees and other special purpose groups and make determinations and recommendations on issues arising from the deliberations of these committees.


The University Education Committee shall consist of:

Ex Officio

  • The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and Student Life) as Chair
  • The Chair of Academic Senate
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global Strategy)
  • Dean, Global Academic Affairs (UOWGE)
  • Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health- Sydney Campuses)
  • Executive Director (Indigenous Strategy)
  • Dean of Graduate Research
  • Associate Deans (Education)
  • Academic Director, Regional Campuses
  • UOW College General Manager
  • Director, Academic Quality & Standards
  • Director, Learning, Teaching & Curriculum
  • Director, Library Services
  • Director, Student and Accommodation Services
  • Director, Student Life
  • Director, Future Education
  • Director of Education, iAccelerate
  • Director, Information Management and Technology Services
  • Associate Director, Student Engagement and Employability
  • Associate Director, Student Partnerships and Academic Success
  • Chair, Educational Policy and Quality Subcommittee
  • Chair, Student Academic Experience Subcommittee

Elected members

  • Academic Senate Representatives (five elected Senate members)

Unless otherwise provided, the term of office of all elected members shall be two years.

Appointed members

  • >Associate Dean (International) (one position), appointed by the Chair following consultation with the Chair, University Internationalisation Committee
  • >Faculty Academic Staff Representatives (one representative per faculty) appointed by the Chair following consultation with the Executive Dean and Associate Dean (Education) of the relevant faculty
  • >One representative of the Wollongong Academy of Tertiary Teaching and Learning Excellence (WATTLE) Executive Committee (appointed by the Chair)
  • >Student Representatives (four positions, Chair of Student Advisory Council and one undergraduate, one postgraduate and one international student) appointed by the UEC Chair.

The Chair may, from time to time, appoint positions to the committee to ensure there is sufficient representation, views and expertise for the committee to achieve its business. Where such appointments are made the Chair shall make the recommendation to the committee and set the term of the appointment.

Wherever possible, membership of the University Education Committee should reflect the diversity of the University of Wollongong staff and student body.

Committee members wanting to take leave of absence during their term should seek the approval of the Committee. Any short-term membership replacements will be a matter for the Chair and the Committee to determine.


The quorum for a meeting shall be fifty per cent (50%) of the membership plus one.

Meeting frequency

The Committee will meet five times per year.

UEC sub-committees

The following sub-committees support the UEC

  • Education Policy and Quality Subcommittee (EPAQ)
  • Student Academic Experience Subcommittee (SAES)

In addition to sub-committees, the UEC utilises Task and Finish groups to deal with specific, short-term issues. The number and structure of these groups changes regularly, to respond to changing priorities.

Download UEC's Terms of Reference (PDF)

Current UEC members

Position Name
DVC(Academic and Student Life) - Committee Chair Sue Bennett
Executive Director Indigenous Strategy Jaymee Beveridge
Chair, Academic Senate Nina Reynolds
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global) Vacant
Associate Dean (Education), BAL Ann Rogerson
Associate Dean (Education), EIS Montse Ros
Associate Dean (Education), ASSH Joshua Lobb
Associate Dean (Education), SMAH Tracey Kuit
Dean Global Academic Affairs, UOWGE Christian Ritz
Chair EPAQS Kenneth Cliff
Chair SAES Chris Comerford
Deputy Dean of Graduate Research or nominee Honglin Chen
Academic Director - Pro Vice-Chancellor (Health- Sydney Campuses) Louise Hickman
Academic Director - Regional Campuses Vacant
Director, Academic Quality and Standards Dominic Riordan
Assoc. Director, Student Engagement and Employability Matalena Tofa
Assoc. Director, Student Equity and Success Kylie Austin
Director, Student Life Theresa Hoynes
Director, Future Education Alison Freeman
Director of Education, iAccelerate [Vacant]
Director IMTS Ray Coury
Director, Learning, Teaching and Curriculum Leanne Cambridge
Director, Library Services Margie Jantti
Director, Student Administration Kellie Ridges
General Manager, UOW College Felix Lanceley
Associate Dean (International) Sibylle Schwab
Elected Academic Senate Representative Jun Shen
Elected Academic Senate Representative Jun Yan
Elected Academic Senate Representative Sarah Lothian
Elected Academic Senate Representative Yenna Salamonson
Elected Academic Senate Representative Vacant
Academic staff representative Karina Murray (BAL)
Academic staff representative Philip Ogunbona (EIS)
Academic staff representative Karen Walton (SMAH)
Academic staff representative Noelene Weatherby-Fell (ASSH)
Representative of WATTLE Xiaoping Gao
Student Representative - International Hemanth Mutnure Mutnure
Student Representative - Postgraduate Padraig McCahey
Student Representative - Undergraduate Lauren Ford
Student Representative - Chair of SAC Callum Glasgow

Comments / enquiries

Contact UEC Executive Officer

More about the UEC

The Education Policy and Quality Subcommittee (EPAQ) is a formally constituted committee of the University Education Committee (UEC) with particular responsibility for policy and quality assurance and enhancement matters as they relate to learning and teaching. Its focus is on academic quality assurance and enhancement related policy, systems and processes for teaching and learning in undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses and associated programs. EPaQS monitors the progress and results of policy and quality reviews, and ensures the University meets the regulatory requirements that apply to higher education.

EPAQ Terms of reference (PDF)


Name UOW position title Faculty/Portfolio Term details
Dr Ken Cliff Chair ASSH Two-year term commencing March 2025
Professor Nina Reynolds Chair of Academic Senate (nominee) BAL Continuing
Abbie Worthington UOWCA General Manager or Nominee UOW College Australia Continuing
Professor WilmaVialle Pro Vice-Chancellor (Global) or nominee SDVC (Innovation, Enterprise and External Relations) Continuing
Associate Professor Montse Ros Associate Deans (Education) representing each Faculty EIS Continuing
Professor Ann Rogerson Associate Dean (Education) representing each Faculty BAL Continuing
Associate Professor Tracey Kuit Associate Dean (Education) representing each Faculty SMAH Continuing
Associate Professor Julie Kiggins Associate Dean (Education) representing each Faculty ASSH Continuing
Professor Christian Ritz Chair of the Transnational Education and Strategic Alliances Subcommittee or an Associate Dean International nominated by the Chair of TESA SDVC (Innovation, Enterprise and External Relations) Continuing
Dr John Littrich Student Ombudsman DVC (Academic and Student Life) Continuing
Dominic Riordan Director, Academic Quality and Standards or nominee DVC (Academic and Student Life) Continuing
Dr Bonnie Dean Director Learning, Teaching & Curriculum or nominee DVC (Academic and Student Life) Continuing
Rob Sim Director Student Accommodation and Services Division or nominee DVC (Academic and Student Life) Continuing
Caz Hartcher Executive Director (Global) or nominee UOWGE Continuing
Dr Kellie Buckley-Walker Academic Staff Representative ASSH Two-year term commencing March 2023 (expires March 2025)
Reece Sophocleous, PhD Academic Staff Representative SMAH Two-year term commencing March 2023 (expires March 2025)
Associate Professor Le Chung Tran Academic Staff Representative EIS Two-year term commencing March 2023 (expires March 2025)
Vacant Student Representative Student Body Date or until completion of degree
Vacant Student Representative Student Body  Date or until completion of degree
Allison Clode Executive Officer - -

SAES has responsibility for shaping and supporting the University strategic direction for student academic experience, and through this advising and making recommendations to the UEC for consideration

Current members

Name Position
Dr Chris Comerford Chair
A/Prof Karen Walton Deputy Chair/ Associate Dean (Student Life) or Faculty Equivalent (SMAH)
Niamh Christopher Student Co-Chair/ Domestic Undergraduate Student Representative
Mr Nikhil Pokkandath Swaminadhan Student Co Chair/ International Postgraduate Student Representative
Dr Mara Davis Johnson Head of Students Representative
Mr Adam Ridgeway Nominee of the Executive Director (Indigenous Strategies)
Ms Elaine Rodrigues Fields Nominee of the Director LTC
Mr Stephen Lowe Academic Director, Regional Campuses
Ms Nicole Smith Nominee of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Health-Sydney Campuses
A/Prof Sibylle Schwab Associate Dean International
Ms Xanthe Knox Nominee of the Director Student Administration Services
Ms Erin Hiesley Nominee of the Director Student Life Division
A/Prof Noelene Weatherby-Fell Associate Dean (Student Life) or Faculty Equivalent (ASSH)
Mr Sean Lu Associate Dean (Student Life) or Faculty Equivalent (BAL)
Dr Danni Cheng Associate Dean (Student Life) or Faculty Equivalent (EIS)
Ms Georgina Konstanta Director of Library Services or nominee
Dr Mohammad Makki Academic Representative (ASSH)
Dr Karina Murray Academic Representative (BAL)
Dr Jun Yan Academic Representative (EIS)
A/Prof Laurie Chisholm Academic Representative (SMAH)
Ms Theresa Hoynes Director Student Life Division
Ms April Alexander UOW Pulse Representative