[Talei Vulatha - Master of Social Work (Qualifying)] I chose to study social work because I had a really keen interest in understanding how to create positive change, and also looking for ways of tackling disadvantage, injustice and inequality.
[Jioji Ravulo - Academic Program Director, Social Work] Our social work students will be great at understanding the realities of the world around them. Our social work students will have a bigger picture understanding of what it means to be a social worker and to respond proactively and effectively to social and welfare needs across the community.
[Talei] I think that it creates this really unique opportunity to engage in different challenges on a day-to-day basis, but you begin to see these challenges as really amazing opportunities for change.
[Jioji] It's about getting our social work students to understand the complexities of society and how we as social workers can assist in making those changes and making those differences.
[Talei] A couple of the real world experiences i've had a chance to partake in have been with my two professional placements. So on my first placement I was with a multicultural organization that was working primarily with people from refugee and refugee like backgrounds. And in my second placement with a community health organization working with people experiencing domestic violence.
[Jioji] And it's through those particular placements that they also develop a interest in a particular area of social work they see themselves possibly going into.
[Talei] Before we went on placement we were given the opportunity to participate in simulation labs which gives you a really unique opportunity to watch back your practice and then reflect on that and unpack it with your peers, and it really gives you a chance to explore your practice style before going out into the field.