[UOW student Juliette Sharp]
Bonjour je m'appelle Juliet. Me llamo Julieta. I'm studying a Bachelor of Media and Communications, and a Bachelor of Arts with a major in French and a
minor in Spanish.
I chose languages because I've been travelling; I've been to South America and Europe, and I really wanted to try and find a way to immerse myself properly in the culture rather than just be a tourist. I've been to France, my mother is French, so I really... she speaks me in French but I always answered in English, so I studied languages to try and at least be a better daughter for her; actually learn some French and understand grammar better.
With UOW I went on exchange to Touques in France. It was an amazing experience. I highly recommend if anyone studying languages go on exchange. It's so great. I was there for six months. So I did a semester over winter. It wasn't that cold; it was amazing. And it really really deepened my understanding
of the language; it was great.
I suppose some of the biggest challenges: well, on exchange I... just trying to make friends over there and immerse yourself in the culture properly. It's really different from the University here, but at the same time it's so great. I made some really good friends and you don't realise that your language is, you know, your skills are getting better, but then you come back and you realise you're actually not that bad.
So I'm in my third year of French and my tutor was organizing this language ambassador program and I thought it would be a really good idea just to, you
know, really understand what I'm learning more.
I was I started doing my my program at Kiama high, and it really helped me, just even... it consolidated my own understanding of the language just through teaching it to other people.
When you're on doing the language program you kind of structure classes, you help them speak properly, you increase their fluency and confidence because I find a lot of the time when students are learning a language they're not really confident. When they're speaking I think the most important aspect is to have fun with it and really try and enjoy it.
Learning a language is super important. We get asked this all the time in my French class, even in my Spanish classes as well, why we think languages are so important? It's just a great way to understand the culture, be a part of something different to your own. It's really amazing. I really recommend it to anyone.
My experience of the language ambassador was really great, it really helped me understand that I want to choose a career path that's on an international level, which is also why I study both Spanish and French. I really want to try and follow something that's not just in Australia, maybe in a larger international company. Something like that.