Workers compensation
Workers compensation
Workers compensation provides protection to workers and their employers in the event of a work related injury or disease. Through the workers compensation system, injured workers may have an entitlement to:
- weekly payments
- payment of medical treatment
- rehabilitation and recovery at work assistance
- provision of legal assistance if required.
Find out more by viewing the Frequently Asked Questions.
Frequently asked questions
- Q. How do I claim workers compensation?
Where possible report any hazardous condition, incident, injury or illness immediately, or as soon as practical to your supervisor. Initial notification of an injury can be also be made by some other person acting on your behalf, such as the treating doctor. All incidents are to be reported to the Supervisor or WHS Unit in the first instance, and an incident report form completed within 24hrs.
- Seek first aid and/or medical treatment if required - contact a local first aid officer, University Security on 4900, emergency services on 000 or the WHS Unit on 4221 3931 for assistance.
- If you have a work related injury which requires you to see a doctor obtain a WorkCover medical certificate and request they include any recommendations regarding capacity for work.
- If you obtain a WorkCover Medical Certificate or a doctor's certificate for a work related injury please contact the WHS Unit as soon as possible on 4221 3931.
Once the WHS Unit is notified of your injury, either written or verbal, payment of medical benefits and/or weekly payments will commence within 7 days unless where there is a valid reason not to do so (for example: when there is insufficient medical information or the injury is not work related).
To learn more about the University's policy and procedures for assisting injured workers please refer to the Injury Management Program. The University is committed to providing injured employees a safe and early return to work in accordance with medical advice - for more information please refer to the Return to Work Program.
- Q. When can you claim workers compensation?
A worker can claim workers compensation when they are injured at work or through the course of their employment. When a worker is injured at work, the University and injured worker each have responsibilities to ensure that the injured worker is provided with benefits and assistance to recover and return to work safely and as soon as possible.
If you are injured while working at or for the University please contact the WHS Unit on 4212 3931 as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate medial treatment and/or discuss reporting a claim for workers compensation.
- Q. Which legislation relates to workers compensation?
Workers compensation is regulated by the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA). Related legislation includes:
- Q. Who is eligible to claim workers compensation?
A person who is a "worker" or "deemed worker" under the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, is eligible to claim workers compensation. Under the Act, a worker means any person who enters into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship with an employer or a deemed worker as described by the Act.
Generally, a worker is someone who receives wages or commission regardless of the number of hours worked each week and includes workers who work away from the employer's premises.