
Performance Standards

Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
1.1 All students and HDR candidates , regardless of their mode or location of study, have the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of their learning experience

SES and CEQ (including PREQ) or equivalent administered across all teaching locations

SEBS and TEBS results

APR Feedback (HDR)

Student Charter

Subject and Teacher Evaluation Procedures

HDR Progress Guidelines

HES 5.3.5 UEC/URC> Academic Senate
1.2 UOW systematically collects and analyses data and uses it to improve the overall student experience, including the online student experience

SES and CEQ/GOS results

CSO Reports
Procedure for Monitoring Comparative Student Outcomes (CSO) HES 5.3.7 UEC/URC> Academic Senate
1.3 UOW closes the feedback loop by communicating to students and HDR candidates regularly about changes made in response to their feedback

SES report

Subject Outlines

UOW website information on “You Told Us, So We Are…”

  UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
2.1 UOW compares attrition rates by course, student cohort, mode and location of study as a means to improve retention and assure equivalence

UOW attrition rates over time

Deep Dive reporting on L&T KPIs

Annual Reviews of Collaborative Delivery

Collaborative Delivery Annual Review Procedures

HES 1.3.5 and 5.3.3

Department of Education  Selected Higher Education Statistics
UEC> Academic Senate
2.2 UOW compares progression rates by course, student cohort, mode and location of study as a means to improve progression and assure equivalence

UOW progression rates over time

Annual Reviews of Collaborative Delivery
Collaborative Delivery Annual Review Procedures

HES 1.3.5 and 5.3.3

Department of Education  Selected Higher Education Statistics

UEC> Academic Senate
2.3 UOW compares retention and progression rates with other comparable institutions

UOW rates compared to the sector average

Annual Reviews of Collaborative Delivery

HES Benchmarking Dashboard (from 2023)

Collaborative Delivery Annual Review Procedures

Council KPIs

Department of Education Selected Higher Education Statistics

HES Benchmarking Dashboard (from 2023)

UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance

3.1 Information on the performance of student cohorts by entry pathway, entry level, and mode of study and location of study is reported and monitored on a sessional basis

CSO Data Reports 

Faculty Monitoring reports received; issues followed-up
Procedure for Monitoring Comparative Student Outcomes (CSO)

HES 1.3.6

EPAQ> UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
4.1 Assurance of learning is undertaken to assess students and HDR candidates  against course and subject learning outcomes

Curriculum mapping

CEQ/GOS data

Quality of HDR candidates’ theses, publications and conference papers etc. (in accordance with disciplinary standards)

Course Design Procedures

Course Monitoring and Review Procedures

Teaching and Assessment: Assessment & Feedback Policy

HDR Thesis Preparation, Examination and Outcomes Policy and Process

HES 1.4.3; 1.4.5 and 1.4.6

Australian Qualifications Framework

AACSB Standards

FEC> UEC> Academic Senate

Thesis Examination Committee

Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
5.1 UOW graduate outcomes compare favourably to the sector as a whole

GOS and ESS results over time

GOS and ESS results compared with benchmarking group and national average for sector

Employer Satisfaction Survey

HES 5.3.4 UEC> Academic Senate
5.2 Employers report a high level of satisfaction with UOW graduates Employer Satisfaction Survey Results - - UEC> Academic Senate
5.3 UOW has a strong and active alumni network

Number of “active” alumni

Attendance at Alumni functions
UOW Strategic Plan - University Leadership Group > University Council
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
6.1 All staff, regardless of their employment status (full-time or part-time, permanent or casual) or location, have the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of learning and teaching at UOW and on their own wellbeing

Workplace Survey – Your Voice

UOW Pulse Surveys

Staff surveys as part of course review processes

Course monitoring and Review Procedures HES 5.3.6

UEC> Academic Senate

People and Culture Committee > University COuncil

6.2 All Learning and Teaching committees review their performance and work plans regularly to ensure opportunity for member input and feedback

Committee self-evaluations

Reporting against work plans

Annual DVCA Report to Council on Learning and Teaching KPIs

UOW Strategic Plan

UOW Gold Standard Committee Service
HES 6.3.1 FECs > EPAQ > UEC> Academic Senate
Performance indicator Measure Key inputs External references Governance
7.1 All teaching is evaluated on a regular basis at the subject and course level and all teachers have the opportunity to review feedback on their teaching

Teacher Evaluation By Students reports

School and faculty reports

APR Feedback

Subject and Teacher Evaluation Procedures

Probation and Promotion Policy and Procedures

HDR Progress Review Guidelines

HES 5.3.6 UEC> Academic Senate

7.2 Each research student is able to evaluate their research supervisors annually, during the APR, and supervisors are given opportunities to review this feedback once aggregated across multiple candidates

PREQ Results

APR Process

HDR Progress Guidelines

HDR Rules

HES 5.3.6 URC> Academic Senate

7.3 Review and improvement activities are informed by regular external referencing against comparable courses of study at other institutions

National and International rankings (for L&T)

Benchmarking outcomes

Course review outcomes

GOS and SES Benchmark Group

Deep Dive Reporting on L&T KPIs

WATTLE Fellows

External Referencing Peer Review of Assessment Standards Procedures

HES 5.3.1 UEC > Academic Senate