Risk & Assurance Division (RAD) enables UOW to make risk informed decisions. We do this by providing holistic Risk Management integrated with Internal Audit, and Business Resilience, fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement.
Risk & Assurance Division
Risk Management
UOW adopts an integrated risk management framework to support effective decisions by understanding the uncertainty and opportunities we face as an organisation and how they are interconnected. The Risk and Assurance Division provides the framework, methodology and tools to identify, assess and manage the University’s risks and provides analytics and advice to UOW’s Risk Advisory Group, University Executive, and relevant Council Committees.
Internal Audit
UOW undertakes a risk-based approach to its Internal Audit program. The Internal Audit plan is set by the Chief Risk and Assurance Officer in consultation with the University Executive and approved by Council. The main function of Internal Audit is to conduct independent reviews of the processes identified as being of risk to the University and to recommend improvements in processes, management, and control procedures to ensure the risk is mitigated.
Business Continuity Management and Resilience
UOW implements a comprehensive approach to business continuity management and resilience that enables it to respond, manage, adapt and recover from the impacts of a disruptive event. The Risk and Assurance Division oversees the business impact analysis and crisis management response and supports divisions and faculties in developing, maintaining, and testing their business continuity plans.