UOWx Record

The UOWx Portal records all of your UOWx activities and helps you keep track of your progress. The Portal will be both your guide and the key method to logging your engagement with activities so that they can be displayed on your final UOWx Record.

What the UOWx Portal does

  • Outlines all of the UOWx activities you are currently involved with, or have previously completed. The Portal also outlines key information such as engagement thresholds and activity coordinator contact details.
  • Allows you to plan your co-curricular journey, including which Learning Stream Awards you may want to achieve.
  • Allows you to log your engagement towards any given activity for approval by an Activity Coordinator.
  • Notifies you of any required tasks or changes to your activity status, including if you need to resubmit evidence or if you have completed a threshold for an activity.

The UOWx Portal works in conjuction with the Find an Activity page to provide an outline of all activities you can engage with in UOWx, how to apply for these activities, and how to plan your co-curricular journey (including Learning Stream Awards and the UOWx Award).

UOWx Record

The UOWx Record is a co-curricular transcript which includes all UOWx recognised activities you have been engaged in throughout your time at UOW. This official UOW document is issued alongside your formal graduation documents through My eQuals and can be used as evidence to showcase the skills and knowledge you've gained alongside your degree. 

How do I receive the UOWx Record?

Step 1 - Check out your options

You can find a variety of activities on the Find an activity section of our website.

Step 2 - Get involved

Every activity recruits students a little differently.

Once you've found an activity that interests you, be sure to check out the "How do I apply" section on the activity's webpage.

Step 3 - Log your hours OR check your record

  • For some co-curricular activities, UOWx will be able to get the details of your involvement directly from activity coordinator. This will appear periodically throughout the year in the UOWx Portal.
  • For other activities, you'll need to log your involvement directly in the UOWx Portal.

The UOWx Portal, home for all things UOWx

Enter the UOWx portal to get started on your co-curricular journey and keep track of your progress.

UOWx Portal

Frequently asked questions

We have created a UOWx Portal Guide to help you navigate your experience and utilise the Portal features. If any new features come along, we will be sure to update the Portal Guide. 

For further assistance: 

  • Any issues directly relating to your activities (e.g. unsure what hours to include or if training is involved), please use the Activity Coordinator contact within the Activity information page or email your Activity Coordinator directly. 
  • Should any issues appear around program errors/bugs (e.g. cannot load an activity, cannot use the Planner or log engagement), please contact UOWx at uowx@uow.edu.au. 

You can view your Interim UOWx Record via the download button at the bottom of the All Activities page in the UOWx Portal. It will showcase how the official UOWx Record  is formatted and how your activities will display upon completion of the "Engaged" requirements.

View AN example of UOWx Record

Please note that your Interim Record will include your UOWx activities that have not met the minimum engagement threshold. For these activities to appear on your official UOWx Record, you must meet the minimum engagement threshold.

Your official UOWx Record is issued to you upon graduation alongside other official graduation documentation, such as the Testamur and Academic Transcript. 

These documents are issued through My eQuals, a secure third-party platform that allows universities to host and authenticate digital documents and for students to access and share those documents with third parties. 

For information on how to access your My eQuals, refer to My eQuals FAQs page.
