Consumer Law
Be aware of your rights as a consumer. Before you sign a contract with either a service provider or for a purchase, if you have received defective products or goods that do not meet the representations made by the sales person or if you have had your money or identity stolen or believe this might happen because of a ‘scam’ contact familiarise yourself with information on how the Australian Consumer Law applies to goods and services and contact:
- Consumers - NSW Fair Trading
- Australian Competition and Consumer Commission - For consumers
- Consumer Action Law Centre
- Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network
- Inner City Legal Centre
Credit and debt
If you are having difficulty managing your finances or have a financial problem then you should contact:
- Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) which provides accessible, fair and independent dispute resolution for disputes with involving financial services including banking, credit, loans, general insurance, life insurance, financial planning, investments, stock broking, managed funds and pooled superannuation trusts.
- Financial Counsellors' Association of NSW
- Illawarra Legal Centre Inc.
- Financial Rights Legal Centre is a specialist community legal centre that assists consumers of NSW in relation to credit, debt and banking.
- Credit, debt & banking – the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
- How do I get a copy of my credit report
- Are you being squeezed for a debt? - Legal Aid NSW
- Personal Insolvency - Information for Debtors
- Debt - Small Claims - LawAssist : LawAccess NSW
- Car Accidents - LawAssist : LawAccess NSW
- Inner City Legal Centre
Crime and police
The police investigate if laws have been broken. They can charge you if they believe you have broken the law. It is then up to the court to hear the evidence and decide if you are guilty and what the penalty should be. Less serious offences (summary offences) are heard in the Local Court also referred to as the magistrates court. The magistrate decides both guilt and penalty. More serious offences (indictable offences) are heard in the higher courts (District Court, Supreme Court) the jury decides if you are guilty and the judge decides the penalty. Most cases are heard in the Local Court. If you have been charged with an offence the following information may be useful:
- Police Powers - know your rights
- Fact sheets and Resources - Legal Aid NSW
- LawAccess Online Home - Legal Problem - Crime
- Apprehended Violence Orders - LawAssist : LawAccess NSW
If you are being discriminated against because of your race, gender, disability or just wanting to know more about your rights the following information may be useful:
- Anti-Discrimination Board
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Australian Centre for Disability Law
- Redfern Legal Centre
- Inner City Legal Centre
Disputes with neighbours
Are you having problems with your neighbour. It is always useful to know where you stand and what your rights and responsibilities are as a neighbour. Below are some common issues and sources of information and advice.
- Law Society of NSW - Problems with neighbours
- Fences - LawAssist
- Community Justice Centres New South Wales
- Neighbourhood Disputes
It is important that you know and fully understand your rights in the workplace. You should stay informed about what you are entitled to, what is ethical under the Fair work Act, and what you can do if something goes wrong.
- Employee rights - LawAccess NSW
- Employment - Fair Work Ombudsman
- NSW Industrial Relations
- Employment and Workplace
- Fair Work Australia
- Study in Australia - Workplace Rights
Family (domestic violence/relationship breakdown/sexual assault)
If you are experiencing relationship breakdown the following information may be useful:
- Family Law Courts Homepage
- Federal Circuit Court of Australia
- Australian Government : Family Relationship
- Law Society of NSW - Family Law
- Information about Family Law
A fine is when you are asked to pay money to the government for breaking a law. For example, speeding, littering, or parking. A fine is sometimes also called a penalty notice, infringement notice, on the spot fine, ticket, Criminal Infringement Notice (CIN). Sometimes you may get a 'fine' from a private organisation, for example, a private car park. If you have a fine the following information may be useful in understanding your rights and options:
- Fines - LawAssist : LawAccess NSW
- Legal Aid NSW
Freedom of Information
Does a government body have information that you would like to access? If so the following information may be useful:
- NSW Ombudsman - Complaints
- Freedom of Information
- Accessing Department of Premier and Cabinet Information | NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet
Going to court
When you have a case in a court or tribunal and you don’t have a lawyer, you are said to be ‘representing yourself’. If you find yourself in this situation, you might find the following resources useful:
- Representing Yourself - LawAccess NSW
- Fact sheets and Resources - Legal Aid NSW
- Representing Yourself - Local Courts New South Wales
- Information About Getting to Court in NSW
Housing and residential tenancy
If you are renting and having problems with your landlord you should contact:
- Department of Fair Trading NSW
- Tenants Union
- Tenants Service - Illawarra Legal Centre Inc.
- Tenancy & Housing Advice and Advocacy - Redfern Legal Centre
- Aboriginal Tenancy Advice and Advocacy Services (ATASS) - NSW Aboriginal Housing Office
If you are new to Australia, a migrant or a refugee and need support to settle and participate in community life the following information may be useful:
- Department of Home Affairs - Immigration & Citizenship
- Migrant & Refugee Assistance
- Generalist Refugee Service - Anglicare
- IMS - Illawarra Multicultural Services
Indigenous issues
If you are an indigenous student and are seeking additional support and assistance, the following information may be useful:
- Indigenous Support Services Culturally Sensitive Approaches
- Aboriginal Services Wollongong, NSW : South Coast
- Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT)
Intellectual Property
If you are a student and your are developing intellectual property it is important that you are aware of your rights. To ensure you are protecting your intellectual property, the following information may be useful:
- Australian Copyright Council
- IP Australia - Patent Attorney + Patents + Trademarks | Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property -
If you are having problems with claiming on your insurance or need advice on resolving a dispute the following information may be useful:
Mental Health
The Mental Health Legal Centre provides a free and confidential legal service to anyone who has experienced mental illness where their legal problem relates to their mental illness.
Power of Attorneys and Wills
If you want to make a power of attorney, enduring guardian or a will the following information may be useful:
Public transport
It is important that you are aware of your rights while travelling on public transport and on public roads. If you have received an infringement notice or concerned for well fair on public transport the following information may be useful:
Social security / Centrelink
If you are unhappy with a decision made about your Centrelink entitlements, there are several steps you can take which are outlined on the Centrelink website.
Statutory declarations
A statutory declaration is a legal document in the form of a written statement that allows a person to declare something to be true. Following is a link to more information about statutory declarations as well as links to a statutory declaration templates.
Traffic: parking and car accidents
- Traffic Offences
- Request a Review - State Debt Recovery Office
Victims of crime
If you have been injured by an act of violence, such as an assault, domestic violence or sexual assault, that took place in NSW, you may be eligible for an award of compensation between $7500 and $50,000. Compensation can also be claimed if you are injured as a result of witnessing an act of violence or if you are injured while trying to prevent someone from committing an act of violence. Parents or guardians of children who are injured as a result of learning about the act of violence can also claim compensation. The following information will help you understand your rights under the Charter of Victims Rights and how you can access them:
Other useful fact sheets
- Community Legal Centres NSW - Directory of Legal Centre