High degree research supervision

The Ngarruwan Ngadju team also provides higher degree research supervision to numerous students. Their theses and supervisors are listed below.

Current HDR students by thesis title

Thesis title

HDR student


Faculty and University



How Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history can inform culturally safe nursing care within the Shoalhaven hospital settings?

Jacinta Mackay

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong 

Professor Kathleen Clapham, Dr Luke Molloy & Professor Kylie Smith


Observing the research-policy nexus: an ethnographic study of research use in Indigenous health policy

Joanna Mason

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong

Prof Kathleen Clapham, A/Prof Kate Senior, Prof Angela Dawson


Healthy ageing and the policy environment in Liverpool

Tracey Ma

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales

Prof Rebecca Ivers, Prof Kathleen Clapham, Dr Conrad Kobel


Improving Cultural Diversity in Corporate Australia: Embedding Indigenous Employment Strategies into Policy and Procedures

Nyssa Murray

Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated)

Faculty of Business and Law, University of Wollongong

Prof Kathleen Clapham, A/Prof Rodney Clarke


Aboriginal conception of place – an examination of the importance of place and how it can be incorporated into mental health or wellbeing approaches for First Nations People in Australia

Fiona Sheppeard

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of the Arts,Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Wollongong

A/Prof Peter Kelly, Prof Kathleen Clapham


Understanding care received and improving access and provision of culturally safe acute care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children with burn injuries

Hayley Williams

Doctor of Philosophy

Faculty of Medicine, University of Queensland

Prof Roy Kimble, Dr Bronwyn Griffiths, Dr Kate Hunter, Prof Kathleen Clapham


The Social and Emotional Wellbeing Framework and its relevance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people in NSW Out of Home Care

Lana Draper

Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated)

Faculty of Science, Medicine and Health, University of Wollongong

Prof Kathleen Clapham,

Dr Karen Fildes
