I work with children and young people

Assisting schools to support students

'Project Air Strategy for Schools' developed as a collaborative project  between the NSW Department of Education, NSW Ministry of Health and the Project Air Strategy.   

This project aims to offer a comprehensive set of resources for schools, teachers and clinicians to support and respond to young people with complex mental health problems. These resources include a new guidelines, fact sheets, train the trainer resources and a short film 'Chloe's story' which aim assist teachers, school counsellors and health staff to better recognise and respond to young people with complex mental health problems, including self-harm, suicide, trauma and emerging borderline personality disorder. 

Schools offer an important opportunity to intervene as personality disorders and associated difficulties emerge, to ensure that the young person obtains the support they need to remain engaged with their education, their peers and the school community. 

“For any teacher, anywhere” 



Two initiatives have been developed to assist schools to support their students experiencing complex mental health presentations

Project Air Strategy for Schools aims to provide education staff with information and tools to work effectively with young people that are experiencing a personality disorder or are presenting with emerging symptoms by offering an evidence-based approach that promotes early intervention within the school environment.

A mental health professional learning initiative for secondary school staff

This initiative aims to assist school staff, to better recognise, understand and respond to students with complex mental health problems, including self-harm, suicide, trauma and emerging personality disorder.

The goal is to help teachers better understand the challenges their students are experiencing and where to refer for assistance.

Resources include a guide for school staff working with young people with complex mental health needs- designed ‘For any teacher, anywhere.’

Project Air Strategy Schools, Teachers & Students (pdf 831kb) - Working with young people with complex mental health issues. Understanding and responding to emerging personality disorder, trauma history, self-harm and suicidal behaviour and difficulties with identity, emotions and relationships (2016)

It is hoped that any person working in the education system engaging in regular communication with young people experiencing mental health difficulties will find this guide useful when they require extra support and information. This includes teachers, support teachers, year advisors, deputy principals, principals, school counsellors and psychologists.

This guideline was developed with the support of the New South Wales Department of Education and NSW Ministry of Health.

A number of factsheets and student plans have been developed to support students and schools.

1. Adolescent Intervention: Guide for Clinicians working in school and health settings

This initiative has been designed to assist clinicians working with young people with complex mental health issues, including personality disorder, trauma history, self-harm, suicidal behaviour and difficulties with affect, identity and relationships.

The goal is to provide clinicians with a variety of recourses to draw upon in their work with young people.

A guide for clinicians on the Adolescent Intervention has been developed.
Access Adolescent Intervention guide (pdf 4.1mb) 

Adolescent Intervention Webinar

Watch the webinar
Webinar case study (Britney) (pdf 372kb)

Adolescent Intervention e-Learning

Alongside the Adolescent Intervention guide, an e-learning program consisting of 3 modules, 4 hours of training is available.

Adolescent Intervention - Guide for Clinicians.An e-learning training program for adolescent mental health clinicians and school counselling service staff.

2. Air Therapy: A brief structured approach to working with Young People

AIR Therapy is a brief structured manualised approach for young people with complex mental health presentations, including emerging or diagnosed personality disorder, self-harm and suicidality.  The six module intervention is designed for flexible delivery (online, in person or hybrid - individual therapy or in a group format).

Module One: AIR Therapy
Module Two: Mindfulness & Managing Distress
Module Three: Emotions
Module Four: Self & Identity
Module Five: Relationships & Interpersonal Skills
Module Six: Self-Care

Access the Air Therapy manuals: 
AIR Therapy: Facilitator Manual (pdf2.7mb) 
AIR Therapy: Adolescent Workbook (pdf 1.5kb)

Air Therapy Webinar

This webinar ("Empowering Adolescents: Flexibility Meets Structure in AIR Therapy Intervention”) hosted by Professor Brin Grenyer (Project Air Strategy) provides a comprehensive overview of the application of the Air Therapy intervention. Senior Research Fellow and Clinical psychologist Sarah Stevenson introduces the six modules of the intervention and how to adapt and apply this intervention flexibly to meet the diverse needs of adolescents with complex mental health needs. The expert panel then discuss the application of Air Therapy to a recorded case study (“Peta”) presented in the webinar. Key clinical tools in the intervention are highlighted to use with this client and other young people presenting with complex mental health challenges. 

Webinar Panel Members:
Agustina Ciarla, Safeguards Clinician (Psychologist), Murrumbidgee LHD
Gareth Brown, Safeguards Clinician, (Mental Health Nurse), South Eastern Sydney LHD
Lauren Brincat, Psychology and Wellbeing Coordinator (Psychologist and NESA Accredited Teacher), NSW Department of Education

Project Air Members:
Brin Grenyer, Professor and Director of Project Air
Sarah Stevenson, Senior Research Fellow and Clinical Psychologist

Watch the Webinar


Training requests: If your service identifies a need for specific Project Air training please reach out in the first instance to info-projectair@uow.edu.au