School of Computing and Information Technology

UOW is ranked as one of the top 200 universities in the world for Computer Science and Information Systems by the 2022 Global Ranking of Academic Subjects and our evolving and innovative curriculum design ensures that our degrees remain agile and relevant so that our students graduate as robust, well-rounded and highly skilled ICT professionals.

We place a strong emphasis on industry links to ensure our programs remain agile and relevant. In a fast-paced and rapidly changing industry, you can rest assured that your degree from UOW is future-proof.

Meet our researchers: Dr Khoa Nguyen

Dr Nguyen, a current senior lecturer at UOW, brings an outstanding research track record that from his tenure at NTU Singapore. His research interests include information security and cryptography, with recent focus on the designs and analyses of cryptographic protocols.

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Top 200

UOW ranked among the top 200 universities in the world forComputer Science & Engineering.

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ShanghaiRankings) 2022

Top 100

UOW ranked among the world's top 100 universities forInstruments Science and Technology.

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (ShanghaiRankings) 2022.