Summer Master Classes

With a range of subjects to choose from, our three-week Summer Master Class program allows students completing Year 12 in 2025, the opportunity to study a university subject during January 2025.

Applications for 2025 will open 21 October

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About the program

Course overview

Summer Master Class is for students who will be completing Year 12 in 2025, running from 6-24 January.

Student benefits

  • Early enrolment into university and exposure to UOW systems
  • Development of peer networks and academic connections
  • Knowledge workshops with skills to prepare for HSC study
  • Students who successfully pass their subject will earn 6 unspecified credit points that can be used towards most UOW undergraduate degrees.
  • Summer Master Class results will be considered to support an Early Admission application.


To apply for Summer Master Class, students must be: 

  • Completing Year 12 in 2025, and
  • Attending an Australian High School, completing the HSC, International Baccalaureate (IB), Big Picture Credential or other assessable senior secondary qualification.

Students will also need to meet the indicative subject criteria for their preferred Summer Master Class subject. Summer Master Class subjects' selection criteria are based off mid-year Year 11 results (or students’ most recent marks).

Application process

Applications for 2025 will open on Monday, 21 October and close 11:59pm on Sunday, 17 November. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear when Summer Master Class 2025 applications open.

Each Summer Master Class subject has indicative eligibility criteria that is based off mid-year Year 11 results (or your most recent marks). In your application, you will be asked to provide a copy of your report. If you do not have access to a report, you will need to have your marks verified by your school by asking them to fill out a Grade Verification Form for you to upload with your application.

Previously offered subjects

Below are subjects we have offered in previous Summer Master Class programs. Confirmed 2025 subjects will be listed here when applications open.

This subject deals with the issue of how historians separate fact from fiction. There will be a wide range of case studies from different eras and parts of the world including the Frontier Wars in Australia, Ancient Greek and Medieval Mercenaries, the two World Wars, decolonisation and the Cold War and Australia’s historical connections with China. What are the controversies that surround these events and can we ever know the truth? This subject will help you answer those questions.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Extension English; OR C or above in Advanced English; OR A in Standard English; AND
  • B or above in Aboriginal Studies; OR Ancient History; OR Modern History OR C or above in Extension History

ASSH002 past assessment requirements

  • Online reflective posts - 800 words (20%)
  • Short essay - 500 words (15%)
  • Short presentation - 5 mins (15%)
  • Major presentation - 7 mins (25%)
  • Major essay - 1200 words (25%)

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong and UOW Eurobodalla with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components.

This subject will allow students to investigate and develop new approaches to studio practice, and consider and investigate options for their Year 12 major work through an introduction to visual arts as it is studied at a university, and through consultation with academics and practising artists.

Throughout this subject, students will focus on the development of reflective practice and reflexivity and the ways they can apply this research approach to their Visual Arts Process Diary, a key component of their HSC assessment.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above Advanced English OR B or above in Standard English; AND
  • B or above in Visual Arts.

ASSH003 past assessment requirements

  • Workshop Portfolio
  • Visual Arts Process Blog and Artist’s Research to support Minor Project
  • Minor Project

Indicative delivery mode

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components.

Through examining a mix of written and filmic texts, this subject will provide students with a range of critical approaches to engage with texts, their meaning, and their ethical and cultural implications. The class will touch on topics such as genre, post-colonialism, gender and sexuality, identity, class, and ethnicity. It will also reinforce the skills and conventions attached to presenting clear, critically engaged, and supported arguments. 

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Extension English; OR
  • C or above in Advanced English; OR
  • A in Standard English

ASSH005 past assessment requirements

  • Online blog posts (x2) 400-500 words each 30%
  • Essay Plan 500 words 15%
  • Visual Presentation 4-5 minutes 20%
  • Final Essay 1000-1200 words 35%

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components, and online-only for students unable to access campus.

This subject gives students the tools to understand the fundamental interrelationships that exist in responsible business decision-making. It explores responsible decision-making with reference to the impact on company strategy, disciplinary functions, stakeholders and customers. Students' are challenged to consider the greater impact on the environment and society. The HSC business studies syllabus will be referred to and extended.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Advanced English OR an A in Standard English;
  • AND B or above in Business Studies OR Legal Studies OR Economics.

BUS002 past assessment requirements

  • Reflections (30%)
  • Case Studies (20%)
  • Group Report (30%)
  • Presentation (20%)

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components.

This subject offers HSC students an opportunity to explore challenges faced globally through an application of biological and chemical sciences. This includes diving into the molecular level of cells and genetics to understand how we might combat issues such as food security, environmental remediation, and equitable healthcare. Students will learn how medicinal chemistry underpins drug design to support our everyday health, and will develop their scientific research skills using our state-of-the-art laboratory facilities. This subject introduces some key concepts covered in the HSC and in several science subjects at university.

Indicative entry criteria

  • B or above in a Year 12 Science Subject; AND
  • C or above in (2 unit) Mathematics Advanced or Mathematics Extension OR B or above in Mathematics Standard

SMAH001 past assessment requirements

  • Biology: Practical Report (20%)
  • Biology: Mixed Assignment (20%)
  • Chemistry: Practical Report (20%)
  • Chemistry: Mixed Assignment (20%)
  • Online reflection exercise (20%)

Indicative delivery mode

Offered at UOW Wollongong with a blended delivery of on campus delivery with online components.

Underpinned by aspects of biology and chemistry, this subject offers students an inter-professional opportunity to explore topics related to the health professions, including anatomy and physiology, exercise science, nutrition and dietetics. It includes seminars and practicals to enhance introductory skills and knowledge under the guidance of UOW staff. This subject covers strands of PDHPE and aspects of biology, chemistry and food technology. It provides an introduction to some key concepts covered in the HSC, and in several science related subjects at university.

Indicative entry criteria

  • B or above in a Science subject (including PDHPE); AND
  • C or above in Mathematics Advanced or Extension Maths OR B or above in Mathematics

Indicative past assessment requirements

  • In class quizzes (35%)
  • Workbook and worksheet (20)
  • Case study (15%)
  • Group presentation (30%)

Indicative delivery mode

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery and online components.

Get career ready with applied STEM problem-solving. In this subject, you will explore the big challenges facing future development by appreciating the fundamental physics impacting renewable energy, green industries, transport and material usage. You'll also learn practical skills in 3D design/printing to prototype an engineering solution to a sustainability challenge.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Advanced English OR A in Standard English; AND
  • B or above in Engineering Studies, OR Mathematics Advanced, OR Physics

STEM001 past assessment criteria

  • Group seminar presentation (20%)
  • Quiz (20%)
  • Design and Build Team Challenge (30%)
  • Final exam (30%)

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components.

This subject provides students with an understanding of how to design and develop systems through computer programming that will solve problems using real world examples.

Students will be introduced to fundamental computer science concepts and employ a design-thinking approach to develop prototypes and algorithms for use in agile software development practice. The subject will cover topics such as web development using Streamlit, using ChatGPT for Python programming, game development, and virtual reality.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Advanced English OR a B or above in Standard English; AND
  • C or above in Mathematics Advanced OR Extension Mathematics OR A in General Mathematics Standard.

STEM002 past assessment requirements

  • Tutorial tasks - 5 (20%)
  • Programming Assignments - 3 (50%)
  • Individual Portfolio & presentation (30%)

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on-campus delivery with online components.

This course provides a brief introduction to building engineering and construction, focusing on both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Over a three-week period, students will explore the fundamentals of structural engineering, architectural design, and construction management. The course will cover the use of modern construction techniques and sustainable building practices. Students will be introduced to industry-standard tools and CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. This course would suit those students interested in pursuing careers in engineering, architecture, and the building and construction industries.

Indicative entry criteria

  • C or above in Advanced English OR a B or above in Standard English; AND
  • C or above in Mathematics Advanced OR Extension Mathematics OR A in General Mathematics Standard.

Past assessment requirements

  • Tutorial tasks - 5 (20%)
  • Project Assignments - 2 (50%)
  • Learning Portfolio & presentation (30%)

Indicative delivery model

Offered at UOW Wollongong with blended delivery of on campus delivery with online components.

Program fees

The program fee for Summer Master Classes 2025 is $450 unless you meet eligibility criteria.

If you are offered a place on the program, you will be contacted to pay this fee in full before the course begins.

Supported places

Fully and partially supported places are available for students from schools with an ICSEA rating of less than 1000 and students meeting eligibility criteria. You will be asked to indicate in your online application if you wish to apply for program fee support.

Eligibility criteria demonstrated Course fee
None $450
One $250
Two or more $0

Scholarship opportunities

  • Attend a school with an ICSEA rating of less than 1000, or a regional, rural, or remote school
  • Identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Financial Hardship; student or parents in receipt of means tested income support payment from Centrelink*
  • Disability or Diagnosed Medical Condition; physical or mental health condition*
  • Refugee Status*
  • Other (such as situational or social disadvantage)*

*you will be required to attach documentation to your application to support your request. 

  • Financial hardship: written proof of payment or payment eligibility from Centrelink or other Commonwealth Agency
  • Disability or Diagnosed Medical Condition: diagnosis (associated support plan should also be included where relevant to program participation)
  • Refugee status: proof of refugee status
  • Other social or situational disadvantage: Statutory Declaration or letter from your school (on school letterhead) outlining the situation and how required payment of the program fee would inhibit program attendance

Equity grants

A limited number of equity grants, valued at up to $500 each, are available for equity students.

This grant is available to offset costs associated with attending the course, such as lost income, travel, or accommodation costs. For students eligible for a supported place, this grant can be used to offset the non-supported element of the $450 program cost.

Students can indicate if they would like to apply for a grant on their application form. To apply for this grant, you will be asked to attach a one-page statement to your application. Your statement should incorporate the following:

  1.  Any community engagement and employment you currently undertake, including how many hours per week.
  2.  How this grant will assist you in overcoming any impediments to being able to undertake the Summer Master Class.
  3.  How the Summer Master Class program will assist you with your future study and career goals.

Situational disadvantage impacting studies

If your Year 11 results do not meet the above indicative entry requirements due to disadvantage in your studies, you can apply for consideration in assessing your Summer Master Class application. In your application, you will need to provide either documentation supporting your circumstances, or complete and upload a Hardship Statement with input from your school Careers Advisor.

Supporting documents include:

  • Financial hardship: written proof of payment or payment eligibility from Centrelink or other Commonwealth Agency
  • Personal illness/disability: diagnosis or letter from your medical professional
  • Refugee or Humanitarian Visa Status: proof of refugee status or humanitarian visa
I loved all of it to be honest.... Meeting new people and friends, having academic like-minded people engaging with study and lectures/tutorials. But, most of all have that extra support from the UOW staff to have everyone’s needs meet and having a safe learning environment. 2024 Summer Master Class participant
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students
  • 2024 Summer Master Class students

Contact us

Year 12 Programs Team