Get to know the nocturnal animals

Nocturnal Birds

Tawny Frogmouth

Tawny Frogmouth with chick

Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides) is active at night but can be seen during the day.  They are well camouflaged and their diet consists of insects such as moths as well as worms and snails.

Image: Tawny Frogmouth. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Southern Boobook Owl

Southern boobook owl

The Boobook Owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae) feed on insects and small mammals.  They have a distinctive “Mopoke” call.

Image: Southern Boobook Owl. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Barn Owl 

Barn owl

Barn Owls (Tyto alba) feed mostly on small mammals as well as insects, frogs and lizards.

Image: Barn Owl.  Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Nocturnal Mammals

Brush-tailed Possum

Brushtailed possum

Brush-tailed Possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) are common.  They are the size of a domestic cat with a bushy tail and sharp claws for climbing trees.  They are most active at night and feed on leaves, flowers and fruit and use their front paws to hold their food. They are very territorial.

Image: Brush-tailed Possum. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Sugar Glider

sugar glider

Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) are about the size of a rat with blue- grey fur and a dark stripe down the middle of its back.   They are able to glide about 50 metres and feed at night on nectar, pollen and insects.

Image: Sugar Glider. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Brown Antechinus

brown antechinus

The Brown Antechinus (Antechinus stuartii) is a marsupial mouse.  Its tail is the same length as it’s body and is sparsely haired.    They eat insects, spiders and centipedes.

Image: Brown Antechinus. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Grey Headed Flying Fox

Grey headed flying fox

Grey Headed Flying Fox (Pteropus poliocephalus) is a vulnerable species. It feeds on nectar, pollen and fruits.

Image: Grey Headed Flying Fox. Photograph courtesy of A Wardle

Introduced Species

There are also introduced species that are known to visit the campus including the Rusa Deer and the European Fox.  Rusa Deer are herbivores that are native to Indonesia and cause considerable environmental damage in Australia.  European Foxes are carnivores that prey on ground nesting birds and mammals and were introduced to Australia in 1800’s.

References & Resources

Download the Factsheet - Nocturnal animals at UOW (pdf)