Disability research

This research group fosters inclusive disability research which moves beyond the medical model, embracing the social model which puts people with disability at the heart of everything we do, regardless of the domain of the research and or discipline.

We are an interdisciplinary group of scholars collaborating with people with disability, their families, carers and supports, service providers and government to support choice, control and outcomes for people with disability in self-determination within a variety of social contexts.

Academic Members

Dr Shoshana Dreyfus 

Cluster Lead

Dr Shawn Burns

Doctoral Fellows


Specific Projects

The Playground Project – a collaboration between UOW, Wollongong Council and the Disability Trust to design, research and build an adult sized playground for people with disability to have a welcoming and appropriately sized playground. Funding by UOW CEGS 2019

The Families project - Understanding the lived experience of families who have a family member with intellectual disability who uses challenging – a follow up study (led by Shoshana Dreyfus; funded by ARC Greater inclusion of people with disability in Australian workplaces: A social marketing challenge project. CI –  Prof. Melanie Randle)