Equity scholarships

What are equity scholarships?

UOW Equity Scholarships support a wide variety of students and is one way that we demonstrate our commitment to recognition, excellence, equity and diversity. These scholarships are awarded to undergraduate students experiencing financial hardship and other educational challenges.

Who can apply?

You can apply for a UOW Equity Scholarship if:

  • You are completing your first undergraduate degree (students undertaking postgraduate studies are not eligible to apply).
  • You are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen, or the holder of an Australian permanent resident or permanent humanitarian visa.
  • You can demonstrate financial challenge by:
    • Receiving a Centrelink means-tested income support payment
    • Expecting to receive a Centrelink means-tested support payment
    • Demonstrating exceptional financial challenges beyond your control or choosing
    • Living with family who are receiving Centrelink income support payments

UOW consider forms of educational challenges and applicant attributes as listed below when awarding the UOW Equity Scholarship:

Educational challenges:

    • Carer responsibilities
    • Long-term medical condition/disability or ongoing effects of abuse
    • Relocating from a regional or remote area
    • Sole parent responsibilities

Applicant attributes:

    • Indigenous Australian
    • Refugee status

How are applications assessed?

UOW makes offers to applicants demonstrating the greatest level of need in a competitive application process. Meeting eligibility criteria does not guarantee that you will be awarded a scholarship. There are more applicants than available scholarships. As part of a competitive application process, you are ranked against the eligibility criteria according to need, and UOW awards scholarships to applicants who demonstrates the greatest need.

Key dates

Future student's 2024

Activity December round January round 1 January round 2 February round
Applications open: October 2023 December 2023 January 2024 January 2024
Applications close: 08 December 2023 29 December 2023 11 January 2024 02 February 2024
Outcomes released:   12 January 2024 25 January 2024 16 February 2024

Autumn session

Activity Date
Applications open: November 2023
Applications close: 02 February 2024
Outcomes released: 08 March 2024

Scholarship details

Future students (commencing)

Component Details
Value: Up to $5000
Duration: One (1) year
Level of enrolment: Undergraduate degree

Current students (continuing)

Component Details
Value: Up to $3000
Duration: One (1) year
Level of enrolment: Undergraduate degree

How to apply

Submit your application through UAC Equity.

If you are unsuccessful it does not mean that you are not in need; rather, it means that there are other applicants who have been assessed as being in greater need.

Note: students may only hold one (1) equity scholarship each year.


If you have a question that is not on this page, or you need further information contact Fees and Scholarships

Email: scholarships@uow.edu.au
Phone: (02) 4252 8959 

If you have an application issue with UAC Equity please contact the Universities Admissions Centre

Phone: 02 9752 0200
Enquiry Form: Contact UAC

Apply for an equity scholarship