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Become a student representative

Applications open

Expression of Interest Representative positions on Student Advisory Council (SAC) available:

  • Women’s Representative 
  • LGBTQI+ Representative 
  • Mature Aged Representative 
  • Persons with Disabilities Representative 
  • 2 x Clubs and Societies Representative

About each position

Position Eligibility criteria Role and responsibilities
Persons with Disabilities representative Must have a disability or be caring for a person with a disability and registered with Disability Services The Persons with Disabilities representative will be responsible for seeking feedback and opinions of students with a disability and understanding the challenges faced by students and representing the interests of these students.
Women's representative Must identify as a female to nominate for position The Women's Representative will be responsible for seeking feedback to understand the opinions and challenges of Women and representing the issues of Women's student voices across campus.
Mature Age Representative Must not be in the first year of study directly after leaving Year 12. The Mature Age student representative will be responsible for seeking feedback to understand the opinions and challenges of Mature Age students and representing the issues across campus at SAC meetings.
LGBTIQ+ Representative Must identify as a member of the LGTBTIQ+ community The LGBTIQ+ student representative will be responsible for seeking feedback to understand the opinions and the issues of the LGBTIQ+ students across campus.
UOW Clubs & Societies Must be registered with a UOW Pulse Club or Society The UOW Clubs & Societies representatives will be responsible for seeking feedback and representing the interests of students registered with a club or society university wide.

Apply now

Opportunities to sit on the Student Advisory Council

There are currently a range of opportunities to sit on the Student Advisory Council from 2024 through the Governance elections. These include:

  • Academic Senate Student Representative Elections
  • Faculty Student Representative Elections
  • Campus Student Representative Elections 
  • Woolyungah Indigenous Centre Representative Elections
  • Wollongong Undergraduate Student Association President 
  • Wollongong University Postgraduate Association President

By standing in these elections, you will both sit on the relevant Governance body as well as the Student Advisory Council.