SMART Water and Energy is dedicated to creating innovative and sustainable solutions to protect our environment from contamination, develop waste to energy pathways and secure affordable and reliable zero-carbon electricity supply. The SMART Water & Energy research theme comprises of two research groups:

Water & Bioresource Technologies

The Water & Bioresource Technologies research group underpins protection of land and water resources from contamination, and fosters sustainable harnessing of bio-resources. Research areas include wastewater treatment, resource recovery from wastewater and the environmental impacts of mining.

The Water & Bio-resource Technologies group builds on the long history of the Strategic Water Infrastructure Laboratory (SWIL). SWIL is home to a dynamic research group with a longstanding track record of delivering national competitive projects funded both through grants and industry. The work of SMART Water and Bio-resource Technologies group underpins protection of land and water resources from contamination and fostering sustainable harnessing of bio-resource and energy. The group is well-placed to conduct a broad spectrum of research and development consultancies in the field, particularly covering topics such as wastewater treatment and reuse, resource recovery from waste(water), public health – water quality nexus, and mitigation of environmental impacts of mining. 

Group leadFaisal Hai


Energy & Resource Efficiency

The Energy & Resource Efficiency research group investigates technical and economic aspects of electricity infrastructure and aims to devise a holistic framework for renewable energy resources. Research areas range from reliable and efficient electricity supply to hydrogene and syngas supply chains.

The Energy & Resource Efficiency group aims to identify innovative ways for energy-efficient system operation in industrial, commercial, and residential sectors. Researchers seek to devise a holistic framework for renewable energy resources, investigate technical and economic aspects associated with ever-changing electricity network infrastructure and develop mechanisms for improving electricity supply quality and reliability. The group also addresses the issue of decarbonisation of the energy sector through the development of reliable and affordable hydrogene, syngas and biogas supply chains. 

Group leadAshish Agalgaonkar