Fees and regulations

Cryo-EM Fees and Regulations


  • FEI Technai T-12 - $88.00 plus GST per hour, one hour minimum
  • FEI Talos Arctica - $165.00 per hour plus GST per hour, one hour minimum
  • FEI Titan Krios - $220.00 per hour plus GST per hour, one hour minimum
  • Thermo Fisher FEI Vitrobot – Free to UOW CryoEM users and free to all customers
  • Staff Assistance - $220.00 per hour Plus GST, one hour minimum
  • Access to High Performance Compute - Free to UOW CryoEM users and free to all customers
  • A maximum of 12 hours will be charged for each 24 hour period of microscope use.
  • Training costs on the T-12 will include the hourly charges of the instrument plus the charge for staff assistance.
  • Collaborators will incur a discount as rates can be divided.


  1. Charges will commence at the time reserved on the Scheduler. The starting time and ending times cannot be changed after the session starts. The ending time of a session can possibly be changed by contacting the General Manager.
  2. Training for the T-12 Spirit generally lasts approximately 12 hours depending on the ability of the student. The length of the training period is designed so that the student can develop a moderate level of expertise, independently run the instruments, and handle them without causing any costly damage. All other training and service will be charged according to staff time used. It is required that all training be given by the General Manager.
  3. The General Manager determines if the student has the necessary skills to use the instruments without supervision or to operate them during non-peak hours.

Please contact the Director of Cryo Electron Microscopy to apply for access to UOW Cryo-EM resources.
Email:  james_bouwer@uow.edu.au