The Archives & Manuscripts ('D') collection is the largest collection in our Archives.
Archives & manuscripts
About our archives and manuscripts collections
The collections have been growing since the 1960s, acquired from a variety of local organisations and individuals. They include non-University archival and manuscript material relevant to teaching and research.
Collection sizes vary from a single archival box to over a hundred; most are stored off-site.
Collections by title
Detailed descriptions and inventories are available as PDFs for many of the individual 'D' collections.
Collections below that do not have links included have not yet had their contents listed.
- D190 - Agate, William George (World War I) 1915-18
- D43 - Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Wollongong Regional Office 1943-76
- D208 - Andrews, Frank (Boer War)
- D157 - Appin Mine Disaster Inquiry 1979-80
- D134 - Australasian Institute of Metals, Port Kembla Branch 1941-78
- D114 - Australian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation (Miners Federation), Bulli Lodge 1920-55
- D12 - Australian Coal and Shale Employees' Federation (Miners Federation), Southern District 1900-66
- D175 - Australian Conservation Foundation, Canberra Branch, Jervis Bay Working Group 1988-89
- D65 - Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) 1921-81
- D221 - Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen (AFULE), Thirroul Branch 1964-71
- D204 - Australian Federation of University Women, NSW, Illawarra Branch 1962-96
- D2 - Australian Iron and Steel Pty Ltd (AI&S), Southern Collieries 1913-82
- D15 - Australian Labor Party, Bulli State Electorate Council 1950-70
- D37 - Australian Labor Party, Bulli-Woonona Branch 1932-74
- D48 - Australian Labor Party, Camden Branch 1963-74
- D118 - Australian Labor Party, Caringbah Branch 1953-63
- D128 - Australian Labor Party, Como/Jannali Branch
- D34 - Australian Labor Party, Corrimal Branch 1961-73
- D58 - Australian Labor Party, Heathcote State Electorate Council 1970-73
- D3 - Australian Labor Party, Hughes Federal Electorate Council 1963-79
- D127 - Australian Labor Party, Illawarra State Electorate Council 1935-70
- D126 - Australian Labor Party, Mount Kembla Branch 1951-74
- D49 - Australian Labor Party, Reidtown Branch 1958-75
- D29 - Australian Labor Party, Sutherland Municipal Committee 1962-6
- D77 - Australian Labor Party, Sutherland State Electorate Council 1958-65
- D47 - Australian Labor Party, Thirroul Branch 1970-72
- D141 - Australian Labor Party, Windang Branch 1974-79
- D237 - Australian Library and Information Association South Coast Regional Group 1997-2001
- D180 - Australian Vietnam Society, Illawarra Branch 1979-9
- D261 - Barraclough, Neil (Bellambi Coal Company) 1882- 1980
- D306 - Barrie, May (artist) 1945-2017
- D89 - Barron, Andrew (Federated Ironworkers' Association, Port Kembla Branch) 1941-45
- D173 - Bayley, W.A. 'Bill' (Bulli Methodist Church) 1953-67
- D279 - Becarevic, Barry (1390-2011)
- D314 - Behrens, Gina (Personal Records) 1945-2019
- D185 - Bellambi Coal Company Ltd 1891-1986
- D4 - Berry Agricultural Association 1888-1932
- D6 - Berry Register 1927-30
- D155 - Berry School of Arts 1884-1913, 1930-42
- D231 - Biggers, F (Cottage plans, Mount Kembla) 1906
- D205 - Blakey, Ken (Papers)
- D274 - Bloch, Cathy & Beswick, David (Peace Movement - Illawarra) 1985
- D7 - Bluett, William Phillip (Grazier/gold miner) 1884-1960
- D304 - Boe-Gibson, Geua (Papua New Guinea) 2014
- D40 - Boilermakers and Blacksmiths' Society of Australia, Wollongong Branch 1955-73
- D206 - Bomaderry Soldiers Rest Home 1918-19
- D104 - Bombo Road Metal Works 1887-89
- D305 - Bradford, Evelyn Bertram (Jamberoo rainfall) 1968-1986
- D240 - Britton, J.M. (Newspapers) 1930-1969
- D98 - Broomhall, John (Illawarra Community Arts) 1976-79
- D299 - Bundanon Trust (Arthur Boyd) 1993-2000
- D32 - Business and Professional Women's Club of Wollongong 1953-2003
- D272 - Callaghan, Michael (Calendar) 2012
- D217 - Campbell, Archibald (Illawarra History)
- D263- Campbell, David (Political Cartoons)
- D264 - Castle, Josie (Research material) 1960-90's
- D233 - Chadwick, Doris (History of School Education) 1890s-1960s
- D14 - Chamber of Manufactures of New South Wales 1912-70
- D137 - Clark Family (Photographs) 1890-1952
- D212 - Clarke, Reverend W.B. (Minister/geologist) 1798-1878
- D46 - Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia, NSW Branch 1875-1975
- D278 - Cochrane, Ian (Papua New Guinea) 1980-2014
- D160 - Cochrane, Percy & Renata. (Papua New Guinea) 1934-79
- D297 - Cochrane, Susan (Papua New Guinea)
- D271 - Cockburn, Jon (Posters) 2009-10
- D100 - Cocks, Samuel (Photographs - Historic Illawarra) c.1890-1930s
- D151 - College of Advanced Education (CAE) Lecturers' Association, Wollongong Branch 1975-94
- D176 - Communist Party of Australia, South Coast District Branch 1950-90
- D194 - Community Radio 2VOX-FM, 1981-90
- D61 - Connor, Reginald Francis Xavier 'Rex' (Politician) 1957-77
- D302 - Cosh, Janet (Botany) 1899-2016
- D224 - Construction Forestry and Mining Employees Union (CFMEU), Wollongong Office 1960s-80s
- D129 - Cooper, W.T. (Fuel technology) 1964-70
- D38 - Corrimal War Memorial Olympic Pool Committee 1962-74
- D109 - Cousins, Arthur (Illawarra History) c.1931-48
- D110 - Cringila Public School 1935-55
- D267 - Cullen, Gregor (Posters) 1989-2008
- D213 - Dapto Smelter 1897-1905, 1980s
- D57 - David Brothers Pty Ltd 1935-73
- D44 - Department of Decentralisation and Development, Wollongong Office 1957-73
- D276 - Devitt, John (Jack) 1948-2005
- D203 - Draper, Frederick William (Bulli and Clifton History) c.1886
- D102 - Duncan, Ross (Papers) 1962-74
- D79 - East, Marjory (Postcards and memorabilia) 1885-1960
- D154 - Edwards, William (Blacksmith) 1912-37
- D133 - Electrical Trades Union, South Coast Branch 1969-67
- D170 - Elliot, Elliot Valens (Communist Party of Australia / Seamen's Union of Australia) 1930-82
- D188 - Ewen, Christine (Research papers)
- D45 - Excelsior Collieries and Cokeworks Ltd 1909-64
- D122 - Facer, Richard A. (Papers) 1959-78
- D84 - Fackender, Melville N. (Australian Peace Council) 1941-58
- D41 - Farmborough Heights Progress Association 1933-74
- D196 - Federated Ironworkers' Association (FIA), Illawarra 1936-90
- D42 - Federated Rubber and Allied Workers' Union of Australia, NSW Branch 1918-73
- D91 - First Wollongong Scout Group 1966-77
- D283 Flugelman, Herbert (Bert), (artist) 1923-2013
- D280 - Foley, Roger (Yellow House) 1971-2010
- D95 - Frost Family (Photographs) c.1894-c.1912
- D227 - Fry, Eric (Communist and Socialist publications) 1920s-70s
- D295 - Future Feminist Archive 2016
- D125 - Gerringong Municipal Council 1930s-54
- D74 - Glass Family (Photographs) 1900-40s
- D159 - Goldring, Jack (Papers) 1970s-80s
- D242 - Gow, Lyn (Research papers) 1980s
- D286 - Graff, Mini (Artwork) 2011-2014?
- D9 - Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Miners' Friend Lodge, Balgownie 1904-71
- D85 - Grendza-Donskyj, Vasyl (Literary papers) 1923-74
- D153 - Growing Up in the Illawarra (Winifred Mitchell and Geoffrey Sherington - Research material) 1970s-80s
- D68a - Hagan, James Seymour (Series A: Australian Labor Party) 1935-77
- D68b - Hagan, James Seymour (Series B: Australian Labor Party, Thirroul Branch and Heathcote State Electorate Council) 1949-98
- D68c - Hagan, James Seymour (Series C: Research collection) 1946-2000
- D135 - Halpern, Berthold (Research papers) 1957-81
- D70 - Harrigan Family (Photographs) 1912-63
- D82 - Harris, William (Photographs - Broken Hill Strike) 1909-11
- D55 - Hawke, John Robertson (Letters - World War I) 1915-19
- D199 - Hill, Stephen (Research papers)
- D319 - Hilton, Liz (University history) 1985-2023
- D112 - Holden, Willis Sprague (Research papers) 1967-76
- D189 - Holman, Robert (Papers - World War II) 1920s-1950s
- D262 - Huggett, Nancy (Cultural history of cinema-going in the Illawarra)
- D178 - Illawarra Anti-Bases Coalition 1987-88
- D218 - Illawarra Cancer Appealathon Trustees
- D63 - Illawarra Coalition of Resident Action Groups 1973-77
- D275 - Illawarra Coke Company 1912-2014
- D149 - Illawarra District Advisory Council (IRAC) 1973-79
- D66 - Illawarra District Rugby Union 1953-97
- D187 - Illawarra Electricity
- D60 - Illawarra Natural History Society 1946-87
- D186 - Illawarra New Left Party 1989-92
- D69 - Illawarra Regional Council for Social Development 1964-77
- D116 - Illawarra Regional Development Committee (IRDC) 1945-73
- D99 - Illawarra Teachers' Association 1933-78
- D93 - Institute of Engineers Australia, Illawarra Group 1939-78
- D64 - Jervis Bay Planning and Protection Committee 1970-75
- D26 - John Lysaght (Australia) Ltd 1929-78
- D192 - John Lysaght (Australia) Ltd, Industrial Office 1949-82
- D90 - Johnson, John and Phyllis (Communist Publications)
- D23 - Johnson, Leslie Royston (Politician) 1964-76
- D193 - Jones, Robert T.C. (Photographs - Historic Illawarra) 1860s-1980s
- D282 - Kampen, Roy (photographs) 1976
- D130 - Keane, Austin (Research papers) 1953-79
- D10 - Keiraville Mechanics Institute 1902-18
- D62 - Kelly, Lawrence Borthwick 'Lawrie' (Politician) 1948-83
- D105 - Kendall Family (Letters) 1829-43
- D119 - Kenwood Family (Photographs - Kiama and Gerringong) 1920s
- D106 - Kiama Agricultural Society 1848-51
- D107 - Kiama Court of Petty Sessions 1845-93
- D28 - Kiama Municipal Council 1890-1960
- D108 - Kiama Public School 1857-91
- D136 - Kiernan, Colm P. (Research papers) 1974-6
- D177 - Knights of the Southern Cross, Port Kembla Branch 1951-70s
- D285 - Land Deeds and Documents - Kiama Area 1839-43
- D86 - Liberal Party of Australia, NSW Division 1946-70
- D96 - Library Association of Australia, South Coast Regional Group 1964-78
- D145 - Loyal Orange Lodge, Gerringong True Blue No.115 1879-1925
- D156 - Lowrey, Jack (Waterside Workers Federation) 1955-83
- D59 - Lysaght, John Charles Fettiplace 1924-74
- D290 - Macleod, Roy (Australian Nuclear History) 1946-2012
- D22 - May Day Committee, Wollongong 1935-70
- D124a - Mayer, Henry (Series A: Communist Publications) 1920s-50s
- D124b - Mayer, Henry (Series B: Abortion Publications and Ephemera) 1940s-1970s
- D92 - McCaffrey, Francis 'Frank' (Illawarra Dairy Industry) 1865-1932
- D120 - McKay, Lewis George (Australian Workers' Union) 1944-75
- D293 - McKinnon, Ken (Papua New Guinea) 1960’s-1970’s
- D21 - Metal Manufacturers Ltd 1916-80
- D20 - Miners Womens Auxiliaries of Australia, Southern District 1949-73
- D131 - Morgan, John (Research - Mining engineering) 1893-1929
- D241 - Morton, Graham (Illawarra Business) 1941-86
- D163 - Mount Saint Thomas Planning and Preservation Group 1973-77
- D13 - New Opportunities for Women (NOW) 1965-70
- D139 - New South Wales Association of University Women Graduates, Illawarra Branch 1963-76
- D35 - New South Wales Teachers Federation 1929-71
- D148 - North Illawarra Teachers Association 1956-81
- D138 - O'Leary Family (Photographs - Berry and Kiama) 1940s-60s
- D209 - Organ, Michael (Research papers) 1770-2008
- D115 - Original Old Age and Invalid Pensioners' Association, Bulli-Woonona Branch 1951-67
- D72 - Original Old Age and Invalid Pensioners Association, Unanderra Branch 1962-76
- D76 - Palmer, Gina (Family Day Care and Child Care) 1973-76
- D181 - Panter, John (Research papers - Sir John Herschel) 1975-90
- D101 - Parish of Saint Stephen's, Port Kembla 1899-1990
- D94 - Peascod, William (Drawings) 1963-80
- D239 - Pearson, Robert John Butler (Metal Manufactures) 1918-99
- D182 - People for Nuclear Disarmament, Illawarra 1984-91
- D210 - Petersen, George (Politician) 1964-96
- D132 - Phillips, Evan Raymond (Research papers) 1954-77
- D158 - Piggin, Stuart (Research material - 'Faith of Steel' (Illawarra Church Histories) / Mount Kembla Mine Disaster)
- D52 - Post, Hans and Lydia 1962-75
- D225 - Potter, Dorothy 'Dolly' (Southern District Miners Women Auxilliary)
- D214 - Property Deeds- Keiraville Area
- D183 - Quinlan, Michael (Research material - Migrant Workers in Australia) 1920s-80s
- D288 - Reynolds, Don (Port Kembla Steelworks) 1907-2009
- D211 - RMS Corinthic – Shipboard Diary 1910
- D168 - Roxburgh, Rachel (Photographs - Historic Illawarra Buildings) 1970-74
- D51 - Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes, Grand Australasian Banner, Lodge Mount Pleasant No.119 1925-61
- D140 - Samoan Islands Photographs c.1900
- D143 - Sandeman-Gay, Elizabeth (Suffragette Movement Publications) 1908-13
- D195 - Save Our Northern Suburbs (SONS) 1972-75
- D219 - SEARCH Foundation (Communist Party Publications) 1920-84
- D150 - Seldon, R.M. (Photographs - Lord Howe Island) c.1904
- D270 - Sharrad, Paul. Pacific Literature, 1970-2005
- D16 - Shellharbour Municipal Council and Albion Park Literary Institute 1880-1968
- D259 - Shellharbour Peoples' Association for the Conservation of the Environment (SPACE)
- D30 - Shoalhaven Industrial Council
- D31 - Shoalhaven Teachers Association 1908-75
- D310 - Southall, Nick (May Day) 1920
- D223 - South Coast Chamber of Manufacturers 1858-87
- D36 - South Coast Conservation Society 1969-96
- D144 - South Coast Hiroshima Day Committee 1980-82
- D162 - South Coast History Teachers Association 1965-90
- D169 - South Coast Labour Council (SCLC) 1928-1990s
- D25 - South Coast Organisation Against Pollution (SCOOP) 1970-72
- D215 - South Coast Workers Child Care Centre 1991-98
- D202 - South Coast Workers Medical Centre 1980s
- D97 - South Wollongong (Fort Drummond-Coniston) Progress Association 1917-21
- D172 - Southern Permanent Co-Operative Building Society c.1955-73
- D152 - Stead, Gilbert (Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union) 1913-77
- D67 - Steinke, John Charles (IRAC and IRDC Committees) 1961-77
- D197 - Stream Hill Farm, West Dapto 1832-1994
- D113 - Sweeney, John Thomas (Politician) 1905-47
- D235 - Theatre South 1980-2002
- D11 - Trades and Labour Council of Queensland 1866-1970
- D265 - Tresize, Jillian (History of Early Childhood Education and Care, 1930s-1970s)
- D230 - Thirroul Brickworks 1980s
- D308 - Thomas, Ellis Rodger (Papua New Guinea)
- D284 - Tobin, Leo 1981-1997
- D191 - Tow, Mary (History of Education in the Illawarra) 1880s-1980s
- D207 - Towradgi Public School 1956-67
- D247 - Trickett, Paul (Research - Miners Womens Auxiliaries) 1938-78
- D171 - Waddell Family Newsagency c.1887-1959
- D281 - Walker, Elizabeth (Photograph) 1916?
- D311 - Warren, Guy (artist)
- D56 - Water and Sewerage Employers Union, Salaried Division 1919-87
- D228 - W. Waters and Sons Pty Ltd 1898-1992
- D174 - Weber, Carl (Photographs - Illawarra) 1893-1932
- D88 - Wedd, Peter Ebenezer (Letter - World War I) 1918
- D121 - West, Stewart (Politician) 1972-80
- D103 - Weston & Co. Publishers Pty Ltd 1884-1972
- D75 - WIN4 Television (T.W.T) Ltd 1950-89
- D246 - Winder, R.B. (Papers) 1980s
- D236 - Wollongong Court of Petty Sessions 1833-51
- D71 - Wollongong Gas Ltd 1902-77
- D309 - Wollongong International Women's Day Committee 1956-2016
- D73 - Wollongong Legacy 1945-78
- D165 - Wollongong Music Club 1957-73
- D166 - Wollongong Neighbourhood Development Committee 1976-79
- D198 - Wollongong Show Society 1900-80s
- D164 - Wollongong Symphony Orchestra
- D287 - Wollongong Women's Housing 1985-2014
- D317 - Women Illawarra 1975-2018
- D81 - Woodward, Frederick George (Alderman) 1966-77
- D234 - Zubrycki, Tom (Kemira Strike) 1980s