In 2018, the World Health Organisation (WHO) will release global 24-hr movement guidelines for the early years. It is important and timely to collect international surveillance data using the new WHO global 24-hr movement guidelines. This would provide the first such international data for the early years and support global efforts to prevent young children from developing obesity and ensure that they reach their developmental potential.
- #RecoverSouthCoast
- Antimicrobial Resistance
- Building Community Resilience to Bushfires
- Community Resilience
- Cultural Burning for Resilience
- Cultural Revitalisation
- Disability inclusion and capacity building for emergencies
- Microfinance and Women's Empowerment
- Olivier Ferrer Fund
- Ready for Anything
- Sense Spaces
- Smart Cities for understanding living in Liverpool
- Stories affording pathways to healing
- Stronger Culture, Healthier Lifestyles
- Sustainability in STEM
- Weed management in post-fire landscapes
Sunrise Movement Behaviours in Children
Prior to the commencement of the main study, pilot data needs to be collected in each of the 32 proposed countries involved in the study. This pilot study will involve 100 children (50 each from a rural and urban setting) and test all the methods and protocols for the main study. Demonstrating feasibility and acceptability will be critical in grant applications for the main study. Pilot studies are taking place in 2018 in 12 countries (Brazil, South Africa, Canada, Papua New Guinea, China, Sweden, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, and Bangladesh) with Australia soon to be the 13th.
The team
Professor Tony Okely (ASSH) is Director of Research in Early Start and a Senior Professor in the Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities. His current research focuses on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and motor skill development in children aged 0-12 years. Prof Okely will lead the pilot study, including training data collectors and managing budget and deliverables.
Dr Thomas Suesse (EIS) is a Senior Lecturer with the School of Mathematics & Applied Statistics in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences. He is the Project Statistician for the SUNRISE Study. His research interests in this study are the use of multiple imputation methods and analysis of missing data in accelerometry based surveillance studies.
Associate Professor Janette Green (BAL) is a Principal Research Fellow in the Australian Health Services Research Institute (AHSRI) in the Faculty of Business and Law. She is in charge of quality assurance of data collection, storage, and management for the SUNRISE Study. Her current research interests are developing systems and processes around quality assurance aspects of the above.