Year 10 students

When you're a Year 10 student, it's time to start getting prepared for uni.

Choosing subjects for Year 12

It is important to start thinking about university when you're in Year 10, so you can make the right subject choices for Years 11 and 12.

Some UOW degrees ask for prior knowledge, or what we call 'assumed knowledge' so by picking the right subjects for your study area, your options will remain wide open. It is also important to choose subjects that you are good at and interested in.

Choosing subjects you are interested in

If you are uncertain about what subjects you are doing, choose the things that you enjoy and that interest you. Remember that these are your choices. Regardless of what you hear about scaling or 'easy subjects', your success in any subject depends on your commitment and enthusiasm. It really is all up to you.

Start the conversation

It's a great idea to talk through your different options with people you trust and who have your best interests at heart. Your family and friends are the people who know you best. They might be able to point out aspects of your personality that will help you picture yourself in a certain field.

Careers Advisers and teachers may also be able to help you identify options that you had not considered.

In addition to the people who know you, it’s a good idea to speak with experts in the field that you are interested in. Industry professionals or university staff can provide insights as to whether a study area may be right for you. Ask them about their job, visit them in their workplace or arrange work experience to see if it is a good fit for you.

Remember that although these people may help you through the decision-making process, the real decision comes down to you and what you are interested in. Do your research and don’t let yourself get talked into doing something you don't really like.