Finance and Infrastructure Committee


The Council Finance and Infrastructure Committee is a formally constituted committee of Council with responsibility for advising Council on the University’s financial and infrastructure strategies.  

The Committee is responsible for oversight of the University’s financial and infrastructure policies (noting that UOW Accounting Policies are approved by the Risk, Audit and Compliance Committee).

The Finance and Infrastructure Committee is the Executive Committee of Council delegated to take action on urgent issues between Council meetings.

Current members

Name Position
Michael Still Chancellor (Chair)
Professor John Dewar AO Interim Vice-Chancellor and President
Merran Dawson External member of Council
Elli Baker External member of Council
Dale Clark External member


  • Matthew Wright, Interim Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President (Operations)
  • Kathleen Packer, Executive Director, Infrastructure and Property
  • Marisa Mastroianni, Group Chief Executive Officer UOWGE
  • Alyssa White, Chief Governance Officer and University Secretary
  • Vacant, Chief Financial Officer