
Make link text meaningful

Provide meaningful link text unlike "click here"

Screen reader users can generate a list of links and navigate them alphabetically; so make sure your link text is meaningful when it is read out of context and that it is unique.

For users of speech recognition software who do not use a mouse, make sure the link text is easy to speak out loud.

"Register for the webinar" provides a better user experience than "click here."

Use unique and specific link text where possible

The duplicated link text can be confusing when using assistive technologies. For example, if "download report" is used multiple times on the same page for different files, how will users know which report they are downloading? Instead of linking "download the report" use "download the ACEBR Annual Report 2020 (PDF, 1MB)".

Indicate when a link is to a file

This way the user knows they will be opening or downloading a file onto their device. Including the file type and size is considered best practice.

Avoid linking full URLs as the link text

Consider users who must listen to a screen reader read the full URL and speech recognition software users who must read the entire URL out loud.


Avoid opening links in a new window/tab

If a link must open in a new window/tab, let people know.

While this technique is not strictly required for WCAG compliance, communicating the link's behaviour will remove confusion for everyone, particularly users of assistive technology.

Further reading