Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


I cannot log into SOLS and UOWmail

If you are a new student, your logins will take 1 hour to activate after you get to the first page in the enrolment system. If you have forgotten your password, or it's not working and you think it should, you will need to go to the password management page and ask for the password to be sent by recovery email.

Why can’t I enrol into a subject?

First, double check to make sure you are entering the correct subject code. If you are getting an error message when you try to enrol, check out the subject enrolment page for information on what to do.

Why is my subject status provisional?

If you have enrolled into a subject and it is showing a ‘provisional’ status, it means there is another subject you need to complete or be enrolled in at the same time before you will be able to enrol. If you have a strong case for not needing to complete these requirements, you can apply for a waiver of provisional status by competing an ‘Academic approval form’ (see section C).

How do I change my personal details?

If you need to make a change to your personal details, other than address (change of address in SOLS), you will need to complete a ‘Change to personal details form’.

How do I change my degree/course?

If studying a UOW course with one of our Offshore Partners and you wish to transfer into another course, you will need to complete an ‘Application to Vary Course Registration (Course Transfer) form’.

How can I take a break from study?

If you would like to take leave from your UOW studies you will need to complete an ‘Application for leave of absence form’. Please note, you cannot take leave in your first semester of study and you are not permitted to take more than one year worth of leave over the duration of your study.

What is the process for requesting a review of a mark or grade, or resolving an academic complaint?

The Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy applies to all UOW students both onshore and offshore. This policy gives all students the right to question any decision, act or omission that affects their academic experience. This could, for example relate to marking, the resolution of academic consideration applications, or concerns regarding whether teaching and learning policies and procedures are being followed.

If you have concern or complaint relating to your studies, for example, about a mark awarded for an assignment or exam, you should refer to the process outlined in the Coursework Student Academic Complaints Policy.

If you have an academic complaint, and would like to know what to do next the process is explained at Student Complaints.

Complaint Resolution Process:
Most issues can be resolved informally through discussion with relevant teaching staff or Academic Program Advisor.

1. As a first step, please contact your tutor or lecturer. Alternatively, you may wish to contact the Academic Program Director first. You are encouraged to work through matters of concern with the Academic Program Director as this is often the most effective way to resolve issues without further escalation.

2. After consultation with the Academic Program Director, if the matter cannot be resolved, you can lodge a complaint with the relevant University of Wollongong Head of School or their nominee. To do this you need to complete and submit the complaint form.

3. If this does not resolve the matter, your complaint can be escalated to the Stage 1B Faculty Designate, and then onto the Student Ombudsman.

What if the nature of my complaint is not related to academics?

UOW treats any concerns or non-academic complaints seriously and aims to identify a resolution as quickly as possible. If you have experienced a problem with a UOW service, product, staff member or student, and would like to know what to do next, it is explained in the Grievance policy

The process to lodge an non-academic complaint is explained at the Have your Say website.

Complaint Resolution Process:
Most issues can be resolved informally through discussion with relevant teaching staff or Academic Program Advisor. Students are encouraged wherever possible to try to resolve the issue informally before lodging a formal complaint. As a first step, please contact your tutor, lecturer, course advisor, or the Academic Program Director.

Students at offshore locations are encouraged wherever possible to raise the issue with staff at the offshore campus in the first instance. If you have a non-academic complaint and would like to record a formal complaint, you should first contact the relevant Program Manager at your offshore campus.

Alternatively, you can contact the UOW Complaints Management Centre and submit a formal complaint.

How can I give feedback to UOW?

At UOW, we genuinely want to hear from you - so tell us what you think! We welcome all types of feedback: compliments, comments, problems or suggestions, so that we can continuously improve the experiences of our students. Submit your feedback at Have your Say.

I want to discontinue my studies at UOW

If you no longer wish to study at UOW you will need to complete a ‘Course withdrawal form’.