Welcome to UOW

Welcome to UOW
Our aim in the Graduate Research School, along with our colleagues around UOW, is to provide you with a thriving and inclusive space to learn and conduct world-class research through your chosen degree.
If you still need to enrol in your course and/or subjects, please follow these handy guides:
HDR candidates who are admitted to a Master of Philosophy (previously called a Masters by Research), Professional Doctorate or the Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) are required to complete coursework subjects prior to, commencing the thesis component of their degree. Supervisors requiring HDR candidates to complete coursework MUST include the subject details in the HDR application approval process so that they can be included in the HDR admission offer letter. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring subjects are compliant with approved course structures.
All re-enrolling HDR candidates will be re-enrolled automatically at the beginning of each academic year by the Graduate Research School, once a satisfactory Annual Progress Report (APR) has been approved by the Head of Postgraduate Studies or nominee.
All commencing HDR candidates are expected to attend one of the two HDR Inductions provided by the Researcher Development Unit, held at the beginning of Autumn and Spring session.
The HDR Induction days are designed to set UOW HDR candidates up for success. During HDR Induction, candidates will receive essential information about the Higher Degree Research experience, learn ways to succeed, and meet others in your cohort. During these two days, candidates will come across a number of teams within UOW who can support them through their experience, including the Researcher Development Unit and Graduate Research School and Ethics and Integrity Unit.
Candidates will also hear from the Dean of Graduate Research, Director of the Graduate Research School, Coordinator of the Graduate Academic Program, as well as a number of UOW Support Services.
The Graduate Research School is dedicated to supporting Higher Degree Research candidates by managing all aspects of candidature, from enrolment to thesis submission and examination. It is important you understand your responsibilities including course completion times, Annual Progress Reports and more.
The First Year Checklist page is a useful reference of checkpoints for your first year.
Census date is the last date in each session you can make changes to your enrolment for that session, without incurring fees. All enrolment changes need to be complete by the census date. This includes:
The Annual Progress Report is a key milestone for your first year, and is generally in November/December. Find this current dates for Annual Progress Report on the Enrolment Management page.
Higher Degree Research queries: graduate-research-school@uow.edu.au
HDR Training & Development queries: graduateresearch-training@uow.edu.au
Helpful hint: When you send the GRS an email, please include your name and student number in the title of the email so that staff can identify your record and assist in a timely manner. We recommend that HDR candidates use their UOW mail account when contacting the University.
HDR candidates can contact the Graduate Research School on (02) 4221 5452.
Graduate Research Newsletter
The Graduate Research School produce a bi-monthly newsletter that is sent to all HDR candidates and Supervisors via their UOW email. The newsletter provides important HDR updates, upcoming workshops and training, HDR news and events. The newsletter is also a space to share the incredible achievements of our HDR candidates
Facebook group: UOW HDR Community
All HDR candidates are welcome to join the UOW HDR Community Facebook Group. This is a space where HDR candidates can connect and interact with others, ask questions and share accomplishments. The Graduate Research School will also promote social activities for HDR candidates in this space.
UOW depend on many committees and working groups to improve the university – including teaching, research, safety, and financial committees. HDR representatives attend many of these committees, primarily to contribute towards decisions that could benefit HDR candidates. For example,
You are welcome to contact these HDR representatives about any concerns or suggestions that feel could inform the Graduate Research Committee or University Research Committee. These concerns or suggestions might include challenges or changes that are not necessarily specific to your discipline or matters that you feel your school has been unable to resolve.
Find the full list of relevant policies on our Current Students page.
There are some acronyms that you will hear regularly throughout your candidature at UOW.
General enquiries