Patient questionnaires

In paediatric pain services the impact of pain is measured for both patients and carers/parents and the questionnaires used depend on the age of the patient. Included below as examples are the questionnaires collected for adolescent patients. Note that the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory has been removed for copyright reasons.

The ePPOC questionnaires are currently not available in different languages.

Other organisations have translated individual assessment tools that may be of use to services when providing clinical care. The quality of these tools cannot be guaranteed by ePPOC. Services who wish to use the translated tools are strongly encouraged to engage their local translation and interpreter services.

Translated versions of the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Subscale (DASS) are available from the University of New South Wales (UNSW)

View the DASS translations available for download (external site)

Translated versions of the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) can be ordered from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre

View the BPI translations available to order (external site)

Reference documents

These documents are designed for use by clinicians, managers, administrators and data entry staff, and provide a guide to the collection and use of the information provided to ePPOC.

The ePPOC Data Policy outlines how ePPOC information will be collected, transmitted, stored and used.

Useful tools and resources

epiCentre resources including the epiCentre User Manual, Training Guides, and Technical System Overview are available at the epiCentre Resources page.

The Weekly Opioid Dose Calculator, ePPOC Drug Group Reference Tool and Self-guided Learning Package are available to member services only and require a password provided by the ePPOC team.

To access these resources please login to the ePPOC Online Portal.

The adult clinical change calculator was developed for use in pain management services to determine whether significant clinical change has been made at the patient level.

Download the Adult Clinical Change Calculator (XLS)

This document was developed to support services undergoing accreditation against the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, with additional alignment against the Australian National Strategic Action Plan for Pain Management Goals.

Download the ePPOC NSQHS and Pain Strategy Mapping Document (pdf)