AROC Reports and Benchmarks Archive

This is an archive of all our reports and benchmarks, including annual reports, outcome benchmark reports, impairment specific reports, and LOS and FIM change benchmarks.

Reports archive

The Annual AROC Report: the State of Rehabilitation aims to provide a summary of outcomes in rehabilitation in any given year. The first of these reports was published in 2007 and describes the 2005 year. The first report for New Zealand data describing the 2012 year was published in 2013.

The AROC Impairment Specific Reports are generated each calendar year for a number of impairments. The Orthopaedic Replacements, Stroke, Reconditioning and Orthopaedic Fractures reports compare YOUR FACILITY’s data to your NATIONAL data (Australia or New Zealand). The Brain Injury and Spinal Cord Injury reports compare YOUR FACILITY’s data to data from all other Australian and New Zealand specialist BI or SCI services, and to aggregated data from non-specialist services. Each Impairment Specific Report is structured as a series of chapters. Each report presents an overall big picture chapter on the impairment followed by a chapter looking at FIM item scoring. An outcomes analysis chapter follows with an explanatory data chapter at the end. Facility specific reports are only generated for facilities with 20 or more complete episodes discharged in the reporting period, or in the case of BI and SCI, for all specialist services. Other interested services can view the ANYWHERE HOSPITAL version of these reports:

Benchmarks archive

National and sector benchmarks by impairment and AN-SNAP class are published every calendar and financial year for Australian data. The first benchmarks for New Zealand data were published in the 2008/2009 financial year. In Calendar Year 2014 AROC introduced benchmarks specific for brain dysfunction and spinal cord dysfunction.

In Calendar Year 2015 AROC updated the benchmarks to include AN-SNAP class V4, AN-SNAP class V3 and Impairment analysis.

* These were the first set of benchmarks published by AROC which were calculated using revised outcome definitions (see below). This impacted the benchmarks such that compared to the Calendar Year 2009 Benchmarks:

  • Stroke, Brain Injury, Neurological, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputee and Multi-Trauma LOS benchmarks generally increased
  • Stroke, Brain Injury, Neurological, Spinal Cord Injury, Amputee and Multi-Trauma FIM Change benchmarks also generally increased

In some other instances benchmarks also changed, but the changes above were the most significant.

Revised Definitions: Change in exclusions for outcome data

Prior to 2009 many of the length of stay (LOS) benchmark calculations excluded episodes with a LOS greater than 90 days. This filter was removed in 2009. Episodes with a LOS greater than 90 days have been included in the episodes from which the LOS benchmarks are calculated since 2009.

Prior to 2009 end of episode outcome measures such as LOS and FIM change only excluded episodes when there was a FIM discharge score of 18 or when the patient died. From 2009 end of episode outcome measures will be based solely on episodes of rehabilitation that have been identified as “complete”.

The definition of a complete episode is an episode where:

  • the mode of episode end was either 1 (discharged to usual accommodation) or 2 discharged to interim accommodation) AND total FIM score at episode end was greater than 18, or
  • the mode of episode end was 7 (change of care type within sub-acute/non-acute care) AND length of stay greater than 6 days.