The School of Liberal Arts offers opportunities for pursuing Honours and Higher Degree Research

The School of Liberal Arts offers opportunities for pursuing Honours and Higher Degree Research
Honours study adds value to a standard Bachelor of Arts degree. By working on a supervised, independent Honours project, you can deeply investigate a topic of your interest and develop graduate attributes - research, analytical and presentational skills - that are valued by employers.
Through Higher Degree Research you will produce work that makes original contributions to knowledge.
Both forms of study afford opportunities to become part of a research community, benefiting from the close supervision and feedback of experts in the School of Liberal Arts and the wider academic community.
Academic staff in School have specialist expertise in classics, literature, and philosophy, with world-leading strengths in the philosophy of psychology, mind, and cognitive science.
The University of Wollongong was ranked among the world’s best institutions for arts and humanities in 2022 Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject, and came first in Australia for citations in philosophy.
The School of Liberal Arts is home to a vibrant research community. It regularly hosts visiting speakers, workshops, conferences and public events. It sponsors the Critical Antiquities Network, the Agora Speaker Series, and Sophia Annual Lecture. Wollongong’s close proximity to Sydney offers many opportunities to interact with researchers in the Greater Sydney area.
Interested applicants are encouraged to make initial contact with academics in the School of Liberal Arts who might serve as supervisors to discuss potential proposals.
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UOW Ramsay Scholarships extend for to up to 5 years, and can be used, in part, for a single year of full-time Honours study, study patterns permitting.
The University of Wollongong routinely offers generous PhD scholarships, both domestic and international, which can be used for higher degree study in its School of Liberal Arts.
PhD scholarship applicants are required to supply a record of excellent academic performance and must have attained one the following qualifications: Honours First Class, or equivalent, or a Masters by Research, or equivalent. Additional relevant research experience, peer-reviewed research publications, awards and prizes will be regarded favourably.
For further information about the online application process, please consult with the School’s Head of Postgraduate Studies, Dr Ronald Planer.
For further information please contact the Graduate Research School.
We work closely with each of our PhD students to help them to secure high-quality onward placements in the next steps of their careers beyond graduation.