About SSAF

The Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) is used directly to fund a range of projects, essential services and activities which support students and enhance their university experience.

About the fee

Students charged the SSAF include:

  • International and domestic students enrolled full-time in a course (including cross-institutional and non-award courses) at UOW Wollongong campus. This includes students studying via remote delivery. Full-time students will be charged the fee in two instalments.
  • Part-time students and those enrolled at an Australian campus other than the UOW Wollongong campus, are charged 50% of the fee. This is in recognition of their reduced ability to access UOW services and facilities.

If you have any questions about your SSAF payment obligations, please contact Student Central via e-mail at askuow@uow.edu.au or call +61 2 4221 3927.

To recognise their inability to access UOW services and amenities, certain students are exempt from paying the SSAF. These include:

  • students on full-time work experience placements;
  • students on outbound study abroad placements;
  • students enrolled in a distance course;
  • inbound exchange students enrolled in course code 904; and
  • inbound visiting research students enrolled in course code 907; and
  • students enrolled at overseas campuses or UOW offshore education partners.

SSAF schedule of fees for 2024

2024 SSAF = $351

Course campus % of the full fee Full-time students bi-annual fee Full-time students total fee for full year Part-time students bi-annual fee Part-time students total fee for full year
Wollongong 100% $175.50 $351 $87.75 $175.50
Sydney CBD 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Innovation 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Shoalhaven 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Bega Valley (formerly Bega) 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Eurobodalla (formerly Batemans Bay) 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Southern Highlands 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Sutherland (formerly Southern Sydney) 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88  $87.75
Liverpool (formerly South Western Sydney) 50% $87.75 $175.50 $43.88 $87.75
Online N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
UOW College N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Offshore UOW students N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A

Domestic students

  • If you're eligible to pay the SSAF, you'll find it itemised on your fee statement in SOLS.
  • If you plan to pay the SSAF upfront, you may use the same payment method you use to pay your other fees (see your fee payment options).
  • If you plan to defer the SSAF, you can access an SA-HELP loan. You must set this option in SOLS prior to the fee due date.

International students studying in Australia

  • Your SSAF will need to be paid upfront by the 2024 due dates outlined below. You may use the same payment method you use to pay your other fees (see your fee payments options).

The SAF fee is due the date after census date. To find out when the due date is visit the key dates website.

Australian citizens or permanent humanitarian visa holders who are eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP will be able to access a loan to cover the Student Services and Amenities Fee under a new SA-HELP scheme.

Federal government legislation determines what UOW can spend your fee on:

  • providing food or drink to students on a campus of the higher education provider;
  • supporting a sporting or other recreational activity by students;
  • supporting the administration of a club most of whose members are students;
  • caring for children of students;
  • providing legal services to students;
  • promoting the health or welfare of students;
  • helping students secure accommodation;
  • helping students obtain employment or advice on careers;
  • helping students with their financial affairs;
  • helping students obtain insurance against personal accidents;
  • supporting debating by students;
  • providing libraries and reading rooms (other than those provided for academic purposes) for students;
  • supporting an artistic activity by students;
  • supporting the production and dissemination to students of media whose content is provided by students;
  • helping students develop skills for study, by means other than undertaking courses of study in which they are enrolled;
  • advising on matters arising under the higher education provider's rules (however described);
  • advocating students' interests in matters arising under the higher education provider's rules (however described);
  • giving students information to help them in their orientation;
  • helping meet the specific needs of overseas students relating to their welfare, accommodation and employment.

UOW spending priorities based on student feedback

  • SSAF fees will be spent on infrastructure, capital or other projects of a one-off nature that deliver ongoing service improvement benefits to students.
  • The University believes that funds raised from students at non-Wollongong locations should be re-invested at non-Wollongong locations.
  • The Student Services and Amenities Fee is charged biannually to students to fund services and facilities which benefit students.

Further information about the Student Services and Amenities Fee, including frequently asked questions and access to the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines, is available from the Department of Education.

You can also contact Student Central via e-mail at askuow@uow.edu.au or call 1300 ASK UOW.

These SSAF funded events really help, especially in wellbeing, because between studies and work, I do not get time to focus on myself. When I get involved in these events I get a chance to think about myself or do a self-care activity like Wellness Wednesdays - these are regular reminders to check on myself. Kaamakshi