If you are enrolled in a distance subject, live in a remote area and are not able to travel to one of UOW's exam centres or affiliated organisations, you will be required to find a supervisor who can provide suitable arrangements for your exam.
Who can be my supervisor?
- must not be your relative, your friend, or a friend of your family
- must not have any vested interest in your studies
- must be able to speak, read and write in English
- must be able to keep the exam materials locked in a secure location before the exam
- must agree not to divulge by any means the contents of the exam paper to any person
The examination supervisor must be a current member of one of the following professions AND is able to provide evidence to that effect in the form of a business card or original letterhead, or in the case of a Justice of Peace or police officer, a badge number or ID number::
- Approved staff member at a higher education institution (preferred)
- Minister of religion or other religious leader
- Police officer
- School teacher
- Justice of the Peace
- Certified Practising Accountant, Chartered Accountant or Chartered Engineer
- Solicitor
- Librarian
- Doctor
How to nominate a supervisor
To nominate a supervisor, download the application form and return it to the Exams Team by email or fax +61 2 4221 4691.
Nomination of Distance Examination Supervisor form
Nominations must be received at least one week before the release of the exam timetable. Failure to nominate by this deadline will result in arrangements not being made for your end-of-session exams. A member of the Exams Team will contact you via our UOW mail account to prompt you to start making arrangements.
Terms and Conditions
Communication from the exam team will be via UOWmail. You need to check your UOWmail account regularly for an email confirming the exam arrangements. You will also receive a personalised exam timetable on SOLS when the final timetable is released.
If you arrange for your own exam supervisor be aware that you must take the exam at the same date and specified time (Eastern Standard Time) as the published exam timetable. Where this is not practical in overseas exam centres, you must advise the exam team as soon as possible and request that an alternative time be approved. Such requests will be considered in consultation with the Head of the Academic Unit.
It is your responsibility to submit nomination forms, with appropriate evidence, in the manner and timeframe as prescribed by the University. Failure to do so may result in the exam arrangement not being finalised and you may not be able to complete your assessment requirements.
Any reasonable costs incurred for distance exams conducted in Australia will be met by the University. Any costs you incur sitting your exams overseas will be your responsibility and will not be reimbursed by the University.