Janet Cosh Herbarium

The curator’s position at the Janet Cosh Herbarium is currently vacant. This position was funded from the Janet Cosh Bequest made in 1989. Unfortunately, the bequest was expended in 2020 and currently there seems to be no alternative funding within the University of Wollongong.

However, resources to support the Herbarium are still available within the School of Earth, Atmospheric and Life Sciences.


Specimen collection

UOW archives

The Australian Women’s Register

Flowering Wonderfully, the Botanical Legacy of Janet Cosh (2012)

A BEQUEST to the Janet Cosh Herbarium is a rewarding way to leave a lasting legacy to botanical education and taxonomic research and show a commitment to the environment. Janet Cosh understood this when she made a bequest in 1989 to establish the Janet Cosh Herbarium. The integrity of Janet’s bequest has been honoured by the University of Wollongong for over 30 years.

UOW Donors can contribute towards sponsorships and bequests which are managed by the UOW Advancement Division.

Donations made to the Janet Cosh Herbarium may be tax-deductible.

Projects funded by sponsorships or bequests related to the Janet Cosh Herbarium will be managed by the Herbarium Director.

For further information contact:

Director, Professor Kris French: kris_french@uow.edu.au.

UOW Fellow, Jean Clarke: jean_clarke@uow.edu.au