Fees and regulations

Fluorescence Imaging and Flow Cytometry

Internal use fees


Hourly rate

Honours student subscription

Subscription (Tier 1)*

Flow Cytometry (low end)




Flow Cytometry (all systems including high end) 




Light Microscopy user (low end)




Light Microscopy user (all systems including high end) 




IVIS Spectrum CT and REFEYN




Cell Sorting

$100/hour assisted FFS

(includes nozzle $40)



Fee for service (FFS) – staff assisted services


includes acquisition and basic analysis



*Subscription includes:

  • Tier 1 (up to 300 hours of instrument use)
  • Tier 2: 300 > 500   hours: hourly rate $10 (each consecutive hour over 300 hours)
  • Tier 3: 500 > 1000 hours: hourly rate $5   (each consecutive hour over 500 hours)

Commercial use fees


Commercial Subscription (Tier 1*)

Commercial Hourly Rate

Flow Cytometry (low end)



Flow Cytometry (all systems including high end) 



Light Microscopy user (low end)



Light Microscopy user (all systems including high end) 



IVIS Spectrum CT



Mass Photometry



Cell sorting


$300/hour assisted service, price includes setup and nozzle ($40)

Training on all systems


$500 per user, per Modality*

Fee for service (FFS) – on request


Contact Facility Manager

*NOTE  Subscription designed for long-term projects

  • Tier 1 (up to 100 hours of instrument use)
  • Tier 2: 100 > 300  hours: hourly rate $10 (each consecutive hour over 100 hours)
  • Tier 3: 300 >500 hours: hourly rate $5 (each consecutive hour over 300 hours) 

*Modalities are defined as Fluorescence Imaging, Flow Cytometry, Animal Imaging and Mass Photometry

Equipment classification

Imaging equipment

High end:

  • SP8 Advanced Confocal FALCON (White Light Laser – Fast Lifetime CONtrast)
  • SP8 Confocal (4 lasers: 405 nm, 488 nm, 552 nm, 638 nm)
  • DMi8 THUNDER Inverted 3D Live Cell Fluorescence Microscope (unique tech; speed, software - requires less time to image high quality)
  • DMi8 TIRF (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence)

Low end:

  • Stereoscope THUNDER Imager Model Organism
  • Nikon Ti2-U Microscope and Microinjector
  • DM IL LED Inverted Fluorescence Microscope

Flow Cytometry

Cell Sorter: SONY MA900

High end: LSRFortessa X20 (R and L), Attune NxT (4 laser and 3 laser)

Low end: Accuri C6

Animal Imaging

  • IVIS Spectrum CT - Animal Imaging

Mass Photometry