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UOW supports free speech

UOW supports free speech

Safety, respect and inclusion a priority for campus

The University of Wollongong (UOW) upholds the principles of academic freedom and free speech, encourages open expression, free and respectful debate, and respects the right to peaceful protest. We strongly support free speech but have no tolerance for any form of racism, vilification, hate speech, threatening speech, bullying, harassment or any form of discrimination.

We are committed to and have a duty of care to create an inclusive and safe University environment that promotes cultural safety through respectful behaviour. 

UOW has a range of policies that apply to activities on our campuses and in our communities, including the Campus Access and Order Rules, Student Code of Conduct, Anti-Racism and Cultural Safety Policy and our Workplace Health and Safety Policy.

Protest activity

On 22 May 2024, the Gaza Solidarity Encampment protestors removed their encampment from the Wollongong campus. The University will continue to keep open lines of appropriate and respectful communication with the protestors, impacted student groups, and other relevant stakeholders.  

The University welcomes the opportunity to engage in open expression and debate, but not at the expense of safety, respect and inclusion for all students and staff.

Research, defence and student exchange partnerships

The recent protests have raised several issues that are addressed below.

UOW partners across a number of industries with universities and commercial entities around the world.  We recognise and support the opportunities these create for all academics to work together on world-leading innovations.

UOW is one of 20 Australian universities that has partnered with the DMTC, which aims to develop technology solutions and provide advice enabling industry to enhance Australian defence and national security capability.

In the spirit of enriching the experiences of all our students, we partner with over 200 international universities, furthermore UOW welcomes the opportunity to host students from around the world through our student exchange program.