UOW Reconciliation Action Plan 2022
Our vision is a reconciled, united Australia where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are positioned as the knowledge holders of history, Country and culture. We will create teaching, learning and working spaces that are based on trust and respect; are free from bias and discrimination; and value our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff and students.
A dramatic and significant shift has occurred at UOW that shines a light on our institution’s evolving commitment to addressing the plight of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples through truth-telling, cultural safety, and healing.
The UOW leadership team are committed to walking the reconciliation journey as allies with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colleagues and community. We are committed to the tough conversations and changes needed ahead.
We exist to be fearless in the pursuit of our purpose and to create a movement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander allyship at UOW that will hold a shared vision for the future.